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Psalm 96 A Call to Worship the LORD the Righteous Judge

Get connected to God, and stay conned!

  • Psalm 96

    A Call to Worship the LORD the Righteous Judge.

    1Sing to the LORD a new song;
    Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
    2 Sing to the LORD, bless His name;
    Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.
    3 Tell of His glory among the nations,
    His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.
    4 For great is the LORD and greatly to be praised;
    He is to be feared above all gods.
    5 For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
    But the LORD made the heavens.
    6 Splendor and majesty are before Him,
    Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. 7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples,
    Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
    8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory of His name;
    Bring an offering and come into His courts.
    9 Worship the LORD in holy attire;
    Tremble before Him, all the earth.
    10 Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns;
    Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved;
    He will judge the peoples with equity.”

    11 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;
    Let the sea roar, and all it contains;
    12 Let the field exult, and all that is in it.
    Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy
    13 Before the LORD, for He is coming,
    For He is coming to judge the earth.
    He will judge the world in righteousness

Sermon: “Don’t walk by me and not speak to me…”

Sunday March 11, 2012 – 11:30 a.m. service

Verbatim / Uncut, unedited sermon notes From Dr. Jamal H. Bryant

Notes Taken by:  Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas

* Empowerment Temple Church – 11:30 service

Sermon Title:  Don’t walk by me and not speak to me…

Subtitle.. :”You know you saw me.. Don’t you dare walk be me and not speak to me…”

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Scripture: Ezekiel 16: 4-6 – . 4On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. 5No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out into the open field, for on the day you were born you were despised. 6“‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!”a 7I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels’ Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare.

It’s amazing ladies and gentleman when we follow God… It’s not until we find the qualities of God where he began to move like the unmoved mover.. He is omnipresent and at the same place at the same time…

In chapter 9, he is no longer moving he is now taking steps..When Matthew is found eating with Republicans.. He stopped to feed, but not stop because he was a good steward over his temple..

There was a man on the way on his walk… A man approached him and said that my daughter is ill and died… He began to walk with him… People that ran together   – That’s who I run with – that’s how you solidify the expression that‘s who you run with.. Our grandparent came up with the expression He walks with me… You don’t get close to God until you walk with him..

I just told the master my child is dead, and he is walking… It looks like your child is going through and not getting better… He is going to get to your child, but he wanted to see what kind of faith you were going to have…

Now there is a woman who has an issue of blood… He is not thinking about her, but she is walking with him..

What happens when you are talking to God but it seems like you don’t hear me… You can be legitimately walk with God and still have issues..

You can walk with God and he can give you a crazy ideal… The reflection of walking with God, is you don’t think at the same level as everybody else.. You don’t’ think like the book… You have to figure out a way to do it… You can’t do that way, and then they think its wrong… You have to think out of the box..

Said if I could just touch the hem of his garment… Matthew Chapter 9 here comes two blind men… They woke up and said, we are going to get our vision..

You can only walk with people that see like you see.. Believe that your tomorrow is going to be better than your yesterday…

If two or three are touching and agreeing, in the midst you will be also..

If you walk with God you are going to see your children in new light that you have never seen before..

Are you ready, there is no jealousy because whoever shouted with you, they are going to get blessed with you..

They confirm praise…  They call him the son of David.. you cannot authentically worship God is in Christ.. You have to make sure you know they are in God…  If it had not been for the Lord that was on my side where would I be…

When Noah came out of the flood. They came out two by two.. If you want to get out of this, I dare you to lift up your voice like both of us is getting ready to get out of this..

The leader now tell the two blind mind to be quite.. The people that told them to be quite had vision… You have to praise him with someone that has Faith and vision like you..

The oil does not stay in one place, and the oil has to be transferred… I was not here on last week because I went to march in Selma, Alabama….  Back in the day when my grandfather march they did not know what was going to happen.. They did not know whether they were going to be arrested..

When Dr. Jamal came to the march, the police gave him and escort…; Years ago, they were afraid of the police… They camped outside when they marched years ago.. When I marched I went to the Hotel…

We are not suppose to struggle like our parents because everything would get better.

When he marched 47 years ago, we had no ideal that his grandson would have to march 47 years later… There had to be a gap until something did not transfer…

Peter assumed the position and began to walk into God’s footsteps… He had no oil, but sick people got healed… He did not preach or prophesy.. He just walked…

God told me to tell you, according to the way you walk, people are going to get delivered.

When you walk into the job demons are going to get delivered.

It’s hard to keep walking when you been walked on, walked over and walked to the side… Some of you don’t even know how you made it the way some people have treated you.. You still have your mind and is not going to no therapy because you now understand that they are not going to defeat the God that is in you…

Hear what the word of the Lord says:  When you were born you were despised… You had to go through some of the stuff when you were a child… You probably shoud not have to have went throught some of the stufr.. Some of the people that should have been protecting you..

When they entered the room they did not even want to cut the chord… When you are pregnant you feed off your mother’s strength.. The moment you come out of your mother’s womb, they were suppowe to cut the chord.. If you stay connected to long you will be contaminated… You should have cut the chord a long time ago because they are no longer healthy..

I am cutting the chord.. I am cutting the chord from every illegal relationship.. From everybody you have slept with.. From every childhood pain… God told me to tell you that the chord is cut… I am glad to be sepearted from some peopd…

When you were born they did not cut the chord and they  refused to wash you… It a jewish tradition that they have to wash off the

Sacred blood because your skin becomes hards..  Some people don’t’ understand you,  and they don’t understand why you are hard because you still have some areas that you are trying to  heal from… Life has made you hard from what you seen as child.. Not only did they not wash the blood off you, and they did not put salt on  the baby because they did not expect the baby to last…

Why it is to hard for you to realign with people from your past, they throw salt on you and  drag you back and remind you of what you use to do… God had to remind me that he has preservedme….   God shut the door right at the last minute, and I have to thank him for preserving me..

Ezekiel  16 5- They did not even find a cloth – When they found Jesus, they wrapped him in swaddling clothes…  This baby in Ezekial, they did not expect this baby to live, so they did not wrap him in  strips of cloth… With all the jealous friend’s , they did not expect you to last… They thought you should have broke by now… You even thought you should broke… You were even a coward to commit suicide,  and you wanted to break… You just got tired of it all.. I’m not even the depressed type of person… It’s just when ‘m done, I’m done… The old life wanted me to go back to the way I use to be.

You had a legitimate right to have a nervous breakdown.. What they did to you, you could have did it and plead self defense.. There  were times you wanted to curse and wanted to break.. You just got tired of the place you sere in .. Don’t even know who you real friends are… You don’t know what it feels like for people to sabotaged me… I just want them to be happy for. Me

And when he told the baby to live,  hair begin to grow.. Breast began to develop.. They begin gong  through puberty.. One verse pushed me 12 years ahead of schedule.. . While he was in the field he was under nourished,  malnourished…

I did not move this time up for nothing… When you give me praise, I’m restoring everything you lost the past 12 years.. I am making up to you wouded rejected worshipers.. I am restoring everyithing back to you sinve 2000.  I’m giving you a flashback..  You should be shouting now, thanking god for giving you a do over button.

My hair grew, my breast are starting to grow…  This baby is standing in this field naked.. I’m going to let you go this season naked… I’m gong to let you enemies see that you are anointed because you don’t’ have nothing but the glory on your life… I can shout even if I don’t have nothing..

I had to strip you to show you that you don’t need material things to give God glory.. I lost it all, but your glory is still on my life..  You can say like David, please don’t take the anointing off my life..

You’ve been waiting for 18 months fro someone to say “Live”

The person sitting behind you is sitting in you shadow…  When you began to worship, they are not going to have to go through what you went through… Just lift up your voice and say “live”…

God gave me this word 1:00a.m. in the morning for people who have been rejected and have mother problems’…  You still said I’m going to church because I need somebody to talk to me..

I want to talk to the people that feel like they just want to die… I have no fight left, and you cannot work yourself up to try again…. You don’t even have no passion left.. God told me to tell you that he is not going to let you die because there are some things he need to do in your life..

He stopped because he saw them kicking in their own blood… What’s on me is mu stuff, but  it is killing… My issues are praying that I get cleaned up… My issues are tired of feeding me.. I’m tired  of acting like I’m a test tube baby…  People don’t want  to hear yourself pithy… Some people have killed themselves in their minds>>>>

Meet me at the altar if you have self suicide in your mind… I have one word for you “LIVE”..

It’s a different kind of place when you have things and you still not happy.. When you are with someone and you still feel lonely… Come to Jesus so you don’t feel like you are being left in an open field.

Song Selection:  “I shall live!”

There are almost 2,000 people in the sanctuary.. I did not even come to preach to them.. There are about 7 of you.. You contemplated suicide..  God woke me up in Richmond, Virginia and I began to pray that God would cancel the suicide assignment.. Somewhere between Friday night and Sunday Morning, you contemplated suicide, I need you to come this alter…

I’m waiting on two men,  you need to get to me because your life depends on it…

There is another man that has red on, I’m looking for you.. Come right now… You are who I’m looking for… Push that back for me please… Thank you Lord… Take two steps up to me and face me this way.. The Lord woke me up and told me to tell you that  God is getting ready to give you peace about your business… You don’t understand about being broke.. God is getting ready to release to you two pieces of property because… You are going to mentor the people that you worked in the streets with..  He says he is getting ready to release to you some money that people owe for you.. The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the just…  They are getting ready to go to court, they are going to ask you to take care of their mother and their baby girl… I can’t hear nobody.. Will you lift up your voice and give god some Praise…

Somebody give God glory right where you are.. You shall Live!!!!

Praying for Tenaya:  I’m announcing it before I come…I’m getting ready to hug you, but this is a man that is getting ready to hug you don’t want nothing from you.. This hug is for that man that stole from you…

For the transfer of the anointing…  When a person falls out is not the only way you can transfer the anointing… God’s anointing has been transferred… God said stand!!!

Began Screaming: |”LIVE!”  “LIVE”  Lift up your voice and say: “You shall live!!”  Lift up your voice and say: “You shall live!!!”

And David declared: Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil because though are with me…  As we began walking through the sanctuary, let the devil know he is under your feet.. Begin walking now!!!!

Get into the aisle, and start walking like you are getting ready to start life over again..

I need every person standing:  Those of you in the room that don’t have a church home.. You are getting ready to walk the magnificent mile..

When God sees someone who has blood on them he has to stop and see about them..

No music, just naked.. No music.. When you realize that you are naked in a field, you know when you need to get yourself together.. Right now you are hearing the spirit of God talking to you saying you have to do better.. You have to get that off you…

Today is the day you start your life over… Wherever you are, consider your own thoughts and actions… Ask yourself the question:  Are you going to sit here and still be the same.. I am begging you to get connected to God… Some of you lived with a pack of wolves, but you are going to now live with some angels…

Come now, and get saved.. I don’t know where you are, but today is your day with destiny… Hallelujah.. I’m feeling a real pull in this section… I need you to come even now… I need someone to interceded… Empowerment, I wish you could get excited about this harvest…

Talk to someone behind you in your shadow and ask them are you saved.. Right where you are in the room.. I need you to come to Jesus… Yawl see this.. Somebody come on and give God glory…

There are still 4 more people to come…  Everybody who’s seated I need you to stand up.. I want you to cross sections and go talk to someone new, and see if they are saved..

Song Selection: “I Shall Live”
You are in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, joining the right church… I know that’s right!!!!

In order to walk into something, you have to walk out of something.. Thank the Lord that the blood is no longer on me, but I am now covered under the precious blood of Jesus..

These notes are Incomplete… I lost the Connection:  Notes taken by:  Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas – March 11, 2012 19:30 a.m. service – Uncut, Unedited and verbatim


Comments by Viewers on the Empowerment Temple chat line:  What are they saying?
Pam Bernard



Cyber Huggs to all the saints!:)) Have a blessed day and week!:)))

Kendraa Ella

Adios everyone ♥ God bless ! xoxo !

Hyacinthe Penn


Pam Bernard



Karen Perry

Do not stay on the ground with the turkeys instead Fly with the Eagles

Jeffrey Hairston


Sunshyne Johnson

Im saved

Yvette Gaither

Live! Accept Christ today

Yvette Gaither

the invitation: are you saved?Top of Form

Yes, I am saved and baptisted.

Pam Bernard


Karen Perry

God Bless you Pastor Pam

Jeffrey Hairston


Yvette Gaither

Live! Start your life with Christ today

Kendraa Ella

God bless you and I LOVE YOU TOO <333

Harry G. Smith III

Praying for souls…

Jeffrey Hairston


Karen Perry

Kendraa God Bless you and I love you

Yvette Gaither

the invitation: are you saved cybersaints? have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

Pam Bernard


Harry G. Smith III

Send somebody…God to be Saved…!

Kendraa Ella

YES Karen . He really is

Tiffany Dupye

This service is amazing!! Im blessed to have had a chance to here this sermon!! #LIVE

Jj Mcbride Simuel

Wasnt gonna catch 2nd service…Sooooo glad I did.

Gayla Griffin

Yes I’m saved…Thank you JESUS..

Pam Bernard


Tammy Meka S

Amazing word delivered today!

Yvette Gaither

the invitation: are you saved cybersaints, yes or no

Loretta Johnson

Walking….walking…..thank you God

Pam Bernard


Pat EversoBless

I shall LIVE and not die..I’m walking out of it..Thank you Jesus

Yvette Gaither

The doors of the church are open

Tammy Meka S


Melissa Paige

a spiritual hangover!

Christopher Covington


Gayla Griffin


Karen Perry

Lay a path before them telling them when to turn to the left and when to turn to the right


Mika St Fleur

Walk it out. and LIVE!!!

Yvette Gaither

You shall Live!

Charro RavensforLife Jones

I SHALL LIVE !!!! this is the end of that chapter I am starting all over again!!! thank you Jesus!!!!!!

Tammy Meka S

God Bless

Karen Perry


Pam Bernard


Ham Fame

thank god is in Jesus name

Shonah Bastian

Yes Lord!!!!!!!!!!

Mika St Fleur

I will fear no evil. God will be behind me always

Karen Perry

Your goodness and mercy willl be with them always

Pam Bernard


Charleen P. Walkes


MsTeri Kendle-Advocate


Dorothea Jackson

Praying for those who want to LIVE!!! (Pastor J.H. Bryant)…no thoughts of suicide…

Pam Bernard


Paula Smith


Tasha Wright

I am annointed even though i dont have anything but GLORY!!!!

Karen Perry


Shanda Brown

I’m pressing the do over button.

Evangelist Wilner Hubbard

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Ashley K Smith

‎@ Mahogany Kay Bennett AMEN SIS

Shonah Bastian

thank you lord!!!!!!!!!!

Pam Bernard


Trenece Meadows


Tammy Meka S

This is a new chapter in my life, starting today!!

Tiffany Bruce

when you give me praise whatever you thought you lost I’ restored it!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!! Everything you been through I am restoreing it I’m giving it back to you!!!!!

Karen Perry


Cathy Jones

It’s daylight savings time! Thank You God!!!!!!

Ann Johnson


Lorna Daly


Paula Smith

That is when my mother died 12 years ago.

Valorie Hopkins

Live! Live! Live!

Karen Perry


Pamela LoveuLouis Bradley
Today my new chapter begins for me from this day forward

NikkiShannon Wilson

don’t live to please people!!

Quashauna Sawyer

live live is what god want me to do

Phoenicia Walker

Jesus…LIVE! My God!

La-Tee Tate


Tya Newton

Ezekiel 16:7

La-Tee Tate


Evangelist Wilner Hubbard

Jesus Blood Power Anoint Gife Love

Karen Perry

Live Live Live

Tasha Wright


Shonah Bastian


Paula Smith


Charleen P. Walkes


Paula Smith

When one chapter ends another one begins!

Stacey Haynes

Live, live, live!!!!!!!

Joann Nether Mcwilson

Live….today begins the next chapter in your life!!!

Martin A. Bryant

Just live

*Verbatim/ Uncut  Incomplete notes:  Taken by Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

Sermon Title: “You got another thing coming…” Dr. Jamal H. Bryant

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Uncut / Sermon notes… Taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

*Verbatim / Uncut, unedited sermon noted From Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Sunday March 11, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. service

Empowerment Temple Church – 9:30 service

Sermon Title:  “You got another thing coming…”

Opening Prayer

Opening Song:  Yes, yes..

Announcements: Pastor Lemons – He is asking the youth to register free of charge to come to the annual youth conference… We are asking that people that have a heart for this generation..

Choir Selection:  You are worthy to be praise.. You are Alpha and Omega… We worship you our Lord… You are worthy to be praised…

Dr. Jamal Bryant… “Thank the Lord, because God still answers prayers…”

Dr. Jamal thanked the staff for moving forward in his absence on last week while in Selma, Alabama for the March so African American could secure voting right.. It’s now in jeopardy, and that do not take that gift for granted.. People laid their lives down for us to vote..  They are challenging each black church to register at least 20 people in each churches all around the world…  Comcast and Revolt are coming on board to open up more networks.. Empowerment temple will be on 5 days a week on Comcast…

They will be doing voters registration next Sunday in the lobby.. After next week, we will be  able to registrar from your phones…

Maryland is in trouble.. We have not had one black representative in Maryland since the election of President Obama..

Scripture:  Ezekiel Chapter 3: 16 -17  At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me:

 Sermon Title:  You got another thing coming…

After the ridiculous rant of Rush Limbaugh, calling someone a slut and prostitute..

42 groups have resigned from his program.. How could he have such harsh language against someone he never met.. People were outraged and rose up against him..


Women are being under attacked… Men cannot sit around while our women are being berated by powerful white men.. While I ask those 42 sponsors what they did… when Rush Limbaugh said in 2003 said why all of the criminal resemble Jesse Jackson…

Why didn’t he get  reprimanded when he said the NFL look like the blood and crisps only with a football..


When a black woman called his program, he told an African American woman to take the bone out of your nose and call back.. Where was the outrage when he called President Obama a Hafricen and an illegal alien … He lost his sponsors but it didn’t matter because his sponsors have already been replaced.. It like loosing a little bit of your fires… You loose a little bit but you still have a lot… Jim Crow… I want it to be sent to Rush Limbaugh, that he needs to choose his next words about our women, our children and our president.. If he think he can keep disrespecting the people that  helped build this country… There are going to be some repercussion if he puts his mouth on our women, our children and our President,…

There was another man that was removed from his job for making a statement about gays and homosexuals.. He has not gotten his job back.. But they say if you say something about African Americans, you are just exercising freedom of speech..

You have to be careful when you are anointing,,, they have to be careful what they say to you… It’s not the responsibility of other’s to degrade your character because the anointing is on your life.. They don’t know that the words that they put out on your are getting ready to boomerang… The power of life and death are in the power of the tongue…   Out of your mouth you can loose on earth that you loose in heaven.. Words are important, if you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you from all unrighteous… The devil is  amazed that you will still come to church and use your words.. It’s through God’s word that you believe in faith.. Without God words your prayer has no effect or results.. In order for prayer to work, you have to throw his words in his face.. God is a God that cannot lie… You told me that you were gong to supply all of my needs… In the time of trouble, you said you would hide me.. You have to throw his word in his face… The only words God used to be build the earth.. was  Let there be.. When I use my words, things will be begin to manifest.. If  you want something you need to open your mouth… Closed mouths do not get fed… Open your mouth and speak what you need… Please be seated right where you are….

50 times in the book of Ezekiel, watch what Ezekiel says:  In this book and the word of the Lord came to me… This word is not for cradial-rolls.. This is not for babes in Christ… There is an erroneous statement that says:  “Money come to me”   I came to announce to those that has an ear to hear.. The word that is getting ready to hear is going to be better than what you heard before… If you know there is a word that is getting ready to shake… Sir, Mam, Ladies and  Gentleman.. There is a word that is on it’s way to you that is gong to shift your assignment and meet you in your dream place.. There is word getting ready to come why he did not let the devil break you.. He is getting ready to send you a word to let you know that your child is not gong to break…

I need you to be braced.. I don’t know when that word is coming.. For some of you it is while you driving to work.. Some of you it will be in shower… He said I’ve been trying to get your attention because there is a word that I’ve been trying to give to you..

“There is a word coming to me…”  What I hear next is going to be better than what I heard before… It’s gong to be exceedingly above and beyond of what I can think or imaging… He is getting ready to send you a word who needs to be evicted from your space… He is getting ready to give you a word of wisdom.. He is getting ready to give you prophetic words… some of you are gong to get a word you do not want to hear.. No he is not the one for you.. NO, you will not go there… No….

Lord I need just one word about my situation.. I’m tied of feeling like I’m in this thing by myself… I’m tired of people telling me stuff.. I need a word from the Lord… The word that is coming to me, I don’t need to prophesying to me or leaving no long message on my answering machine…  What God is gong to say to me he is gong to say it direct…

Ezekiel.. Chapter..19 _I am making you a watchman…  The A Word comes to Ezekiel… I am creating a new job for you… I am getting ready to move you into a position where you did not even apply for.. I see  your skills… I’m getting ready to show you where you getting ready to work in ministry.. When I put you in position, you are not going to  have to wait for no one to sign off…   Because I created this position for you..

I am making you a watchman.. Hear the words of the Lord…  Hear it is… I’m in Ezekiel.. I am making you a watchman… Hear the word of the Lord!!!!    What are you saying::  A watchman job is only to see… Watch this – what you are getting ready to see is what you heard in prayer… God said, brace yourself.. I just need you to look for it…

This is of no effect for people who do not have a prayer life.. Everything you heard me say you are getting ready to see it in the next 90 days… I aint seen it but I believe it is on the way… I see some things in the spirit realms that  has not yet come to pass, but i heard the voice of the Lord…

Whatever you heard God say in prayer is what  you are getting ready to see God do in real life… Your only job right now.. You don’t even have to ask him about it no more.. I just need you to look for a sign… What I’ve been telling you in the middle of the night.. What I’v e been telling you as a child… All I need you to do is to look for what you heard..

And the word become flesh and dwelt amongst us… Your prayer is getting ready to take on ta life of its; own.. It”s getting ready to move around you.. My God is able to do just what he said he is gong to do…  You must not see it.. I’m trying not cry because God just showed me my business… I just seen myself at a different address. My child is going to be ok…

Preachers, I need you to grab this part… when Satan came to the wilderness to tempt Jesus… In the attempt to attempt him Jesus said “It is written”  He is so focused in the face of temptation… he knew that God’s word over his life is too powerful to be distorted.. In Jeremiah when God give you a word he puts his name on it… The reason the devil is having victory  is because you have followed church talk.. When you hear soothing you go into church talk and say I bind it… When Jesus confronted the devil he never said I bind it…  God said start saying the words you hearts.. I am the head and not tail… I am the lender and not the borrower…

This Proclamation is not for new found believers… I cannot spoon feed you.. This is fork and knife… John 15 says If you abide and me, I will abide in you… If you abide in my word.. If you ask what is not an emergency.. If you abide in me and stand on the word I gave you… If you desire, and you want it because you just want it and I stand in your word…

I took 31 minutes to get to you just one point.. I’m sorry the run way has been so long to get to the point.. God told me as I was coning back from Chicago.. Tell the 9:30 you’ve had an incredible testimony.. You have seen some things.. You’ve seen some curses being broken.. Buckle up because you have another thing coming… The thing that is getting ready to come to you is the best thing you have ever had.. A word for your life for the word that’s coming… It’s not ever there yet but I give him glory for the word that is coming to me…

Hallelujah.. I just need you to high five 5 people and tell them that “I have another thing coming”…

Lift your hands right where you are… I don’t know where you are but somebody needed that word on today.. Ezekiel said, the word of the Lord came to me.. On on diving assignment is that the word you need is on it’s way to you .. what YOU Needed to get clarity about, it’s on it’s way to you…  Those that can operate in a level of faith… Not for the word you have already received but for the word that is coming..

I need you to lift up your voice… There is a word coming to me….

I want you to take your neighbors hand…. It is therefore ladies and gentlemen… Chapter 17 the lord makes Ezekiel. a watchman.. had he not taken the job in chapter 3 he would have missed his position to see dry bone.. God was preparing him in an earlier chapter to prepare him for something he was getting ready to see.  What God is getting ready to show you is not good or the perfect condition….. You don’t know that I’m shouting you to fix the situation.. You keep praying for perfectly situation… But God is looking for you to be able to fix some raggedy, broke down, chaotic situations… You  don’t even know that you are the one  to be able to fix it… Can dry bones live again.. Everything you’ve been looking at that is out of order is getting ready to come together and find order… Open up your voice like you are getting ready to see it… Lift up your voice…

Take YOUR Neighbors hand and life it above then head.. Thank you Lord for letting me see… Lord i’m sorry for being upset.. Lord I never thought you would put me in this place… I anointed you to fix broken stuff… You marriage is getting ready to get healed.. Whatever is gong on with your money is getting ready to get right.. The drama that has been going on your job is getting ready to be fixed… Hug two people and tell them that you are anointed to fix it…

I’m anointed to fix it!!!!    Lift up your voice and say “I AM ANOINTED TO FIX IT”..

I really feel hostage to this word right now… You are sir, Mam… Anointed for chaos… And every now and again, God brings chaos into your life just so you can show off your anointed to show the devil that you are not a pushover…

When you look back over your life the stuff you survived, those issues would have drove you crazy.. You would have been in jail or hurt somebody, but I am anointed… People don’t understand that you are so use to drama that it don’t even take you off guard when people try to play…. It don’t even phase you because you have been anointed for chaos….

Whatever you heard, you are getting ready to see…

I want to extend a personal invitation to you like it’s just me and you in the room…

You need a church that can help you deal with chaos and deal with the issues you need to deal with…

I did not know you could be anointed for confusion.. I had no ideal that I could gauge my anointing.. My level of confusion is a reflection of your anointing… After saying all of that… I must be anointed…

This is the kind of church i need to be in to get a word from the Lord… I know God will meet me right where I am at, but will not leave me where I am… God changed the time around to make you rush toward your destiny…

Meet me at the alter if you know you need to get saved and get to God… I need you to come even right… I don’t know where you are, but there is a call on your life…

I started speaking this word to you since you were in your mother’s womb… there are 7 more people that need to get it right with the Lord… I’m waiting on 5 more of you…God said I have spared you for this day and this hour.

I need you to talk to two people and ask them are you save… Empowerment here comes the harvest…  There are two more that needs to be at this alter…. God told me to tell you that you are worth the wait..  There is one more that needs to come… Look at your neighbor and ask them if you are the one that is holding up the service…

You are in the right place at the right time, serving the right God.. Give God glory, there goes one more soul coming to Christ…

God is waiting on you….  Give God some Glory…

You are in the right place at the right time, joining the right church…

There is a brother in the room that needs to come… I don’t know where you are…

Stretch your right hand out… No music please… It’s  an older person that I am looking for that needs to come…. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all  you can ask..

There is a family that needs to be at the alter…. It’s an unorthodox family, may grandmas and child….  There we go…

You are in the right place at the right time, joining the right church, doing the right thing…. If you know that is right, give God a hand clap of praise….

I feel a glory cloud in this room… I feel a weight of glory.. If you could just give God a real praise of Glory right where you are.. Worship him.. Lift up your voice…   You are worthy Lord of all the Praise… Yes Lord… Bless the Lord… You may be seated in the presence of the Lord..

Take you neighbor by the hand, right where you are.. Bless his holy name… Hallelujah…

It;s already 11;00 o clock.. Began praying for whomever hand you are holding… I need you to begin praying for the people on the internet… I[‘m believing that God is getting getting ready to do something  unusual… He is getting ready to do something supernatural…  God said, If I can just hear your voice… I’m getting rid of your legal issue…

Make sure somebody’s hand is in your hand… I know those that are watching on the internet over slept… But I need you to get  up and get dressed and meet for a miracle… I’m not leaving until God releases a miracle… Let me hear you worship him.. You don’t even realize what is getting ready to happen in this room… Come on and give God some glory…

Dr. Bryant Prophesied to:  “Alesha,  “God is getting ready to release a parental issue and free that man out of your spirit.. If you trust him, by 2014 you are going to walk down the aisle of this church and get married…”


Noted taken by:  Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas – March 11, 2012 19:30 a.m. service – Uncut, Unedited and verbatim




Don’t sweat it… – 7:30 sermon By: Dr. Jamal H. Bryant

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A worship experience that will change your life forever!
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Sr. Pastor, Empowerment Temple Church, Baltimore, Maryland

Uncut/Unedited Verbatim Sermon notes from
March 11, 2012 sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Thomas

Scripture Text: Leviticus 16

Sermon Title:    “Don’t sweat it”

It’s not that serious.. Don’t sweat it.. In 1996 Dr. Richard Carlson released a book called: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

He tapped into the vein of people that worry about more than one thing at a time.. He evaluates the time we invest in anger and the effort we put into anxiety.. He claims that the reason we let stuff get into out heads is because we let stuff get to our hearts..

Worrying is not having faith .. Don’t sweat the small stuff… The opening page should give you a revival..

Chapter 1) Think of what you have instead of what you want.
Chapter 2) Surrender to the fact that life is not fair…
Chapter 3) It’s more important to be kind than to be right..
Chapter 4) Appreciate your day on earth it may be your last…
Chapter 5) Don’t sweat the small stuff.

It gives us views on living an appropriate life style… There are so many people that are nervous about their assignment..

Exodus Chapter 19: made Dr. Bryant clap his hands – Because Exodus 19: 6 – You will be for a kingdom of priests.. A priest is a mediator between heaven and earth.. Someone who has the right and respectability to negotiate between heaven for a biblical response..

Exodus chapter 19; Moses said:  “I want the entire nation to be priests” Everyone is suppose to have the authority to handle things on earth.. Young folks and some should have power to navigate on earth..The people who were considered the children of God were suppose to operate… Adam was the original Priest… He failed in his responsibility because he failed in his authority…

God never spoke to Eve, he told Adam to disciple them.. Had he cultivated the ministry, the person that crossed him would not have had no authority to violate him..

Being the royal priesthood, God called them to raise the standards… The Israel lights were intended to be the Priest… When you have authority, you know who you are in God.. By your signs and wonders, you still work in supernatural powers..

The children of Israel did not know their supernatural power… They became Levits… In Leviticus, it gives you the responsibility of a Priest… The Priest got arrogant, so God had to raise up a Prophet because the Priest was not doing their job… So many have gotten drunk, and forgotten their voices because they do not know their influence..

God said I am going to raise up a high Priest which is Jesus Christ… When you were anointed, you were anointed to be a priest… The chief responsibly to be a chief is to be an intercessor… They were not just praying for themselves, but they were praying for other people… It’s something wrong with people that are anointed and are not praying for people…. You are not anointed to be independent.. I’m anointed to intercede… I am anointed to intercede on someone else’s behalf….

Your gift to intercede is better than the gift of singing, or preaching.. It’s more significant than the gift of  laying on hands.. The devil know if you knew that something was gong to happen you would be praying and interceding even before hand. Even when I can’t pray for myself, I can pray for somebody else… It becomes frustrating…

I am more influential in praying for other people than I am for praying for myself… For those that know they have a priestly anointing.. When it comes to our own stuff, we don’t know what to say or what to do because we were not anointed for ourselves…

We have to have someone else to pray for us… You were anointed to pray for someone else.. Someone is getting ready to get an eviction stopped because of your prayer.. Somebody case is getting thrown out of court because of your prayer.. I’m dangerous when I walk as an intercessor of God… God has anointed me to intercede for other people…

Exercise, and brace your self and declare out loud this affirmation that: “I’m anointed for other people” – Some of yawl are selfish, but some of us still try to give to other peopel… Some of us use to get mad because mamma use to give everything to other people, and you would get mad, but God has put the same mantle on you..

In order to function as a priest, you ave to present yourself accordingly… Put on the linen under garment.. Make sure the under garments are tight, and make sure you bathe yourself in water before you put it on…. Most of us are use to Ephesian.. Put on the whole armor of God.. It is an outfit for warfare… What we find in Leviticus chapter 19 is an outfit for intercession… It goes under as a garment before you put on the whole armor of God…

Put on linen under garments… Why does he not just say undergarment, and is detailed and say the kind of fabric.. He said I need your under garments made of linen… Linen is the only fabric that breaths and it absorbs the atmosphere… Linen is incredible because it breathes and have to have it’s own ventilation….

You are not suppose to perspire in God’s presence.. Why? Sweat is a symbol of rebellion against God… In Genesis chapter 3 said, since you listen to your wife and did not listen, I am cursing the ground, and everything you get , you will get from the sweat from your brow… Before, he got everything easy because he was obedient… Now he has to get it in sweat because of disobedience… It was never God’s intention for you to work hard or struggle.. Struggle is the sign that I did not pay attention when God was speaking to me.. What I should be doing is getting a sweat less attempt.. Sweat is using your own intelligence to meet a goal or to be fed… A lot of people work themselves up shouting while they are in church because they did not work at all during the week… The problem is they did nothing and there is no fruit to their labor…

In this season of your life, ladies and gentleman who are in the room.. it’s not about if you speak in tongues or stand in the $1,00O dollar prayer line… In this season, you will not sweat… You will get it in this season everything easy because you walked in the roll of a priest and interceded for someone else…

In Maryland they don’t own a home, but they do have a house.. They have food everyday even though they don’t cash a check… They have a car even when they did not put a down payment on one… They have the best doctors… You don’t have to worry about where you live or what you will eat…. You real faith is when you can look out for other people and your back is against the wall. You can’t pray for your self, but you want someone else to be healed…

His energy is going to get behind your effort.. All I have to do is try it… It up to God to do it… Some of us don’t know how much you had to deal with.. Most people say, I don’t know how you deal with this… They don’t know that I have on the garments of an intercessor on and it’s up to God to handle it…

This is for 19 of you.. The next thing you go after will not provoke you to go after any extra.. Your prayer life will give you what your need… When you have a prayer life, God will give you what you need… How many of us want a sweat less victory…

Take that garment and tie it around you like a sash… Tie it in your sensitive area… The issue that is in your heart that keeps creeping into your head… I’m getting ready to bless you publicly in private areas.. When people see you shout they are not gong to know what you are shouting about.. That thing that have been nagging and gnawing about… Because you put linen around it, God is going to protect it.. I know the bills are high and the bill collectors are calling…

Don’t put that linen garment on and you are dirty.. Do no attempt to pray with me, and you have not resolved your stuff. I can’t really trust you to pray for me because you can’t handle your own stuff…

I”m able to put on the linen garments because God cleaned me up from the inside out… You have to clean yourself… Do not clean yourself with Calvin Klein perfume.. In this hour when you clean yourself… You can only clean yourself using the word.. Praise will not clean you.. singing hymns will not clean you… A devotional life , and reading the word of God take nastiness and filth off of you.. It’s the word of God that cleans you.. You cannot be sanctified and you do not have any word in you… But when you mediate on it night and day… that word that i hid in my heart that I might not sin against you… It’s the word that is gong to clean you…

Leviticus Chapter 16 – After you put this on the garments.. Go on over the church.. Get over to the church and gather some incense… Put some fire on it… You will not be effectual in ministry if you do not put some fire on.. You have a zeal and passion for it… When God call you to do something.. You don’t need a reserve parking space or a title.. All you need is to give God glory because there is a call on my life…

Burn incense, because they will bring a different aroma in the room… I need aroma in the room to cover your stinch… I cannot even stand to smell you because your sin carries a scent.. You come to church smelling nasty… I can still smell the residue of the stuff you been in this week… Burn the incense so when I burn them them I don’t smell you..

Incense is a symbol of worshiper… I need you to begin to worship not because of the stuff he put on you… You let the enemy know that you have a lot to deal with but you are not sweating it… In spite of my child gong crazy and me not being able to find a job or a good relationship to be in… I’m not gong to let you see me sweat..

It’s now my shift to step in position to be a priest.. Although, I have my own circumstance, I have somebody going through some stuff close to me, but i only have one opportunity to worship… There is someone heavy on my heart… There is a friend of mine that cannot catch a break… The enemy thought if they put circumstances on me, I would stop being a priest… For God I live, for God I die… There are two people I need to get free before noon… I am a royal Priesthood, I am the head and not the tail… I am a lender an not a borrower… When I open up my mouth, It is not for me… I want to see them get a job, I want to see them out of that recklessness lifestyle…. But I am going to pray for somebody else while I have my own health problems… I am anointed to be a Priest, and i have the garment.t of praise

I woke up this morning with my mind staying on Jesus… Lift up your voice and stop begin selfish… I need you to pray for somebody else.. I need you pray exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or see… Say neighbor, somebody is getting free and delivered today because God pout them on ,my heart…

Act like this is my job, because Praise is what I do… He is worthy… Neighbor., I know it’s been rough, I know it’s been hard… but I have you covered…. I’m not shouting for me, but I’m shouting for everything you been going through… I( break the hand of the devil.. Every lie that rose up again you will be reversed… Every curse that have your name has been broken… I’ve been assigned to cover you in prayer… You are not going to sit next to me and be stressed out… You did not ever know that there is a Preist next to you… I speak over your life, Joy, Peace, Happiness… Come on and praise him…

If you find someone that has a real prayer life… Lift up our God.. Not for you, but stand in the gap for somebody else… Lift him up!!!!

I need you to lift up that hand.. You are anointed not for yourself… But you are anointed for someone else… I need you to out load speak their name for the person you need God to bless… Pray out loud on their behalf and dispatch angels… I need you to do something for her Lord… I know that you are able to present them from falling.. Please Lord I stand int he gap on their behalf… I need you to pray for that child, that friend of yours… That neighbor… The one that have not confided in you but you suspect something is wrong…. I need you to pray for them fight now… Hallelujahs…

My God answers prayer… From whomever the individual is, I want you to give God glory for them right now.. It’s not all about you, but I want you to give God glory for them… Whomever you have prayed for, I’m praying that God does something out right laddish and miraculous for them… Believe next Sunday that the person will be sitting next to you next Sunday..

Ladies and gentleman, you are anointed for somebody else…

The song says: I give myself away…. To live life is to die, but to die is gain…

I want someone right where you are to pray that someone is saved and the Kingdom is enlarged…

Those on line pray for whatever church you have your name on the roll… We pray that every prayer that was lifted be answered… There is a distinctive difference between hope and faith – You have to work… You have to work in order to have faith… I have faith today that someone is gong to get saved, and make Empowerment temple their new church home…
Seal it with a gift for the person you are giving for… The role is to give for somebody else.. The reality is that Jesus did not have to die, but he did for somebody else that we might live….

Those watching on line to give selflessness.. Give for somebody else and your self..

Noted Taken By: Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas – March 11, 2012 7:30 a.m. service


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Definition of MARRIAGE

1 a (1) : The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual    relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a    traditional marriage  b : The mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c : The institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2: An act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant    festivities or formalities 3: An intimate or close union See marriage defined for English-language learners ********************************************************************************************************************** 

Happy Sunday to all my readers and viewers all around the world.. I bring you greetings and happy tidings from World In Focus International Ministries…

As we continue on our 40 days of lent, we are now on day number 19 and today we discuss something I know nothing about (lol).. Ok I do know a little bit about being that my longest relationship I ever was in lasted for 12 years of pain. No marriage took place, but in California they will declare you common-law marriage if you live with a person interpersonal status that is legally recognized in limited jurisdictions as a marriage even though no legally recognized marriage ceremony is performed or civil marriage contract is entered into or the marriage registered in a civil registry. A common-law marriage is legally binding in some common law jurisdictions but has no legal consequence in others. In some jurisdictions without true common-law marriages, the term “common-law marriage” is used as a synonym for non-marital relationships such as domestic partnership or reciprocal beneficiaries relationship. A sui juris marriage might only apply in the United States in this form. Common-law marriage is often contrasted with the ceremonial marriage. _ Common-law marriages are unacceptable in our Christian community and are not of God. The best preacher or Minister in the world would condone it and would call it straight up Shacking!!!! a no, no!!!

What does the bible say about Marriage:  

Marriage Bible Verses

Quotes about Marriage – Marriage is a sacred vow between a man and woman and the Bible offers many verses that offer guidance for married couples, husbands, wives, newlyweds and engagement. Read verses from the Holy Bible about marriage in relation to God, Jesus Christ, and the Christian faith.
Use our Bible verses by topic page which lists popular verses from the Old and New Testaments.
  • Genesis 2:22-24

    Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.  The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman, ‘ for she was taken out of man.”  For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
  • Proverbs 5:18-19

    May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.  A loving doe, a graceful deer– may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love.
  • Proverbs 12:4

    A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
  • Proverbs 18:22

    He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
  • Proverbs 19:14

    Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
  • Proverbs 20:6-7

    Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?  The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.
  • Proverbs 30:18-19

    “There are three things that are too amazing for me, four that I do not understand:  the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden.
  • Proverbs 31:10

    A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
  • Deuteronomy 24:5

    If a man has recently married, he must not be sent to war or have any other duty laid on him. For one year he is to be free to stay at home and bring happiness to the wife he has married.
  • Matthew 19:4-6

    “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’  and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’ ?  So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
  • 1 Corinthians 7:1-16

    Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry.  But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.  The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.  The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.  Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.  I say this as a concession, not as a command.  I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.  Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am.  But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.  To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband.  But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.  To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.  And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him.  For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.  But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.  How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
  • Ephesians 5:22-23

    Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
  • Colossians 3:18-19

    Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.  Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.
  • Hebrews 13:4-7

    Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.  Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”  Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
  • Mark 10:6-9

    “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’  ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,  and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one.  Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Cited: Reference Material Credit: Marriage bible verse Int the dictionary, I found 38 entries to  define marriage: 38 ENTRIES FOUND: marriage (noun) marriage bed (noun) marriage broker (noun) marriage brokerage (noun) marriage chest (noun) marriage class (noun) marriage contract (noun) marriage flight (noun) marriage license (noun) marriage line (noun) marriage mill (noun) marriage of convenience marriage portion (noun) marriage settlement (noun) beena marriage (noun) Boston marriage (noun) celestial marriage (noun) civil marriage (noun) common-law marriage (noun) communal marriage (noun) companionate marriage (noun) Fleet marriage (noun) group marriage (noun) line of Marriage mixed marriage (noun) open marriage (noun) picture marriage (noun) plural marriage (noun) proxy marriage (noun) putative marriage (noun) Examples of MARRIAGE It was his second marriage. They have a very happy marriage. Her first two marriages ended in divorce. She has old-fashioned ideas about marriage. couples living together before marriage Many friends and relatives were present at their marriage. a priest who has performed many marriages a marriage of sweet and spicy flavors a marriage of science and art a marriage between form and function Origin of MARRIAGE Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry First Known Use: 14th century Related to MARRIAGE Synonyms: conjugality, connubiality, match, matrimony, wedlock [+]more Other Sociology Terms bourgeois, ethos, eugenics, exurb, incommunicado, intelligentsia, megalopolis, metrosexual, mores, subculture Rhymes with MARRIAGE   carriage What made you want to look up marriage? – Our 40 days of Lenten season where we are praying and discussing Marriages on today. Cited: Reference Material Credit: Marriage bible verse Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, President / CEO WIFI Ministries / March 11, 2012 04:10 a.m.

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I’m waiting on these people to make the transfer to World In Focus International Ministries… It shall happen this week.. I believe God that I pick up the pieces just where I left off with no interruption in my coverage… God is so good if we trust him with everything we have… I believe God…

I have outreach work to do, and if I have to do it under 2nd Corinthian until the transfer is made.. We can do that too because that ministry was good to me and my family and brought us out of the gutter….

I can never forget where I came from, but I’m so thankful where I am going..

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Home ownership (Mortgages) & 40 day Lent Schedule

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Home ownership (Mortgages)
2 Kings 8:6 “The king asked the woman about it, and she told him.  Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.”

Happy Saturday to all of my readers and viewers of World In Focus International Ministries.   (WIFIMinistries)…  Today as we continue on this wonderful 40 day journey of prayer  and our Lenten Season with Dr. Jamal Bryant and the Empowerment Temple Church family…  So far, this experience has been great and just keeps on getting better and better everyday.

This is a very easy subject to tackle on today being that my mom has sold real estate for over 30+ years, and my sister Shirley has done home and commercial loans forever.  Being that my family is well off into Real Estate and loans,  this terminology has been apart of my life since I was around 10 -years-old.   I hear a lot these days how the market has changed, so I have enclosed some updated information for anyone who may be interested in owning their own home of refinancing their home mortgage or commercial loan.

My Sister Shirley is an expert in this field, and would probably be more than happy to talk to you about all of your home mortage needs.  She is well qualified and was the President of  a major banking corporation for many of years before she branched into full commercial and home loans as a private consultant with Clarion Mortgage Company…

For all of your  Commercial / and Home Mortgages Needs and Real Estate Needs, I have enclosed three of the best in the business for all of your Real Estate and Mortgage Needs.   Please feel free to tell them that you were referred by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, WIFI Ministries (World In Focus International)   Corine Bolden, Realtor  Shirley Bolden, Senior Loan Consultant at Catalyst Lending, Inc. & my cousin James “Dig” Burtonwho is a  Broker/Owner at  Burton Realty Group – Las Vegas, NV. – / Ex-professional football player for the Chicago Bears.

Corine Bolden

Independent Real Estate Professional

Greater Los Angeles Area 
Real Estate
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Shirley Bolden – 

–Irvine, California (Orange County, California Area)

Financial Services
  • Senior Loan Consultant at Clarion Mortgage Capital
  • Loan Consultant at Chase Home Finance
  • UCLA
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Bachelor of Science, Economics

1973 – 1978


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Home ownership (Mortgages)

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Dr.  Jamal H. Bryant 

Lenten Daily Blog

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March 10, 2012: Homeownership (Mortgages) – Rev. Kathy J. Briggs

2 Kings 8:6 “The king asked the woman about it, and she told him.  Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.”

As a former Housing and Community Development professional, I know the significance of owning a home for a family, and the affect homeownership has on the stability of a community. During my tenure, I have been involved in numerous housing and community development projects across the country.  Homeownership for most in this country is the American Dream.  It is a form of security; it is an asset, an investment and a legacy.  However, for many, tough economic times have turned the dream into a nightmare, the asset into a liability, and investment into expenditure.  The number of bank owned properties have reached over 800,000 nationally.  Banks have foreclosed on homes; mortgages are under water; housing prices have fallen; people can no longer afford the mortgage due to unemployment; and many are participating in what is called strategic default, that is, they are walking away from bad bank loans.

No matter the reason, losing one’s house/home is devastating, painful, and stressful; no one wants to be homeless, no one wants his or her family or their belongings on the street.  President Obama understands the value of owning a house, and the effect of the current housing crisis. there is information to help those experiencing difficulty paying the mortgage, are in foreclosure or interested in becoming a homeowner.  Economist gage the recovery of the economy on the number of home sales, demand for new home construction, and the unemployment rate. However, Christians gage their personal economic recovery by what the Word of God says.  2 Kings 8:1-6, (paraphrasing), God had issued a famine and Elisha told the mother of the boy he had brought back to life, to leave her home for seven years.  The mother returned after seven years, and went to the king asking him to give her house and land back.  Unbeknownst to her the prophet Elisha was talking to the king about her and her son.  After she concurred that what the prophet had told the king was true, “the king assigned an official to her case, and told him to give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left until the present.”  This, my brothers and sisters is exactly what God is going to do for you!

Father God, I pray for every person who is experiencing a financial famine, who has or is about to lose their house.  I pray Lord that you will intervene and speak on their behalf.  That you will lead them to or bring someone to them that will help them during this time of crisis.  Please take away any feelings of embarrassment, pride, failure or defeat.  Do not let the enemy take their thoughts hostage.  Keep the family together.  I pray that every resource they need to buy a house, keep their house, get another house and pay the mortgage will be provided.  I pray for favor where there is a lack of funds.  I pray that after the famine is over they will be stronger, better and not bitter; and that they will be given back everything that belonged to them, with interest!  Press down, shaken together and running over.  It is so In Jesus name, Amen.

 March 9: Entrepreneurship — Min Donna D. Brown

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

In researching definitions of the word entrepreneurship, a particular phrase caught my attention: agents of change.  I thought this phrase gave the most perfect definition.  In addition to being creative, risk takers and innovative (all of which are characteristics of entrepreneurship), agents of change was the most defining.  To me, it was consistent with what we, in the body of Christ, are called to be; agents of change.  In this period of recession, it should not be a time of discouragement but motivation for believers.  This is the time to use the gifts and talents that God has blessed us with and create opportunities, not only for ourselves, but others as well. .  Through entrepreneurship we are able to model to the world His character in creating opportunities for others using equitable, fair, non-discriminating and non-disparaging business practices.  As agents of change/entrepreneurs we can change the unemployment rate, decrease the poverty rate, increase the economy,  restore hope and motivate others to take a risk in pursuit of their passion; be innovators of industry.  God declares, “behold I will do a new thing.”  We are the agents of God’s innovation.

In this season, you are not to be distressed by present conditions, but press toward that which God has placed in you; pursue your passion.  Remember God’s promises as He says in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  Imagine those plans coming to fruition:  the idea being implemented, the vision being realized, your purpose being fulfilled, the will of God working in your life.  The economy should have no impact on the body of Christ, but the word of God should be your blessed assurance of your prosperity in taking that leap of faith and being bold in knowing that with God you cannot fail.   For He has declared“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.  Be that agent of change in your own life, for your family, in your community and through your business.  Embrace the spirit of entrepreneurship; be an agent of change for the Kingdom of God!

Father we submit ourselves unto you as agents of change for your kingdom.  We thank you God for planting the seeds within us as creators and innovators of industry.  We thank you Heavenly Father for the divine vision that you have entrusted us with as we boldly go forth in faith, knowing  that we shall prosper and we cannot fail; for you are with us.  We go forth trusting that if you gave us the vision, Father, that it shall come to pass.  We thank you in advance for providing the resources, the people and the place to bring your plans to fruition.  We praise you Lord, for you have not given us the spirit of fear, but for giving us your blessed assurance.  Thank you Lord for opening up windows of opportunity and guiding us through the path toward our destiny.  Let us remain integrous in our efforts that our works will bring glory to you and blessings to your kingdom.  In Jesus blessed name we pray.  Amen.

March 8: HIV/AIDS – Min. Mwuese L. Igyor

As the body of Christ we must look at HIV and AIDS for what it really is; an attack on our communities. In particular it attacks the family. Who better to petition than Christ, the head of the family of believers, to breathe life into this world wide epidemic? As a child I remember times when I would go off to play and my father mentioned I should take my sister along. Then l realized that she deserved to be included as well. The Church cannot forget to include those who are affected by HIV and AIDS. Some allow stigma to create fear, while children are without parents, mothers are without children. The church must not be silent. Pray for each other so that you may be healed. (James 5:16) Look to Jesus as our exemplar in Matthew 9:35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. Remember Jesus is a healer.
In the name of Jesus we pray for a cure, we pray for the strengthening of those who are diagnosed, open doors for new research, and funding. We pray that God continues to touch the minds of those who are doing this good work in the physical realm as we count on Him to do it in the spiritual. Give us discernment in what to teach our children, discuss with our neighbors, and love as we do not ostracize or criticize, but evangelize to those who have HIV or AIDS. It is in Jesus name that we pray and are thankful Amen.
Today read:
1 Peter 4:8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude.
James 5:16 Pray for each other so that you may be healed.

March 7: Election – Minister Jeannette’ Sykes-Atkins

Election is defined as the right or ability to make a choice. Also, the theological definition is the selection by God of certain people for salvation and eternal life.
Point #1. I believe it is essential for us as Christians to know God’s will for us in government affairs such as elections. As Christians we are to speak the truth and present the truth to the world and bring out the truth, exposing any misconceptions. We are commanded by God to speak truth and to do truth to lead souls to Him. (Matt. 28: 18-20) “And Jesus came and spoke to them saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore” and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. “teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Point #2. As Christians we should know and understand that the ultimate authority in and over our lives is God. He has the first and last say in our lives. Therefore; any involvement in politics, elections or voting should be through guidance and teaching from the Word of God. We ought to seek, search, and study the Word to know what our responsibility is concerning a worldly duty such as electing anyone to a position that would give a candidate power in the arena of decision making. (Romans 13:1) “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
Lord You who created heaven and earth and made man in Your image; You who have given us free “Will” and the mind to do Your “Will” we seek Your direction and guidance during this important decision making time.
Help us to focus!
Help us to have faith!
Help us to be thankful for a country where freedom is a part of the election process.
We thank you and we give you honor and glory in Jesus Name. Amen!

March 6: Min. Tom Izzard – Opportunity

Matthew 7: 7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Prayer unleashes God’s power so that he is able to work in our behalf. Prayer opens the channels of God’s blessing. Prayer is how God accomplishes the things that he wants to see happen in our lives. Prayer opens new doors of opportunity for God to move. In fact you can view prayer like a door. You are on one side of a closed door and on the other side is God. But standing with God is all this incredible and unimaginable power. When you pray, it is you turning that doorknob and swinging that door wide open. For it is at that moment when all that power can step through that doorway and work for God’s good, and for your good.
God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we would like. He provides the opportunity to develop characteristics He desires in us, along with the end result we desire.
Asking, seeking and knocking include personal action. When we pray, we need to be alert and watching for opportunity to participate in receiving our prayer request. In the middle of a raging flood, mentally or physically, we pray for rescue. But when the boat or airlift opportunity arrives, we must take action to get on board to be saved.
We pray for more love, and He gives us the opportunity to express and demonstrate love to Him and to others. And as we do, additional character is developed in us and we become more loving. We pray for joy and often given the opportunity to provide a joyful environment for others. We pray for peace and often given the opportunity to be a peacemaker. We pray for self-control, and given the opportunity to exercise control over our personal behavior. We pray for strength and God provides the opportunity to be strong, to stand strong and to make a difference.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Fill our lives with opportunities to do your will and help us not to miss the opportunities of helping others that we may be ready to share with the poor; to sympathize with the sad; to encourage the depressed; to help those who’ve made mistakes to get back on track again; and lend a hand to those who are finding things difficult. God help us to grasp every opportunity you send, and to use every gift you have given us, that we make our lives what you meant them to be In Jesus Name Amen!

Mar. 5: Anointing – Min. Lutisha Williams

1 John 2:27 – As for you, the anointing you receive from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you.  But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit – just as it has taught you, remain in you.

The anointing is of divine origin for us as Christians to accomplish God’s will and purpose.  It’s two-fold in the sense that it works in us and through us.  As it’s working in us, it’s teaching us everything we need to know.  Working through us, it gives us the supernatural ability to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have an ear to hear and a heart to receive; to set the captives (prisoners) free from the bondage of addictions (drugs, alcohol, sex, nicotine, caffeine, TV, shopping, social media, etc.), broken relationships (husband/wife, parent/child, siblings, friendships, ungodly soul ties) and financial difficulties (more expenses than income to pay) to name a few.  The anointing qualifies us to give sight to those who are spiritually blind – those who are in a dark, damp and twisted place in life, who have no idea how to maneuver out of it and it qualifies us to release the oppressed from a state of poverty in their minds and in their spirits.   When we operate in the supernatural of the anointing – natural things seemingly won’t phase us because it’s the anointing that breaks the yokes of bondage.

In our own strength we can never do the work of the Lord, except through and by the power of the Holy Spirit that we receive the anointing and are able to function in it.  Jesus began his ministry after being anointed at his baptism.  When it is that the anointing comes, strongholds are torn down so authentic worship can take place where you take off that mask and worship God right where you are, because of who he is.  God himself does the anointing and we are the recipients of His anointing to be set apart for His service.  If in fact you have been anointed by God, your anointing is authentic because God will anoint those whom he appoints for a specific work/assignment because the anointing comes to heal and to help.

Father in the mighty name of Jesus I ask that your anointing will flow down from your throne of grace through the hearts and minds of those of us who are open and receptive to receive from you this day.  Lord, let your anointing flow so that we may be healed, delivered and set free.  Bind up everything that hinders and distracts us from doing what you have anointed and appointed us do in the earth realm; loose our minds from the thoughts that distract us from what you’re calling us to do.  Father, in the name of Jesus, send your anointing to heal our mental and emotional stress, and break down our stubborn wills so we can say yes to you and you alone.   Amen!

Mar 3: Integrity —Min Tonya Kennedy

Is there anyone left that we can trust? It seems that the closer we get to Christ’s return, people continue to let us down over and over again. It looks as if there is often a discrepancy in what they claim to believe in and how they actually live. Whether it’s on our jobs or in our homes or yes, even in church we sometimes suffer from a lack of consistency with what is on the inside of us versus what shows on the outside. Our beliefs do not reflect and our behaviors. Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Our Savior didn’t allow His integrity to be compromised just for the sake of fitting in or being popular, He always treated even His enemies with love.

As believers we have to be careful how we talk about one another and how we inadvertently slight our brothers and sisters. Proverbs 10:9 “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” We compromise our integrity with God when we claim to love Him on the inside but fail to show love on the outside. For example; our integrity is questioned through the giving of our tithes and offerings. Believers steal from God on a regular basis knowing what is rightfully His.  Also the inconsistency in our worship, how can one enter into His presence and not acknowledge Him? We serve a Savior that exemplified integrity; He didn’t just exhibit integrity in the Temple but, everywhere He went He was known as a person of character. What About You?

Our Lord and Savior, teach us how to live with a level of integrity; allow us to be transformed so that our lives will model after yours. Father we need you to teach us how to avoid people, places and things that will cause our integrity to be compromised. Lord allow our attitudes and our behaviors to improve so that we can be trusted with the purpose that you have for our lives. We’re waiting patiently for a New Beginning. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Mar 2: Entertainment Industry (Movies, Music, TV) – Min. Michelle Terry

Philippians 4:8 declares “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

In today’s society, the entertainment industry has become a viable instrument that we as Christians can utilize to reach, enhance, and build the kingdom of God.  I am presently reminded of producer and movie mogul Tyler Perry; who uses his gifts, and talents in the entertainment arena, as a tool to reach and touch the hearts of people across the globe. These tools (i.e. movies, plays, music, television) can and will continue to be a tremendous catalyst, along with our anointing to preach the word in an effort to reach the masses and advance the Kingdom of God.

We are what we think; and what we think is shaped by what we see, and what we hear.  Daily we are surrounded by words, images, sounds, and information all fighting to enter our mind.  We must be wise enough to go through the screening process and recognize that those things that are not positive reinforcements shouldn’t make the cut.   Let’s take in information that provokes us to think positively, and challenges us to do more, have more and become more.  We shall embrace images that promotes healing, hope and help; in doing so, we will build meaningful interactions with our families, friends, churches, communities, government, cities, states, countries, continents, nations and beyond.

Father, we ask that you honor those in the entertainment industry who stand for righteousness.  Infuse their decisions and creativity with a strong moral sense.  May their influences be used to inspire, uplift and redeem those that are lost.  Create through them a mighty wave of global reconciliation and peace that will draw all men to you. Bless those who recognize the need for family-friendly entertainment. Prepare an atmosphere that is conducive for the world to receive Kingdom awareness.  Increase the success of godly music, films, and initiatives that will shield our youth from the immorality that is so pervasive throughout our culture.  Thank you for opening avenues that will allow us to advance your Kingdom.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Feb 29: Evangelism — Min. Deborah Franklin


Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


We have all been commissioned to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We must all be ready to

go out and be field representatives. We cannot be ashamed of the word of our Lord

and Savior.  Therefor we have to stand boldly and profess our beliefs. Just like a

Basketball coach prepares the team to play the game with a play boo so has God has

prepared us with His play book His word. Now God knows the every shot won’t be three

point play and sometimes there will be missed and foul shots, but we have to stay on

the court. Just like a basketball player can’t score all the points there has to be an

assist. We are all on Gods team and have to work together to increase our team.

Eventually, if you keep shooting you’re going to score one for the team of God, so don’t

be discouraged. So go out get on the and start shooting the word of God and see how

many points or rather how many souls you can lead to Christ today.


Dear Lord today we are coming to asking you for boldness to go out and spread Your word. We know the harvest is plentiful and want to be a strong worker for you. We declare today we will enter your court with gladness and we will shoot and score a soul for you today.




Feb 28: Environment/Ecology — Min. Nicole Pyles


The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19:1-4


In the midst of our hurried lifestyles have you happened to glance at the blueness of the sky on your morning commute, or happened to catch the sunset leaving the grocery store where the sun looked so big, so bright and so close, or been amazed looking out your kitchen window at how the clouds take shape or the birds take flight? Realize…even in those moments you were in the presence of God. Simply put, the earth reflects God’s love for creation. We are and the earth is God’s creation. Every detail in our environment and every detail of humankind are created by design with great intentionality- from the methodic rhythm of rain drops to the soothing of a gentle breeze to the illumination of the midnight moon reminding us of your unfailing and everlasting love for us.


Today, may everything you made, oh God, point us back to you. May we look, may we listen and may we open our hearts to experience a moment with you through your creation. We know your creation is a reflection of who you are and shows your glory in the world around us. Let us not forget our responsibility to better stewards of the earth. And may we learn to recognize the wonders of, the wonders in and the wonders through your creation.

Feb 27: Economy God’s Got It. Min. Nakia Hudgins

Psalm 37:25 (NIV) I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.

Economy: The management of the resources of a community (Kingdom), country, etc. , especially with view to its productivity.

Recession: A general slowdown in economic activity.

The United States of America (USA) entered a recession at the end of 2007 and 2008 saw many other nations follow suit.  The cost of living is at an all time high. Many are overwhelmed by the pressure to maintain basic living essentials and financial obligations.   As a people with dual citizenship (citizens of any country and moreover citizens of the Kingdom of God) we must look to the word of God to obtain Truth.  As we look to the definitions of Economy & Recession we can find solace & peace in knowing that our Heavenly Father the Master of managing resources and there is NO Recession, nor will there ever be in the Kingdom of Heaven.  I’m reminded of a song penned by Rev. Milton Brunson entitled God’s Got It.


I once was young and now I’m old,
but I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken
nor His seed begging for bread.

You just trust and believe
and when you ask you shall receive
(because the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof)
(my friend right now) it’s yours.

You just trust and believe
and when you ask you shall receive
whatever you want, God’s got it,
whatever you need, He will supply
whatever you want, God’s got it.
(my friend right now) it’s yours.


Heavenly Father, we glorify Your Name.  We give you praise through Christ Jesus because in Him is NO lack. He is the All Sufficient God, The Rock of Ages and our hope is build on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; as the Seeds of Righteousness we declare that we are not forsaken and will never beg.   We confess total victor of the current economic status of this world by virtue of the economic status of the Kingdom of Heaven. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen!!!!!


Feb 26: Society  Min. Phyllis L. Linnes

Have you ever listened to the radio or watched something on TV and thought to yourself, “What is the world coming to?”.  If so, you’re not alone.  Day by day, society is pulling further away from the principles of God.  Popular music is laced with lyrics that demean women and minorities.  Reality shows perpetuate violence, intolerance and the stereotypical variations of single mothers, athletes and B-list celebrities. Our educational institutions are leaving children behind, by the thousands and some elected officials have been bullied into voting for legislature that opposes the ideals and morals of the people who elected them. What is the world coming to?

1 Timothy 2:1-4 encourages the believers of God to petition, pray, intercede and be thankful for all people, for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

The times may have changed, but the truth and Word of God remains. On this 5th day of Lent, let us pray with uplifted voices: Father, forgive us for creating a self-absorbed society. Bring healing to our land as we turn from our wicked ways. Release your Holy Spirit to remove spiritual blindness, and equip your people to stand steadfast for righteousness. Make us instruments of your love and grace and instill in us a greater desire to petition, pray, intercede and be thankful for all people, kings and all those in authority. Empower us to pursue holiness and return to you, for your Word says blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance (Psalm 33:12).


Feb 25: Strength Min. Talesha Jones

Psalm 18:32 NIV “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect”

1. All strength comes from God. Once we surrender to God we than allow ourselves to see the full capacity of Gods strength within us.

2.  Praying for strength can help you to manage and stand strong in any situation where you may feel as if you have fallen from grace and that you are not able to sustain.

Prayer: Lord God we come to ask you on today for strength, strength to allow us to stand up in difficult situations, strength for us to be able to say no to whatever is no in your will and to step out on faith to say yes to what is in your will. Lord, we ask today that you not only give us strength for ourselves, but Lord give us strength to be able to hold someone else up in their time of weakness. We pray and ask these things in Jesus name, AMEN!

Feb 24: Success – Min.Tessa R. Couser

Joshua 1:8

What does success mean to you?  Is it obtaining the job/career of your dreams?  Is it purchasing the home or car that you always desired?  Is it obtaining the degree of higher education?  Is it being married to your “soul-mate”?  Or…Is it being financially secured?


Whatever your definition of success is…it is important to know what your ordained purpose is. Often, most measure their level of success based on tangible, material assets…comparing their accomplishments to others who are not, and were not assigned to their individual God ordained purpose.  It has been my observation that, the way people measures success is not necessarily the same way God rewards success.  I have often heard people quote that, “your net worth is your net-work.”  This might be true for those who believe that their success is based on their own individual ability and power…but for those who know and trusts, that “ALL things,” whether good, bad or ugly, work TOGETHER for their success because they know that, their success is not based on “man’s” standards, but their success is BUILT on God’s WORD.  Sidebar: the bible declares that, “God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He the son of man that He should repent…when He speaks it shall come to pass.”


My friend, please know that REAL success is not based on how much money, cars, degrees, houses, designer brands you may have…Authentic Success is built upon the foundation of knowing that you are living in your God ordained purpose, and functioning in Divine order.  The Bible assures us that when we are careful to “whole heartily” obey God’s Word and plan for our lives…SUCCESS is inevitable!

Feb 23: Sanctification — Min. Christopher Brown

I grew up in a large conservative, holiness church in Washington, D.C. One of the consistent doctrines/teachings the pastor and other ministers would impart was on sanctification. Their teachings seemed to heavily focus on outward adornment as opposed to internal peace with God. We were taught that to sanctify ourselves we had to dress a certain way, look like a saint and watch the company we kept. For example, the women were not allowed to wear any make-up or pants. The women also had to have their heads covered at all times while in church with what we called “prayer caps” that looked somewhat like my grandmothers old white table saucers. Oh, and if they didn’t have a “prayer cap”, the mothers of the church would put a napkin or a piece of tissue on their head (gotta love their creativity). The men had to wear a shirt and tie in order to gain access to the sanctuary. I have good news; sanctification has nothing to do with the way we dress or look; but everything to do with the way you live! God cares more about what you are going through and the life you live than about what clothes you wear or the car you drive.

Sanctification is developing a genuine relationship with the Triune God and preparing for your God-given purpose. It is the process of being cleansed, consecrated, blessed and anointed by God for you to create impact in the Earth. (Read Leviticus 21:6, 8 & 10)

On this 2nd day of Lent, let us pray with one voice and with one spirit David’s prayer in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

Feb 22: Sacrifice — Min. Ronnie P. Nsubuga

Lately, I have discovered that my lifestyle has created a time famine. There seems to not be enough time to accomplish my assignments within 24hours. My effort and failed attempts to juggle between God, ministry, school, work, education and personal time with my loved ones has been greatly affected. The other day, I reserved 3 precious hours for sleep only to be interrupted by my 2 year old daughter who protested by placing an immediate demand for my time. Impulsively, I yelled, “Daddy needs to rest” then it dawned on me I hadn’t given her any of my time the previous day. During my mission to catch up on sleep, I realized that I didn’t have to miss out on precious moments with my loved ones who matter the most to me. I woke up and gave her all the time she needed. Our problem is not the lack of time but our desire to do too many things at one time. One goes to a drive through, orders and eats a burger while driving, talking on the phone, and looking at the GPS — all at the same time. Life throughout the year is too demanding, too loud, and so fast paced that we rarely take the time to be silent.

Today marks the beginning of a 40 day Lenten, sacred journey that will help you find solace in soul-searching and repentance as you reflect on the highest sacrifice to the true meaning of life.  Jesus the greatest sacrifice of all accomplished the assignment that God gave him in the shortest amount of time possible (John 17:4). And yet he found time to play with children, time to pray, time to rest, time to fellowship and time to preach. He mastered time by ultimately giving his time away to God.

As we follow Jesus into the wilderness experience marked with fasting, prayer and deprivation, let’s pray for God to show us in what areas we can make a sacrifice and put into practice these disciplines in order to strengthen our commitment to His will. Ask God to reveal everything that you have attached the most value to and pray for the grace to sacrifice those things for his time. God may lead you to sacrifice T.V., gaming, internet, Facebook, fast food, going to the movies, sweets, alcohol, or texting in exchange for His time. Pray that you will present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable before God which is your reasonable service. Read Romans 12:1-2


Posted by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

Psalm 103 (KJV)

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Psalm 103

King James Version (KJV)

Psalm 103

1Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

3Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

4Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

6The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.

7He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.

8The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

9He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

10He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

11For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

12As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

13Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

14For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.

15As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

16For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

17But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;

18To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

19The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.

20Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

21Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.

22Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.


Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!
Today as we take this 40 day journey, I feel so revived and refreshed knowing that prayer changes everything… Today we pray for and elaborate on the word of the day ” Entrepreneur”  I’ve been an entrepreneur starting around age 9 or 10.   When I was younger back in the 70’s my oldest sister had me selling Amway and I loved it… As I got older, my oldest son took the word entrepreneur to another level in our home… We helped him sale small items all over our yard and of course me at work selling “Olympia” we earned $2.00 and item or maybe that special prize he wanted out of their rewards catalog instead of the $2.00.     He even had me supporting him in selling AVON.. He had everybody and their mother’s selling AVON for him in his down line.  It would not be until he decides to start writing his first book around 16 or 17 years old he would leave me hanging with a $17,000 order to distribute to a school all alone.. My entrepreneurship was starting to go bad because it’s not like it is today where you could order online and have the product shipped directly to your customer.. Everything was shipped to you and you did your own distribution, collecting the money and entertaining the customers…  Later on we would take our real journey on a mission, wait, wait, wait.. I forgot our first online shopping mall that he created called .. I had all types of African figurines all over my house… I think I was his number on customer.. Then one day back in 2001  he discovered the greatest niche ever inside of him lied within what God gave him and that was music…Back in 2001 my son started the very first online Gospel Music Training Center called Hear and Play Music which would change all of our lives as entreprenuers forever… I will share the story with you all one day when I have more time… Running late this morning and mommy duties are still calling for my 8-year-old… (lol)
Nevertheless, the company is still going strong millions of dollars later for him, and  I love every
minute of it because I know that myself and
a few other’s put their hands to the plow to make sure this dream became a reality and it did and it is…   Yes, I report that my son was my boss… I was his Executive Administrator when first started out, taking my very first $850,000 worth of sales from my home way back, back in the day, and have put my hands to the plow since my youngest son was born…What are you trying to say:  “Well all things are possible for the Entrepreneur that believes!!! 

Get connected to God, and stay conned!

1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. employer of productive labor; contractor.


Word Dynamo Rating For Entrepreneur