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Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Today as we embark on this 40 day journey of  Lenten season – Today we pray and discuss HIV and AIDS which is a very touchy subject that have plagued our society since the 80’s.   I remember when the disease first came out or was introduced to America, everyone was overcautious especially the hospitals.  I was working in x-ray at the time where I had no real physical contact with patient’s no other than checking them in for their procedure at the front desk, and handling their x-ray films, reports and sometimes asked to transcribe the results hands on.   Later on around 1989, I began multi-tasking in my career now embarking to Cardiology where my real life story began.  I was given an opportunity to do EKG’s, Holter hook-up’s assist with Nuclear Medicine  and Nuerodiagnostics scheduling and patient’s.  I became the best-est of friend’s with the Nuclear Medicine guys where somewhere on my Facebook page I have a picture with us at my 10th year of service in the medical field… What is she saying.. What I’m trying to say is, my very first encounters with people that were HIV positive or had AIDS were when I officially became that darn EKG / Holter Technician, and Medical “Cardiology” Transcriber.   I learned that they were people that looked just like you and I.  Back then, you were singled out if you carried either the Virus or you had full blown AIDS.  I remember having to put on a mask, gloves, etc. to work on these patient’s.  There would be a sign on the door saying isolation, and the requisition would state a precaution letting me know that I was getting ready to encounter the unknown.  This was the highlight of my career.  At the time, we were even offered as minorities, a condominium  for living quarters, and a free education to become an RN during this fresh and new period of HIV and AIDS.  I turned down the offer because the catch was you had to intern on the 6th floor which was the infectious floor that housed anyone that had was HIV positive, AIDS and any other communicable disease.  I began to wonder why was this RN position being offered to minorities?  It sounded tempting, being that these condominiums the hospital owned across the street from the facility were really nice and they had a day care across the street that would have been perfect for my daughter at the time.  This was an opportunity of a life time for me to advance my career as an RN that now  pretty much only push paper due to Managed care,  Care Management and Utilization Reviews, Etc.   – Trust me, I really do know what I’m talking about being  that from 199-2002 I was the assistant to the Medical Director and direct assistant to an RN of Care Management in a large well known establishment downtown Los Angeles across from the Staple Center..    Had I known that the job would only be pushing paper now, I would have taken the opportunity to become an Registered Nurse.   Nevertheless, what I’m trying to say was those experimental years were very intense not knowing how the disease was actually transmitted.   People were afraid to touch you, kiss you, let you eat from their utensils, etc.   As the years went by, and scientist began to study this debilitating disease that have destroyed and taken millions of lives all around the globe.


My next journey in the same hospital would change my life forever and give me a new outlook on HIV/AIDS the patient’s and their families.   As a professional in the medical field, I multi-tasked quite a bit.    By 1990 I was exposed to quite a few HIV/AIDS patient’s not know where they would send me next on my professional journey would change my life forever.   I was asked now to work from Radiology as needed transcribing reports and working at the front desk, EKG’s / Holter’s and  Medical Transcription in Cardiology and train the staff on the new computers systems.  Yes, I trained and entire staff how to run a computer.. Not a dummy terminal that we were accustom too, but Bill Gates Microsoft products that had just been released.  I was innovated and very thrilled about my job at this point.   So now, I’m asked to work in RADIATION THERAPY, which most medical professionals know that most patient’s who have full blown aids either have a weakened immuned system which allows Cancer, pnuemonia, etcetra attack their bodies.   Not knowing where I was going and my task was to train the  radiation therapy staff to become computer literate and get rid of the paper pushing that they once did.   Well, I was not like very much by the supervisor being she was  a German lady  that had served many of years in the miliaty and she was very set in her ways.  Now the Onocologist/Radiologist was an angel himself and a few othe staff memebers where with me and for me.  The bottom line, I did not know that I would have to work the front desk to check in every patient and their families only to become attached to them.  Everyday, or every other day they came in for  CA radiation treatment and or CT scan, etc.   They are at your mercy and so are their family members not knowing if they were going to live or die.  I began to study the disease myself, because now that patient’s that I have fallen in love with are dyeing rapidly.  All I can remember is saying God, I cant’  take this no more because I love humanity and people so much until it was way too much to see them eventually die.  These were people that were nice and had nice families and you could not discriminate if you had any kind of heart which I do.   At this time of my career I was very stressed from all the tasks I had been given and I felt like they were running me to the desert to the sea.

Nevertheless,  I saw this process from the beginning when  HIV/ AIDS first hit the scenes, and where it is now in the 21st century.  They look like us, walk like us, eat in same restaurants as us, etc.   All I’m saying is technology and science has come so far with medicine that you probably will never know who has what unless they come down with full blown AIDS, and not even then in today’s society.  Take Magic Johnson for instance when he announced he was HIV positive over 20+ years ago, and he is still going strong.  If you look at him today you would not even believe has was a carrier of the virus.


Let’s become educated about HIV/AIDS and support research and medicine that is looking to even further advance medicine to prolong life even longer with the disease.   There are many of reasons that they say HIV/AIDS made it to america…. As for me, I’m not sure if it’s a man made government disease, all I know that it’s prevalent disease that affect trillions of lives as we live in the New millennium.

Please support the Magic Johnson’s Foundation:

The Magic Johnson Foundation, founded by Earvin “Magic” Johnson in 1991, works to develop programs and support community-based organizations that address the educational, health and social needs of ethnically diverse, urban communities. It is recognized as a nonprofit public charity under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Founder, Earvin Johnson’s motto is, “we are the communities we serve”, and his charitable activities as well as his business ventures are guided by the power and principle of continually focusing on representing and serving ethnically diverse, socio-economically challenged urban communities.

Since its inception in 1991, the Magic Johnson Foundation has had a significant, impact towards positively changing the face of urban, minority communities. Our programs and services are dedicated to harvesting an affirmative affect on community revitalization by eliminating negative cultural barriers; advancing economic and social equality by engaging minorities in every aspect of their communities; increasing academic and innovative achievement; raising HIV/AIDS awareness, treatment and prevention; the creation of positive emerging leaders; and promoting collaboration and alliance among all sectors of the community (businesses, educational institutions, legislative, community and faith-based organizations, and policymakers).

Our widespread outreach strategies and advocacy efforts are extensive in engaging countless individuals through enduring public address and national media exposure to raise civic awareness and provide solutions to pressing social issues. MJF’s integrated for and non-profit endeavors create unique and comprehensive contributions to our municipal service areas. MJF recognizes that minority leaders face special challenges in bridging the generations economic and education gaps, and traditional political factions that exist within the community. As a minority owned and operated organization, we are in the unique position of understanding these valuable communities, have long-standing relationships with them, and continue to be motivated to serve them in order to increase the quality of life for these vibrant, yet often neglected neighborhoods.

• The Magic Johnson Foundation has improved its rating on Charity Navigator to Three (four star rating)
• In 2011 the Magic Johnson Foundation will celebrate their 20th anniversary
• To date the Taylor Michaels Scholarship program has provided over 300 youth with resources and support
• By year’s end 2010 our Community Empowerment Centers will have impacted over 245,000 disadvantaged youth
• CECs have provided programs and transitioned over 450 families from subsidized housing to home ownership
• CECs have provided over 1,500 youth and young adults with GEDs
• CECs have improved the academic performance of over 6,000 youth
• Through the “I Stand with Magic” campaign over 89,000 people have signed up in the online campaign fight against HIV/AIDS
• Through the “I Stand with Magic” campaign, the Magic Johnson Foundation has provided free HIV/AIDS testing to more than 38,000 Americans in 16 major cities. Additionally, the program has educated nearly 280,000 people about HIV, risk factors associated with the disease and the importance of HIV testing
• Since 2003 our partnership with AIDs Healthcare Clinics has tested over, 3,750 adults and identified positive results for over 1000 testers
• The Magic Johnson Foundation Annual Kid’s Mardi Gras started in 1997 has hosted over 16,500 disadvantaged urban youth
• The Magic Johnson Foundation Annual Holiday Party has hosted over 45,000 youth and distributed over 300,000 toys since 1994

Our 2010 Annual Report reflects our evolution over 20 years, as a Foundation that initially awarded grants to HIV/AIDS organizations to the present, as a Foundation that has grown tremendously in quality and in reputation.  While an annual report gives us great perspective in relation to the fruits of our labor from the past year, overall achievement is paramount to the Foundation.  In 2010 we achieved several significant milestones and transformative support for which we are deeply gratified and appreciative including:

•   A nomination by President William J. Clinton for the prestigious 2011 Conrad Hilton Foundation Humanitarian Award;
•   Forged a White House relationship to support its National AIDS HIV/AIDS strategy and HIV/AIDS initiatives;
•   Committed $384,000 scholarships to Taylor Michaels scholars;
•   Launched, Taylor Michaels Scholarship Program Alumni Association;
•   Awarding of $200,000 grant for online learning scholarships to the Grockit Academy; to improve academic performance in the core academic areas of math, literacy and language arts along with a test prep program;
•   The empowerment of 16 communities, reaching over 60,000 residents with a virtual classroom and mobile technology to share resources, information and ideas;
•   Equipping three Community Empowerment Centers with interactive connected classroom technology; New York, New Orleans, and Bladensburg in partnership with Best Buy.
•   A third party evaluation by The Measurement Group, to improve and document the impact of the Foundation’s programs.

We invite you to view our 2010 Annual Report and learn more about our work and achievements over the past year, and those that supported us along the way.


Credit to:


 March 16th, 2011 |  Author: 

The virus is transmitted through:

per-ejaculatory fluid;
vaginal secretions;
breast milk;
unprotected sex the condom with an infected person or who do not yet know they are.

Through the passage of blood from an infected person to a healthy person (ie the exchange of infected needles). For HIV-positive mother to her son during pregnancy , childbirth el ‘ lactation .
The transfusions , organ transplants and insemination, in European countries, are screened and carefully checked to exclude the presence of HIV. In cases of surgery are recommended auto transfusion (your blood is collected and stored frozen should it serve). Avoid risks and adopt responsible behavior is the best prevention, to protect themselves and others is to act in a conscious way and to express solidarity. Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, March 8, 2012 06:37 a.m.
Credit / and some reference material from: –




Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Today on our 40 days of Lenten journey today we discuss and pray about the “Election”…  This election process is really big right now, and Dr. Jamal H. Bryant joined in a march a few days ago along with Al Sharpton to re-in-act the great Alabama March of the 60’s..  They are currently urging all churches to sign up at 20 people or more in each congregation to registar to vote all around the globe to try and sign up at least one million Christian and African American Voters…  This is a blessing that we have so many of our leaders sticking out their necks to try and  pave the way for our future generations which is so greatly appreciated…  “Election, Election, Election!!!  Get out and vote and make a difference on Election Day!!!

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!


1. The selection of a person or persons for office by vote.
2. A public vote upon a proposition submitted.
3. The act of electing.
4.Theology . the choice by God of individuals,as for a particular work or for favor or salvation.

Today is:
Wed, March 7, 2012
Election Day in:
244 Days

Information cited by: 2012 Election Polls, Projects
posted by Scott Elliott at 11:20am 03/06/12:: link
Welcome to Election Projection
A lot of folks are coming to Election Projection today by way of search engines.  If that is you, then this is probably your first time to visit.  Let me offer you a hearty welcome!  While you’re here, I thought I’d give an overview of all the features and fun that can be found here.Of course, with a name like “Election Projection,” you might expect extensive resources by which you can track the upcoming elections in November.  Indeed, that is a large part of EP’s content.  Below you’ll find links to handy summary pages which include frequently updated at-a-glance projections of different state-by-state races.
  • 2012 Presidential Elections:  The current numbers give President Obama a comfortable 303-235 lead in the all important race for the White House.
  • 2012 Senate Elections:  For the moment, we have a projected tie in the Senate, with VP Biden casting the deciding vote.
  • 2012 Congressional Elections:  Redistricting has shuffled around the make up of our 435 congressional districts, but the current projected tally looks almost unchanged.
  • 2012 Governor Elections:  Just eleven gubernatorial races are on tap this year, but the GOP looks well-positioned to expand their statehouse majority.

On any of these pages, just click on a map to view one of 50 statepages with tons of information on the races and political landscape of each state.In addition to the projections, EP also provides easy-to-use pages that cover other aspects of the election season.

Cited from: Tulsa World News / Source:

Obama wins Oklahoma Democrat primary but doesn’t take all delegates

President Barack Obama speaks during a news conference at the White House on Tuesday. The incumbent won the Democrat primary for president in Oklahoma and other states that voted on Super Tuesday. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses
 is the selection process by which voters of the Democratic Partywill choose its nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. Incumbent PresidentBarack Obama is seeking the Democratic Party nomination through a series of primary elections and caucusesculminating in the 2012 Democratic National Conventionheld from September 3, through September 6, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Results for U.S. Republican Presidential Primaries
State Gingrich Paul Romney Santorum reporting
03/06 ID 2.1% 18.1% 61.6% 18.2% 100%
03/06 ND 8.5% 28.1% 23.7% 39.7% 100%
03/06 OK 27.5% 9.6% 28.0% 33.8% 100%
03/06 VA 40.5% 59.5% 100%
03/06 TN 24.0% 9.0% 28.0% 37.3% >99%

Dr. Jamal H. Bryant – Sermon Notes from TBN – live Spring Praise Marathon…





Check out their live stream at TBN, you will be blessed!

**** Notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

March 6, 2012

Dr. Jamal Bryant on TBN


Praise the Lord everybody!

Declare out loud that something big is going to happen to me.

If you are prepared for regular small blessing, don’t do it with us.. God is getting ready to do it exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask.

Something big is getting ready to happen.. When God does something he is getting ready to do it big..

The two biggest buildings you see when you go to any place downtown are the banks and the insurance companies.  They are the largest because they do not think small.

Only in church do we down size things..  God gave a vision to Noah, and he told him to build an arch.. He was leading the children across the red sea.

God is assigned to do something big!

I am speaking to those that have a ridiculous vision.

What you have been dreaming is on the scale of heaven proportion..

It is frustrating to have a big dream when you are surrounded by mediocre people.. When God gives you a dream it never fits in the parameter..

If you can afford it, its not from God..

God always gives you a dream that does not match your   Fico score or your credit score..

A lot of us are frustrated because we have a dream beyond where it is I am right now..

God is getting ready to do something incredible..

Our country is in a critical place right now…

God told me to tell 50,000 of you that: “God is getting ready to finance your dream from an untraditional resource.”

He said: “when the praises Go up to God, that’s when the blessings come down..!”

If I had to escort you to the bank after you have done a demographic study of your dream, they are going to ask you a battery of questions..

1. How much money do you need?

2. How long before you pay it back?

3. If you don’t get the loan what are you going to do?

4. What is your level of investment?

They are not going to give you 100% of your dream..

If you are not going to invest in your own dream, then they are not going to either..

If you invest in your own dreams, God is going to make it come to pass.
He is going to use you to redefine your family’s name..  What God has put in you, that keeps waking  you up at night… You realize that the job you are on, this job does not deserve me.. Because my dream is of such value.

Nehemiah chapter 2 – Our dream is falling apart… His dream was about self advancement.. If someone else will be benefited by your dream, God is behind it.

He had been holding on to that dream, but never spoke it…

I don’t know if you are in California or Canada..”You are holding on to a dream because you don’t know who you can trust..”

” Everything that was in your heart is getting ready to be in your hand…”

While he was serving the King, they asked him why are you so solemn in his presence?  It was that you could not be in front of the King and be frowning…

Ladies, I am fretful of people that work in ministry that have a bad attitudes… You should be saying that you are glad to be in the service..

How are you serving me, when you have a bad disposition?

Those of you that work in ministry and still have to deal with folks at home.

Don’t you dare think I’m going to let you work in ministry and not save your house, your marriage and your children..

What profits a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul?

I want to see my family prosper..

For those of you that want to see your family prosper, give God some glory!!

While you are in worship, somebody in your family is getting ready to be cancer free, somebody is getting out of jail.. somebody is getting ready to get their  passion back..

How do you expect me to work in ministry and my family is falling apart?

Nehemiah, is just a cup barrier… because the King was nervous because the Kings father died from wine poison..

Somebody had put hemlock in the father’s cup…

I’m trying to brace myself.. Nehemiah, stood as an example..

Whatever happened to your father is not going to happen to you!!!

You are going to do more than your Father was ever able to accomplish..

The bitterness your father experience, is not going to affect you.

I come to serve that nasty devil notice that the curse over my family is over…

Hallelujah!!!  I need somebody in this room that knows that their children are going to be better than their father..

Knowing that you are a joint air with the father..

And he asked of him a critical question, and it’s my responsibility from the Holy land to ask you?

When will you be finished building the wall?

It’s the only time the King as the citizen to set their own deadline..

When you worship him on tonight, you get to set your own deadline… If you don’t have this kind of faith, then this is not for you…

He asked the King to pay for it… but what is amazing ladies and gentleman.. He never put out a bid for a contract… He did not even know how much it was going to cost.

God is not interested in paying for anything cheap..

God is positioning heaven to pay off your most expensive bill.

God is getting ready to pay off student loans.. He said if you give me glory I am putting equity back into your house..

Whatever is your most expensive bill on your kitchen counter, on your table…

I’m getting ready to pay that bill that is delinquent..

Nehemiah, has no experience.. He is sending some friend’s that will help him.

There is a preacher proclaiming that money is coming.. I’m proclaiming that God is getting ready to send you some people that are not gong to be jealous, but want to see what God has got for you.

I need every person in the room to get $1.00 in your hand and lift it up… This is precious valuable television time.. I don’t want Jan  to jack me up..(lol)… I want you to put a dollar in your hand and every child hand and then lift it up toward heaven… Those that are watching on the Internet and on your ipads and iphones, lift up your $1.00… He is going to pray right now…“That dollar is the smallest thing you ever gone have!!!”…  I want that dollar lifted in your hand…  I want you to put that dollar in someone else’s hand… I need you to give it someone you don’t know, and move very quickly.. As soon as you exchange it, sit down.. Bahamas, Jamaica, South Africa is watching tonight.. TBN around the world… God told me to tell you to get ready… He told me to tell you that:“Strangers are getting ready to bless you with money!!!..

Press down shaken together running over… I can’t hear you TBN.. Your children are getting ready to get full scholarships…

My time is almost up… Hallelujah… Just so the people that are watching to hear the conviction of your faith ‘Strangers are getting ready to bless me”

“Strangers are getting ready to bless me…”

Be seated, and this is the last time I’m going to ask you to be seated… Orlando, Florida studio audience, you guys have a spirit of disobedience..

I don’t know why God would strategically put us in this moment.. This is leap year, you are getting ready to jump over the process.  Stuff that you are not qualified for… You are not going to have to kiss up, you are going to leap into it!!!… I just need 50 crazy praisers to just leap if you feel like it is your leap season…

You are getting ready to jump over people who are more qualified than you.. You are getting ready to jump pass haters that thought they could block you… God is getting ready to make it your leap.. It’s your leap year.  200 people that believe by faith with me… I’m only giving you 90 seconds.. We are going to be jumping while yawl giving..

I need 200 of you that believe God is getting ready to jump you over your foreclosure.. He is getting ready to jump you over you car repossession.. He told me to tell you that:”

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I’m telling you that you are getting ready to pass the people that you normally call that are above  you..

Nehemiah, just had vision… God is getting ready to pay the bill of imagination.  For the business in your heart that have not even opened.. God is getting ready to financé imagination.. Woman of God, that conference is getting ready to  happen.. Pastor, that building you are in is too small.  God is getting ready to bless you… Your book is going to be a New York best sellers… Your album is going to be a best seller..

“Everything is on the line and I am not going to let you be embarrassed.”

Those that are going to be asking for seeds, we are going to be asking in a non traditional way… Because it is leap year, and I’m gong to ask you for $29.00.. Most of us have a dyslexic praise… We are getting ready to shout for what he is getting ready to do in your imagination… Every person who has a crazy dream.  Declare two words
“It’s now!”  For the rest of this year, I am pledging a leap seed.  God is getting ready to jump me over process.   I need you to bless a seed into your children dream..God has given your child a leap anointing… This year you are going back to school and finish that degree. God is getting ready to help you raise that child without child support..I’m getting ready to restore everything you lost in your bank account.. You are getting ready to leap past your past.. God is getting ready to do what no one could orchestrate..  Something big is getting ready to happen for you…

If you believe it, declare it again… Something big is getting ready to happen.. Greater is getting ready to happen and the best is yet to come!

Noted taken by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas / May 6, 2012 – (714) 455-WIFI – 24 hour message prayer line)

(These notes were taken verbatim, uncut, unedited and live as the word of God was going forth!)


(” We Love TBN!!)  Check out their live stream at TBN, you will be blessed!


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Posted by: Min. Evelyn Diane / Live, Uncut, Unedited, Verbatim Sermon Notes

D&T: March 6, 2012


Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Opportunity = I am an opportunity of a life time.. 

I thank the Lord for the “opportunity” to still be alive…




1. An appropriate or favorable time oroccasion: Their meeting afforded an opportunityto exchange views.
2.A situation or condition favorable forattainment of a goal.
3.A good position, chance, or prospect, as foradvancement or success.

Employment Opportunities
Get a Great Job with Benefits and Start Building Your Future Today.

Opportunity has a plethora of syllables.  So is sesquipedalianism. Does it mean:
opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England.
1.  A favourable, appropriate, or advantageouscombination of circumstances
2. A chance or prospect
opportunity  (ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtɪ)
1. a favourable, appropriate, or advantageouscombination of circumstances
2. a chance or prospect

“All I want is you..- opportunity :-)” – Thanks: “Marvin Sapp for your motivational moments…  Min. EDT

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Cite This Source
Word Origin & History


late 14c., from O.Fr. opportunite (13c.), from L.opportunitatem (nom. opportunitas) “fitness,suitableness, favorable time,” from opportunus(see opportune). Opportunity cost attested from1911

late 14c., from O.Fr. opportunite (13c.), from L.opportunitatem (nom. opportunitas) “fitness,suitableness, favorable time,” from opportunus(see opportune). Opportunity cost attested from1911

Deuteronomy 17-20 (New International Version)

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Deuteronomy 17-20

Deuteronomy 17-20

New International Version (NIV)

Deuteronomy 17

1 Do not sacrifice to the LORD your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect or flaw in it, for that would be detestable to him.

2 If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the LORD gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the LORD your God in violation of his covenant, 3 and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky, 4 and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, 5 take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death. 6 On the testimony of two or three witnesses a person is to be put to death, but no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness. 7 The hands of the witnesses must be the first in putting that person to death, and then the hands of all the people. You must purge the evil from among you.

Law Courts

8 If cases come before your courts that are too difficult for you to judge—whether bloodshed, lawsuits or assaults—take them to the place the LORD your God will choose. 9 Go to the Levitical priests and to the judge who is in office at that time. Inquire of them and they will give you the verdict. 10 You must act according to the decisions they give you at the place the LORD will choose. Be careful to do everything they instruct you to do. 11 Act according to whatever they teach you and the decisions they give you. Do not turn aside from what they tell you, to the right or to the left. 12Anyone who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the LORD your God is to be put to death. You must purge the evil from Israel. 13 All the people will hear and be afraid, and will not be contemptuous again.

The King

14 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you and have taken possession of it and settled in it, and you say, “Let us set a king over us like all the nations around us,” 15 be sure to appoint over you a king the LORD your God chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite. 16 The king, moreover, must not acquire great numbers of horses for himself or make the people return to Egypt to get more of them, for the LORD has told you, “You are not to go back that way again.” 17 He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray. He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold. 18 When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests. 19 It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees 20 and not consider himself better than his fellow Israelites and turn from the law to the right or to the left. Then he and his descendants will reign a long time over his kingdom in Israel.

Deuteronomy 18

Offerings for Priests and Levites

1 The Levitical priests—indeed, the whole tribe of Levi—are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel. They shall live on the food offerings presented to the LORD, for that is their inheritance. 2They shall have no inheritance among their fellow Israelites; the LORD is their inheritance, as he promised them. 3 This is the share due the priests from the people who sacrifice a bull or a sheep: the shoulder, the internal organs and the meat from the head. 4 You are to give them the firstfruits of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the first wool from the shearing of your sheep, 5 for the LORD your God has chosen them and their descendants out of all your tribes to stand and minister in the LORD’s name always.

6 If a Levite moves from one of your towns anywhere in Israel where he is living, and comes in all earnestness to the place the LORD will choose, 7 he may minister in the name of the LORD his God like all his fellow Levites who serve there in the presence of the LORD. 8 He is to share equally in their benefits, even though he has received money from the sale of family possessions.

Occult Practices

9 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God.

The Prophet

14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so. 15 The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. 16 For this is what you asked of the LORD your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the LORD our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.” 17 The LORD said to me: “What they say is good. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”

21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.

Deuteronomy 19

Cities of Refuge

1 When the LORD your God has destroyed the nations whose land he is giving you, and when you have driven them out and settled in their towns and houses, 2 then set aside for yourselves three cities in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess. 3 Determine the distances involved and divide into three parts the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, so that a person who kills someone may flee for refuge to one of these cities. 4 This is the rule concerning anyone who kills a person and flees there for safety—anyone who kills a neighbor unintentionally, without malice aforethought. 5 For instance, a man may go into the forest with his neighbor to cut wood, and as he swings his ax to fell a tree, the head may fly off and hit his neighbor and kill him. That man may flee to one of these cities and save his life. 6 Otherwise, the avenger of blood might pursue him in a rage, overtake him if the distance is too great, and kill him even though he is not deserving of death, since he did it to his neighbor without malice aforethought.7 This is why I command you to set aside for yourselves three cities.

8 If the LORD your God enlarges your territory, as he promised on oath to your ancestors, and gives you the whole land he promised them, 9 because you carefully follow all these laws I command you today—to love the LORD your God and to walk always in obedience to him—then you are to set aside three more cities. 10 Do this so that innocent blood will not be shed in your land, which the LORD your God is giving you as your inheritance, and so that you will not be guilty of bloodshed.

11 But if out of hate someone lies in wait, assaults and kills a neighbor, and then flees to one of these cities, 12 the killer shall be sent for by the town elders, be brought back from the city, and be handed over to the avenger of blood to die. 13 Show no pity. You must purge from Israel the guilt of shedding innocent blood, so that it may go well with you.

14 Do not move your neighbor’s boundary stone set up by your predecessors in the inheritance you receive in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess.


15 One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. 16 If a malicious witness takes the stand to accuse someone of a crime, 17 the two people involved in the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD before the priests and the judges who are in office at the time. 18 The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony against a fellow Israelite, 19 then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. You must purge the evil from among you. 20 The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. 21Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

Deuteronomy 20

Going to War

1 When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army.3 He shall say: “Hear, Israel: Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them. 4 For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” 5 The officers shall say to the army: “Has anyone built a new house and not yet begun to live in it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may begin to live in it. 6 Has anyone planted a vineyard and not begun to enjoy it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else enjoy it. 7 Has anyone become pledged to a woman and not married her? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else marry her.” 8 Then the officers shall add, “Is anyone afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his fellow soldiers will not become disheartened too.” 9 When the officers have finished speaking to the army, they shall appoint commanders over it.

10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.

16 However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroythem—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your God.

19 When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?20 However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.

“2012 Empowering “OC” Families Resource Fair.”

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2012 Save the Date Fair Flyer

Please click on the link below to see a flier for this year’s Special Education Community Advisory Committee Resource Fair:

This year, the Irvine SELPA and the South County SELPA Community Advisory Committees for Special Education are once again joining together for the “2012 Empowering “OC” Families Resource Fair.”

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

6:00 – 8:00 PM

Irvine High School MAIN Gym

4321 Walnut Avenue, Irvine 92604

Hope you can attend this fun and informative family event!

Sheri Aguilar

Special Education

Irvine Unified School District

5050 Barranca Parkway

Irvine, CA 92604

Phone: 949/936-5233

Fax: 949/936-5239

Irvine & South Orange County SELPA’s
Community Advisory Committees for Special Education
Invite You!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 6pm-8:00pm
Irvine High School MAIN Gym 4321 Walnut Ave., Irvine, CA
Hottest Ticket In Town!




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Get connected to God, and Stay connected!


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A person was anointed for a special purpose—to be a king, to be a prophet, to be an builder, etc. There is nothing wrong with anointing a person with oil today. We just have to make sure that the purpose of anointing is in agreement with Scripture. Anointing should not be viewed as a “magic potion.” The oil itself does not have any power. It is only God that can anoint a person for a specific purpose. If we use oil, it is only a symbol of what God is doing. Exodus 29:7 – You shall take the anointing oil and pour it on his head and anoint him.

Donnie McClurkin – Total Praise feat. Richard Smallwood


Exodus 40:9

9 “Then you shall take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is in it, and consecrate it and all its furniture, so that it may become holy.


Ecclesiastes 9:8

lLet your garments be always white. Let not oil be lacking on your head.


2 Kings 9:6

6 So he arose and went into the house. And the young man poured the oil on his head, saying to him, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, I anoint you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel.

Another meaning for the word anointed is “chosen one.” The Bible says that Jesus Christ was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News and free those who have been held captive by sin (Luke 4:18-19; Acts 10:38). After Christ left the earth, He left us the gift of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16). Now all Christians are anointed, chosen for a specific purpose in furthering God’s Kingdom (1 John 2:20). “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).

Question: “What is the anointing? What does it mean to be anointed?”

Answer: The origin of anointing was from a practice of shepherds. Lice and other insects would often get into the wool of sheep, and when they got near the sheep’s head, they could burrow into the sheep’s ears and kill the sheep. So, ancient shepherds poured oil on the sheep’s head. This made the wool slippery, making it impossible for insects to get near the sheep’s ears because they would just slide off. From this, anointing became symbolic of blessing, protection, and empowerment.

The New Testament Greek words for “anoint” are chrio, which means “to smear or rub with oil, and by implication to consecrate for office or religious service”; and aleipho, which means “to anoint.” In Bible times, people were anointed with oil to signify God’s blessing or call on that person’s life (Exodus 29:7; Exodus 40:9; 2 Kings 9:6; Ecclesiastes 9:8; James 5:14). A person was anointed for a special purpose—to be a king, to be a prophet, to be an builder, etc. There is nothing wrong with anointing a person with oil today. We just have to make sure that the purpose of anointing is in agreement with Scripture. Anointing should not be viewed as a “magic potion.” The oil itself does not have any power. It is only God that can anoint a person for a specific purpose. If we use oil, it is only a symbol of what God is doing.

Question: “What does the Bible say about anointing oil?”

Answer: Anointing oil, mentioned 20 times in Scripture, was used in the Old Testament for pouring on the head of the High Priest and his descendants and sprinkling the Tabernacle and its furnishings to mark them as holy and set apart to the Lord (Exodus 25:6; Leviticus 8:30; Numbers 4:16). Three times it is called the “holy, anointing oil” and the Jews were strictly forbidden from reproducing it for personal use (Exodus 30:32-33). The recipe for anointing oil is found in Exodus 30:23-24 and contained myrrh, cinnamon and other natural ingredients. There is no indication that the oil or the ingredients had any supernatural power. Rather, the strictness of the guidelines for creating the oil was a test of the obedience of the Israelites and a demonstration of the absolute holiness of God.

Only four New Testament passages refer to the practice of anointing with oil and none of them offer an explanation for its use. We can draw our conclusions from context. In Mark 6:13, the disciples anoint the sick and heal them. In Luke 7:46, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet as an act of worship. In James 5:14, the church elders anoint the sick with oil for healing. In Hebrews 1:8-9, God says to Christ as He returns triumphantly to Heaven, “Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever…” and God anoints Jesus “with the oil of gladness.”

Should Christians use anointing oil today? There is nothing in Scripture that commands or even suggests that we should use similar oil today, but neither is there anything to forbid it. Oil is often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit in the Bible as in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). As such, Christians have the presence of the oil of the Spirit who leads us into all truth and anoints us continually with His grace and comfort. “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth” (1 John 2:20).

Credit and Reference Material from: 


Dr. Jamal Bryant Interview with Varion Walton

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Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

NEW MATTERS OF FAITH “Streaming Faith” with Dr. Jamal Bryant

Story was provided by the:  Official Varion Walton website

Who is Varion Walton?


                                         MATTERS OF FAITH  

“Streaming Faith” with Dr. Jamal Bryant

His “new age” ministry is meeting Christians where they are…on Facebook and Twitter! Dr. Jamal Bryant’s “Millennium Ministry” is breaking the stereotypes of “yesterday’s clergy. This renegade minister is making “the gospel” available anytime you want it, “24/7!

Varion sits down with him for a candid chat about being a “spiritual coach” to “Celebrity Apprentice” and reality star Omarosa. He also talks about “World War Me”, a new book in which he writes aboutan adulterous affair that cost him his marriage and almost destroyed his church.

He’s a renegade minister using the internet to break the “stereotypes” of yesterday clergy. Every week, Dr. Jamal Bryant uses Facebook and Twitter to reach more than 35-thousand Christians. Sunday, March 4th this “Millennium Minister” will “step back in time” for a re-enactment of Bloody Sunday, the historic civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery. Varion Walton has a candid chat with Bryant being a spiritual coach to ‘Celebrity Apprentice” and reality star Omarosa. He also opens up his new book, “World War Me” which details his adulterous affair that almost destroyed is his church Empowerment Temple. 

All Credit for this story and interview to:

Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, WIFI Ministries