Uncut/Unedited Verbatim Sermon notes from
March 11, 2012 sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Thomas
Scripture Text: Leviticus 16
Sermon Title: “Don’t sweat it”
It’s not that serious.. Don’t sweat it.. In 1996 Dr. Richard Carlson released a book called: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
He tapped into the vein of people that worry about more than one thing at a time.. He evaluates the time we invest in anger and the effort we put into anxiety.. He claims that the reason we let stuff get into out heads is because we let stuff get to our hearts..
Worrying is not having faith .. Don’t sweat the small stuff… The opening page should give you a revival..
Chapter 1) Think of what you have instead of what you want.
Chapter 2) Surrender to the fact that life is not fair…
Chapter 3) It’s more important to be kind than to be right..
Chapter 4) Appreciate your day on earth it may be your last…
Chapter 5) Don’t sweat the small stuff.
It gives us views on living an appropriate life style… There are so many people that are nervous about their assignment..
Exodus Chapter 19: made Dr. Bryant clap his hands – Because Exodus 19: 6 – You will be for a kingdom of priests.. A priest is a mediator between heaven and earth.. Someone who has the right and respectability to negotiate between heaven for a biblical response..
Exodus chapter 19; Moses said: “I want the entire nation to be priests” Everyone is suppose to have the authority to handle things on earth.. Young folks and some should have power to navigate on earth..The people who were considered the children of God were suppose to operate… Adam was the original Priest… He failed in his responsibility because he failed in his authority…
God never spoke to Eve, he told Adam to disciple them.. Had he cultivated the ministry, the person that crossed him would not have had no authority to violate him..
Being the royal priesthood, God called them to raise the standards… The Israel lights were intended to be the Priest… When you have authority, you know who you are in God.. By your signs and wonders, you still work in supernatural powers..
The children of Israel did not know their supernatural power… They became Levits… In Leviticus, it gives you the responsibility of a Priest… The Priest got arrogant, so God had to raise up a Prophet because the Priest was not doing their job… So many have gotten drunk, and forgotten their voices because they do not know their influence..
God said I am going to raise up a high Priest which is Jesus Christ… When you were anointed, you were anointed to be a priest… The chief responsibly to be a chief is to be an intercessor… They were not just praying for themselves, but they were praying for other people… It’s something wrong with people that are anointed and are not praying for people…. You are not anointed to be independent.. I’m anointed to intercede… I am anointed to intercede on someone else’s behalf….
Your gift to intercede is better than the gift of singing, or preaching.. It’s more significant than the gift of laying on hands.. The devil know if you knew that something was gong to happen you would be praying and interceding even before hand. Even when I can’t pray for myself, I can pray for somebody else… It becomes frustrating…
I am more influential in praying for other people than I am for praying for myself… For those that know they have a priestly anointing.. When it comes to our own stuff, we don’t know what to say or what to do because we were not anointed for ourselves…
We have to have someone else to pray for us… You were anointed to pray for someone else.. Someone is getting ready to get an eviction stopped because of your prayer.. Somebody case is getting thrown out of court because of your prayer.. I’m dangerous when I walk as an intercessor of God… God has anointed me to intercede for other people…
Exercise, and brace your self and declare out loud this affirmation that: “I’m anointed for other people” – Some of yawl are selfish, but some of us still try to give to other peopel… Some of us use to get mad because mamma use to give everything to other people, and you would get mad, but God has put the same mantle on you..
In order to function as a priest, you ave to present yourself accordingly… Put on the linen under garment.. Make sure the under garments are tight, and make sure you bathe yourself in water before you put it on…. Most of us are use to Ephesian.. Put on the whole armor of God.. It is an outfit for warfare… What we find in Leviticus chapter 19 is an outfit for intercession… It goes under as a garment before you put on the whole armor of God…
Put on linen under garments… Why does he not just say undergarment, and is detailed and say the kind of fabric.. He said I need your under garments made of linen… Linen is the only fabric that breaths and it absorbs the atmosphere… Linen is incredible because it breathes and have to have it’s own ventilation….
You are not suppose to perspire in God’s presence.. Why? Sweat is a symbol of rebellion against God… In Genesis chapter 3 said, since you listen to your wife and did not listen, I am cursing the ground, and everything you get , you will get from the sweat from your brow… Before, he got everything easy because he was obedient… Now he has to get it in sweat because of disobedience… It was never God’s intention for you to work hard or struggle.. Struggle is the sign that I did not pay attention when God was speaking to me.. What I should be doing is getting a sweat less attempt.. Sweat is using your own intelligence to meet a goal or to be fed… A lot of people work themselves up shouting while they are in church because they did not work at all during the week… The problem is they did nothing and there is no fruit to their labor…
In this season of your life, ladies and gentleman who are in the room.. it’s not about if you speak in tongues or stand in the $1,00O dollar prayer line… In this season, you will not sweat… You will get it in this season everything easy because you walked in the roll of a priest and interceded for someone else…
In Maryland they don’t own a home, but they do have a house.. They have food everyday even though they don’t cash a check… They have a car even when they did not put a down payment on one… They have the best doctors… You don’t have to worry about where you live or what you will eat…. You real faith is when you can look out for other people and your back is against the wall. You can’t pray for your self, but you want someone else to be healed…
His energy is going to get behind your effort.. All I have to do is try it… It up to God to do it… Some of us don’t know how much you had to deal with.. Most people say, I don’t know how you deal with this… They don’t know that I have on the garments of an intercessor on and it’s up to God to handle it…
This is for 19 of you.. The next thing you go after will not provoke you to go after any extra.. Your prayer life will give you what your need… When you have a prayer life, God will give you what you need… How many of us want a sweat less victory…
Take that garment and tie it around you like a sash… Tie it in your sensitive area… The issue that is in your heart that keeps creeping into your head… I’m getting ready to bless you publicly in private areas.. When people see you shout they are not gong to know what you are shouting about.. That thing that have been nagging and gnawing about… Because you put linen around it, God is going to protect it.. I know the bills are high and the bill collectors are calling…
Don’t put that linen garment on and you are dirty.. Do no attempt to pray with me, and you have not resolved your stuff. I can’t really trust you to pray for me because you can’t handle your own stuff…
I”m able to put on the linen garments because God cleaned me up from the inside out… You have to clean yourself… Do not clean yourself with Calvin Klein perfume.. In this hour when you clean yourself… You can only clean yourself using the word.. Praise will not clean you.. singing hymns will not clean you… A devotional life , and reading the word of God take nastiness and filth off of you.. It’s the word of God that cleans you.. You cannot be sanctified and you do not have any word in you… But when you mediate on it night and day… that word that i hid in my heart that I might not sin against you… It’s the word that is gong to clean you…
Leviticus Chapter 16 – After you put this on the garments.. Go on over the church.. Get over to the church and gather some incense… Put some fire on it… You will not be effectual in ministry if you do not put some fire on.. You have a zeal and passion for it… When God call you to do something.. You don’t need a reserve parking space or a title.. All you need is to give God glory because there is a call on my life…
Burn incense, because they will bring a different aroma in the room… I need aroma in the room to cover your stinch… I cannot even stand to smell you because your sin carries a scent.. You come to church smelling nasty… I can still smell the residue of the stuff you been in this week… Burn the incense so when I burn them them I don’t smell you..
Incense is a symbol of worshiper… I need you to begin to worship not because of the stuff he put on you… You let the enemy know that you have a lot to deal with but you are not sweating it… In spite of my child gong crazy and me not being able to find a job or a good relationship to be in… I’m not gong to let you see me sweat..
It’s now my shift to step in position to be a priest.. Although, I have my own circumstance, I have somebody going through some stuff close to me, but i only have one opportunity to worship… There is someone heavy on my heart… There is a friend of mine that cannot catch a break… The enemy thought if they put circumstances on me, I would stop being a priest… For God I live, for God I die… There are two people I need to get free before noon… I am a royal Priesthood, I am the head and not the tail… I am a lender an not a borrower… When I open up my mouth, It is not for me… I want to see them get a job, I want to see them out of that recklessness lifestyle…. But I am going to pray for somebody else while I have my own health problems… I am anointed to be a Priest, and i have the garment.t of praise
I woke up this morning with my mind staying on Jesus… Lift up your voice and stop begin selfish… I need you to pray for somebody else.. I need you pray exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or see… Say neighbor, somebody is getting free and delivered today because God pout them on ,my heart…
Act like this is my job, because Praise is what I do… He is worthy… Neighbor., I know it’s been rough, I know it’s been hard… but I have you covered…. I’m not shouting for me, but I’m shouting for everything you been going through… I( break the hand of the devil.. Every lie that rose up again you will be reversed… Every curse that have your name has been broken… I’ve been assigned to cover you in prayer… You are not going to sit next to me and be stressed out… You did not ever know that there is a Preist next to you… I speak over your life, Joy, Peace, Happiness… Come on and praise him…
If you find someone that has a real prayer life… Lift up our God.. Not for you, but stand in the gap for somebody else… Lift him up!!!!
I need you to lift up that hand.. You are anointed not for yourself… But you are anointed for someone else… I need you to out load speak their name for the person you need God to bless… Pray out loud on their behalf and dispatch angels… I need you to do something for her Lord… I know that you are able to present them from falling.. Please Lord I stand int he gap on their behalf… I need you to pray for that child, that friend of yours… That neighbor… The one that have not confided in you but you suspect something is wrong…. I need you to pray for them fight now… Hallelujahs…
My God answers prayer… From whomever the individual is, I want you to give God glory for them right now.. It’s not all about you, but I want you to give God glory for them… Whomever you have prayed for, I’m praying that God does something out right laddish and miraculous for them… Believe next Sunday that the person will be sitting next to you next Sunday..
Ladies and gentleman, you are anointed for somebody else…
The song says: I give myself away…. To live life is to die, but to die is gain…
I want someone right where you are to pray that someone is saved and the Kingdom is enlarged…
Those on line pray for whatever church you have your name on the roll… We pray that every prayer that was lifted be answered… There is a distinctive difference between hope and faith – You have to work… You have to work in order to have faith… I have faith today that someone is gong to get saved, and make Empowerment temple their new church home…
Seal it with a gift for the person you are giving for… The role is to give for somebody else.. The reality is that Jesus did not have to die, but he did for somebody else that we might live….
Those watching on line to give selflessness.. Give for somebody else and your self..
Noted Taken By: Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas – March 11, 2012 7:30 a.m. service