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Ministry (Find your Ministry)
Today as we reach our 20th day on this 40 days of Prayer and Lenten season… Today we are going to pray and talk to you about Ministry…. Have you found your Ministry? Well if you have not as of yet, I serve you notice that we are all Ministers and Ambassadors for Christ, and he has a plan for each one of us individually and collectively. No matter how old you are, you are not too young to work in Ministry. One thing that I like about the God that I serve, is that he has no respect of person. Meaning that everyone is somebody in the eye sight of God.. Man may look at you and deem you one way, but say:” my “GOD!” – I’m so glad that he is the ultimate judge and has the final say over our lives and not man… If you left it up to man, he would leave you in a corn field leaving you to believe that you are not worthy to work their either.. Since being in Ministry all my life, but on a real personal level when my Dad organized the 2nd Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church, In Long Beach where I served as the President/ CEO of our ministry is where I got my real start in Ministry… You have to start somewhere… Don’t get me wrong, as a child I did ministry on another level from being the musicican for our Junior Choir until I was 16 years old, and then messed up and got pregnant.. He turned out to be the biggest blessing of a lifetime, and I love him and all my children so dearly.. There went my very first ministry job out the window… Prior to that, I remember being President a couple of years over our youth department and running early Saturday Morning meetings, and helping out with pancake breakfast’s, etc… Ministry has always been my way of life, being that I grew up following my mom to different churches she would play for when I was a child, and then starting following my Dad around the age of 10-years-old who still is today a dynamic Man-of-God, and a real legend when it comes to traditional preaching of the Gospel… I”m a P.K. – Yes I am!!! 🙂
One day when she finally hung up her hat as a church musician (She still plays today for everybody over the phone (lol). She’s 75 now, and still going strong… I thank the Lord for her despite the differences we may have… And yes, I say it in this piece that it’s ok to agree to disagree with someone and still love them…
I finally chose the church I started doing ministry in at the age of 10 or 11 – years – old… I know at the age of 13, I was baptized and ready to work in ministry, and was filled with so many talents and gifts, and yet chosen by God… There was one day as I sat on the piano in my living on 2045 California Avenue in the city of Long Beach,CA. God began to speak to my heart directly…. I remember playing fluently and singing on the piano “Yes Jesus Loves Me, for the bible tells me so” with tears streaming down my eyes… Saying “Yes to you will Lord” “Yes, to your way Jesus”
Saying “Yes” to the Lord when I was just a young lad at the tender age of 12-years-old. I never had the opportunity to share that with anyone but the Lord…. But from that day , I knew I was special and chosen by God from my mother’s womb to do ministry and a mighty work for the Lord. I can’t go into details what happened after that first “Yes” to the Lord because it seems from that day forward, the devil was angry with me, and only wanted to sift me as wheat as he began to work in my life against what God said… What God says is so, not matter what is thrown your way…
On this journey, I’ve experienced some detours from the age of 12 which I will write about in my upcoming book “Let my baby Live” – It’s a rather painful experience that just would not stop until recently God delivered me and set me free from the hand of bondage. Oh my God today… Some things that hinder us from ministry starts as a child. God speaks to little innocent children like myself, but the devil speaks too. It’s like a war cry and a tug a war game… Only knowing that what you do for Christ will last…. He’s worthy for us to listen to his voice when he calls… When he calls and speak to you… “Answer” We answer the call to everyone else, but we put God on hold thinking that life is going to get better to do ministry…. Well, I serve you notice, It could if that’s God’s true plan for your life… Matter of fact, he is waiting on half of us just to say Yes….
I say this with great joy that my Chosen Call from God to ministry was “Delayed” but never “Denied”… God is waiting on us to do what he has ordained us to do… Don’t let anyone or anybody tell you that you are not worthy to work in ministry…. God can use use a dish rag if he likes to deliver a message. We are all messengers for Christ. You just have to find where you fit in at… Everybody don’t posess the same gift…
The Five Fold Ministry
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians 4:12 (KJV)
Ministry is for the perfecting of the saints in the five fold ministry
There are many options in ministry as you seek God and find your passion as to where he wants to place you in ministry.. It’s no different from you regular job.. You should like what you do and be trained and qualified to handle the position in ministry.. God can use anybody, and if he anoints you to do a job without the credentials he will provide a ram in the bush to see you through. Some people do have paid positions at some churches in ministry and I have enclosed a listing of Ministry ideas and jobs all around for your review… Of note, most churches do not pay or pay well if you are looking to do ministry as a full time job… Don’t get me wrong, there are some that are able, but from my experience, there are more that cannot afford it being that we should want to give our ministry gifts back to the Lord free of charge being that he gave his whole life for us at the tender age of 33-years old… Makes me want to do ministry on another level when I think of all the Love Jesus showed toward you and I that we might have life and have it more abundantly… God is a provider and I say it again that he takes care of his own…
Staff My Ministry / http://www.staffmyministry.com/
Church jobs, ministry positions, and resume database
- Part-Time
- Children’s Ministry DirectorCommunity of the Cross Lutheran Church – Posted by Gary Johnson
- MinneapolisMinnesota, United States
- 9 Mar2012
- Part-Time
- Children’s Ministry DirectorCommunity of the Cross Lutheran Church – Posted by Gary Johnson
- MinneapolisMinnesota, United States
- 9 Mar2012
- Full-Time
- Direct Support ProfessionalBethesda Lutheran Communities – Posted bymkp
- PortlandOregon, United States
- 5 Mar2012
- Part-Time
- Worship LeaderLegacy Christian Church – Posted bymgarrett7@aol.com
- HarrisonOhio, United States
- 1 Mar2012
- Part-Time
- Director of Children & Youth MinistriesSuffolk Christian Church – Posted byLeahBAnderson
- SuffolkVirginia, United States
- 25 Feb2012
- Part-Time
- Office ManagerLoving Houston; a Branch Office of Loving Alternative Adoption Agency – Posted byofficemanager
- HoustonTexas, United States
- 24 Feb2012
- Part-Time
- Youth PastorFirst Baptist Church – Posted by fbckew
- KewaneeIllinois, United States
- 22 Feb2012
- Internship
- Student Ministry AssistantFaith Discovery Church – Posted by erichoke
- WashingtonNew Jersey, United States
- 21 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Youth Pastor/DirectorBethel Alliance Church – Posted bybethelcma@yahoo.com
- BethelMaine, United States
- 21 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Director of Music MinistriesWestminster Presbyterian Church – Posted bydeanot
- WaterlooIowa, United States
- 16 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Program Manager -Developmental DisabilitiesBethesda Lutheran Communities – Posted bypat.brady@mailblc.org
- PlainfieldIllinois, United States
- 15 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Direct Support Professional-Developmental DisabilitiesBethesda Lutheran Communities – Posted bypat.brady@mailblc.org
- LittletonColorado, United States
- 15 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Direct Support Professional-Developmental DisabilitiesBethesda Lutheran Communities – Posted bypat.brady@mailblc.org
- LenexaKansas, United States
- 15 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Youth PastorHillsboro Mennonite Brethren Church – Posted by maxkrsta
- HillsboroKansas, United States
- 15 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Director of MusicPrince George Winyah Episcopal Church – Posted by winyah
- GeorgetownSouth Carolina, United States
- 13 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Administrative Assistant to the Communications DepartmentNew Venture Christian Fellowship – Posted bynewventure4000
- OceansideCalifornia, United States
- 9 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Bookstore ManagerNew Venture Christian Fellowship – Posted bynewventure4000
- OceansideCalifornia, United States
- 9 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Student Ministry PastorYosemite Church – Posted by Scott Ramsey
- MercedCalifornia, United States
- 9 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Director of Youth MinistryChrist Church – Posted by cmorgan
- Bethel ParkPennsylvania, United States
- 9 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Administrative AssistantDominion Chapel – Posted by GeorgyMI
- StaffordTexas, United States
- 7 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Children’s PastorThe Church of Eleven22 – Posted by CoE22
- JacksonvilleFlorida, United States
- 6 Feb2012
- Part-Time
- Youth/Associate Pastorgbc1990
- La PorteTexas, United States
- 6 Feb2012
- Part-Time
- Part-Time Worship LeaderThe Foundry at Hermitage United Methodist Church – Posted by MJenkins27
- NashvilleTennessee, United States
- 4 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Youth and Children’s Pastor/Worker – IndonesiaAll Saints Church Jakarta – Posted byIhadfield
- Jakarta Capital RegionJakarta Capital Region, Indonesia
- 1 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Children’s Pastor-multi location, multi servicesSirius Personnel Inc – Posted bySiriusPersonnel
- MontrealQuebec, Canada
- 1 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Youth PastorBerean Baptist Church – Posted bydavereidfox
- SpringfieldIllinois, United States
- 1 Feb2012
- Part-Time
- Youth MinisterNew Day Church – Posted by nletteney
- GreendaleWisconsin, United States
- 1 Feb2012
- Full-Time
- Campus Life StaffYouth For Christ – Posted by mikegreen
- TuscaloosaAlabama, United States
- 31 Jan2012
- Full-Time
- Full-Time FacultyWilliam Jessup University – Posted by jpivin
- RocklinCalifornia, United States
- 30 Jan2012
- Part-Time
- Restoration Kids CoordinatorRestoration Covenant Church – Posted byrestorationcov
- Apple ValleyMinnesota, United States
- 23 Jan2012
- Full-Time
- Athletic Ministry AssociateUrban Impact Foundation – Posted by UIF Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
- 23 Jan2012
Acts 10:34-35
“God is no respecter of persons.” That means that in the disposition of his saving grace, God is totally sovereign, giving it freely to whom he will (Rom. 9:15-16). Neither earthly condition, hereditary descent, nor outward circumstance secures God’s grace, nor even makes one person more likely to be saved than another (John 1:11-13). Neither will those carnal considerations prohibit God’s saving grace, nor make a person less likely to be saved (I Cor. 1:26-29). God has no regard for those things that distinguish man from one another. His grace is not attracted by anything good in man. Neither is his grace repelled by anything evil in man.
AS GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS, THERE IS NO PLACE IN THE CHURCH OF GOD FOR RESPECT TO MEN’S PERSONS. Our love, generosity, care, and fellowship must not be determined by a person’s position, wealth, race, or social standing. We are not to court the rich or the poor. We must learn to treat all men alike. We all sprang from one common father, Adam (Acts 17:26). Had it not been for the sin and fall of our father Adam, all mankind would be one happy, loving family. Were it not for sin, we would have no divisions among us. It is sin that has produced pride, racism, and social snobbery. Because of the sin of one of Noah’s sons, God divided all mankind into three races, and divided to each race its providential estate in this world (Gen. 9:18-27). But in Christ, and in the church of Christ, these distinctions of providence have no significance (Col. 3:11; Eph. 2:14-22). The sons and daughters of Shem, Ham, and Japheth are one in Christ. In Christ there is no such thing as Jew or Gentile, black or white, Oriental or European, male or female, bond or free, rich or poor, learned or unlearned. God gathers his elect from all races, all classes, all social orders, and all ages, and bestows his grace upon people from all walks of life as it pleases him (Rev. 5:9). This is the thing Peter had to learn and that we all must learn – “God is no respecter of persons: but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.”
WHAT DOES THE HOLY SPIRIT MEAN WHEN HE SAYS BY PETER THAT “GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS?” If interpreted in its context, like all other parts of Holy Scripture, this passage plainly asserts the freeness and sovereignty of God in the exercise of his grace. These words do not mean that God treats all men alike in providence and grace. “God’s grace is him own, and he dispenses it according to his own sovereign will and pleasure” (Charles Simeon). God does distinguish between men (I Cor. 4:7), in election (II Thess. 2:13), in redemption (John 10:11, 26), in providence (Rom. 8:28), and in effectual calling (Matt. 22:14). God chose Isaac and rejected Ishmael. He loved Jacob and hated Esau. The fact is, God gives light and withholds light, gives grace and withholds grace entirely according to his sovereign will, without regard to man’s person (Matt. 11:20-26; Heb. 2:16).
These words do not teach that salvation is by works. When Peter speaks of fearing God and working righteousness for acceptance with God, he is not teaching that men may gain divine favor by works of moral goodness. If salvation could be accomplished by human works of righteousness, then Christ died in vain (Gal. 2:21). If works contribute anything to salvation, then grace is altogether eliminated (Rom. 11:6). Grace and works cannot exist together. They are opposed to one another. The one implies that salvation is paid to us as a debt. The other asserts that salvation is freely, gratuitously bestowed upon us as a gift. The Word of God plainly asserts that man’s works have nothing to do with God’s saving grace (Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16; II Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:5).
This text does not teach that as long as a person is sincere he will be saved, no matter what his religion is. All who are ignorant of Christ and the gospel of his grace are lost, perishing in their ignorance, without excuse (Rom. 1:18-20). Cornelius was saved, accepted of God in Christ because he worshipped as he was supposed to at the time. Believing the Revelation God had given, he trusted Christ, of whom the law and the prophets spoke. There are none today in his peculiar circumstances. This man’s character is not to be applied to religious men and women who deny the revelation of God in Holy Scripture.
The words of our text mean that God does not prefer or despise anyone because of his or her earthly conditions. The Jews thought they were the only people to whom God would ever be gracious. They regarded all Gentiles as dogs, cursed, and rejected of God. But Peter assures us here that all are alike before God. All people need God’s saving grace (Rom. 3:23). The grace of God comes to all the same way, through Christ the sinners’ Substitute (Eph. 1:3-6). All who are saved must come to God the same way, by faith in Christ (Acts 4:12). And all who come to God by faith in Christ are equally accepted in him. All are one with Christ. And all are one in Christ (Gal. 3:28). “Some lie nearer, others more remote from the sun, but they are all alike near to the Sun of Righteousness” (Thomas Manton).
WHO ARE THOSE THAT FEAR GOD AND WORK RIGHTEOUSNESS? Cornelius is described as a devout man who feared God and worked righteousness. But it is contrary to everything revealed in the Bible to imagine that his fear of God and works of righteousness were the foundation of his acceptance with God (Tit. 3:4-5). The only people in the world who fear God and do works of righteousness are those who have been saved by the grace of God, accepted in Christ, washed in his blood and robed in his righteousness. These are the fruits of grace, not the causes of grace. The grace of God that brings salvation causes saved sinners to do works of righteousness (Eph. 2:8-10; Tit. 2:11-14). But grace does not come as the result of works!
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE ACCEPTED OF GOD? Peter speaks in our texts of sinners being “accepted with” God. The only way sinners can ever be accepted with God is in Christ (Eph. 1:6). God accepts every gift given and every act performed for him by every believer through the merits of Christ (I Pet. 2:5). As he is pleased with Christ, so he is pleased with all who are in Christ by his grace (Matt. 17:5), because all that Christ has is ours in him by divine imputation. Hence, to be accepted with God means that it will be a righteous thing for God to reward every believer with all the blessedness of eternal glory in the day of judgement (Rom. 8:17).
WHAT LESSONS ARE TO BE LEARNED FROM THIS TEXT AND FROM GOD’S DEALINGS WITH CORNELIUS? Without question, the Holy Spirit has recorded these things to teach us three very important lessons. (1) God’s saving grace is absolutely free and sovereign. No earthly distinctions will secure God’s favor, and no earthly woes will prevent it. (2) No one will ever seek the Lord in vain (Isa. 45:19). Any who walk in the light God gives them will get more light. No one can put God under obligation. We can never merit anything from him, but wrath. Yet this is certain – All who truly seek the Lord find him (Jer. 29:13). (3) If God has no regard for anyone’s person, neither should we. We must neither court the rich or despise the poor. We are to receive all as brothers and sisters in Christ who worship the Lord our God, and treat them as the children of God.
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