Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my HOPE comes from him…
Byron Cage - Royalty In Him, Hope Abounds Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my HOPE comes from him. [Psalm 62:5] Greetings to everyone, my subscribers, Facebook friends, family and friends alike... Today, I'm focusing on the word "Rest", being that resting has become a life long struggle for me... As I went to bed early this morning after awakening at midnight, I realized that not many have the ability to stay awake at the darkest hours of the night... I began to pray last night around midnight concerning some things that have been rattling my mind... The more I prayed, the more God began to reveal to me concerning each situation... My final words would be, I'm laying down once more … Continue reading Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my HOPE comes from him… →