Uncut / Verbatim sermon noted Taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas – Just for your enrichment!

Sermon Title: “I Can’t Hide It!”
Exodus 2:2 (NIV) 2 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.
My thoughts are not like your thought, and my ways are not your ways.. .There should be something on your mind that should move you toward manifestation…
Whatever God has impregnated in your mind is about to be manifested… This is the hour and the season where your greatest ideal is about the be exposed.
They found 2 people that came together.. Two Levite people came together and they got married.. The two that came together in chapter 2 they knew about sanctification.. When they came together they produced.. They produced Miriam… The first thing they produced was praise… Now they come back and produce Aaron… He is that which is anointed… The third time is different from the last two times.. The enemy is not effected by praise.. The third time they are about the release a deliverer.. That’s when the attack come… Yes, you have already produced.. But what is in you will come out of you… If it ever gets out, your family will be shifted… At that time Pharaoh puts a bounty out on all babies born… All newborn Hebrew boys were to be killed….
I don’t know if you realize what you are carrying… The enemy does not want you to birth it so he’s doing everything to try and kill it… The birth mother in Exodus Chapter 2 knew she was carrying something special.. Sometimes you have to hide what you are carrying.. .If you let it out to early, it may die…. You season of hiding is coming to an end… You are too gifted to die without displaying your dreams…
The reason why your circle is so small is you are different from the people around you… She had to hide her pregnancy.. She had to hide her sickness so people would have no indication to know that you are carrying what you are carrying… They have no ideal what you bring to the table.. If they knew how much you were carrying… They would have saved a seat for you… Demons are around and you are scared so you have to bind up the gift you are carrying…
Sometimes what you are carrying will make you sick, change your mood, and make you sick.. .The only reason you have not slipped into prenatal depression is you have to birth this… Please forgive me, but I feel like I need to preach to about 700 of you… You’ve been asking God, is the my season yet, is it my time? Is it time to birth what’s in me.. If you don’t feel pain, it not your time yet… God, I’m ready for delivery because you don’t know how much duress I’ve been in …
That’s just the pregnancy… If Pharaoh is born just now they will kill… She has to build an under grown tunnel in her living room and she has to deliver it… Her husband has to put a towel in her mouth so she don’t scream… She could not even afford a mid wife… She can’t even afford to let her receive assistance… She could not even afford to let folks touch her with their dirty hands…
This thing you are now carrying, you will birth with no help…. You will not be provided an anesthesia… I wish I could tell you that it’s gone be easy.. This blessing will cause you some pain… There will days you will be able to go to sleep… I know some of you like cotton candy blessings, because some of you don’t like to go through nothing…
If you never had a problem, you would not have known how strong you were… You functioned as usual after you were knocked down.. You cooked for the kids, and and went to work as usual because you are equipped for the pain..
She could not longer hide, it had to be revealed and exposed… It’s beginning to be unwrapped… Whatever it is, you have been holding on to it since February… The last 3 months have been the most difficult…. .I’m tired of acting like I’m not as smart… Coming June you will have a coming out party.. I’m getting ready to exposed the gift in you… This is the month you are getting ready to send the devil into shock trauma… This is the month your family is going to be amazed.. .This is the month you are getting ready to show you co-workers that you don’t need this job… I can’t hide my anointing and creativity… I can’t hide my sheered genius, personality and ingeniousness… I’m gone find out who my real friends are…. Take me or leave me… Take me for who I am.. You gone see who I really am…
Hallelujah…. Be seated please… She said, “I can’t hide them anymore… My time is up” Exodus 3 chapter 2.. . She put the baby in a basket… It’s funny how people will hide you.. God is getting ready to make your name great… .You are not going to settle for 2nd class. It’s his family trying to hide who he is.. .I’m tired of you waiting to validate me..
As of now, I’m waiting on me because I know it’s my call..
I know you don’t need it, but it’s 80 of you in the room need to shout out: “I’m free” – I’m free from what happened in my past… “I’m free~!” Hallelujah…
You may be seated if you can.. Hallelujah..
Moses mother put him in a basket made out of tar… She places him amongst the weeds not amongst the water.. She placed him so he will be positioned and no stuck… Sometimes, God will put you in a position because he’s waiting on the right person to identify what you bring to the table… In a couple of days, you are about to be spotted.. Somebody is about to see your intelligence and pull you in… He is about to put you in the hands of somebody that can be trusted… He is about to put you in the hands of someone that treated you better than your own family did… You are about to be spotted!!!
She is participated in a ceremonial bath.. .She has gone to the Nile to participate in a ceremony for fertility.. It was a custom for woman to bathe in from of the God’s because she needed them to pray for her to become pregnant.. Praying to her fake God’s for a bay.. The Nile move from North to south, but the baby is coming from North to South… When she thought it was coming from this direction, but it came from another…
The blessing you are about to receive is coming from another direction.. You kept waiting on a man, a degree to do it…. It’s coming from the hills.. Look to the hills which cometh your help, your help cometh from the Lord… That’s why you have to be careful how you treat people, because you don’t know where your next blessing is coming from…
The Israelite s are slaves… They were not permitted to learn to read and write… Moses was taken in the house so he could receive and education… He could speak 17 languages.. They meant is for evil, but God is getting ready to work it out for their good.. God is setting it up, not for you to get a car but for your child to get a free education.. There is a scholarship with your child’s name on it… He is going to let your child see the world, even the world thought they could kill him…
The prayers of your thoughts are about to be answered.. You just missed it.. Not the stuff you spoken, but the stuff that’s been on your mind… God is getting ready to bless you exceedingly, abundantly above all you can thinketh… You don’t have to tell nobody what you want….. God is getting ready to answer unspoken prayers…
Those that are standing, stay standing.. Those that are seated, please stay seated… If you are standing say: “Watch this!!!” If you are seated, stay seated… Moses’s sister stood at a distance so she could see what was happening… All the people that has been in your business… God is getting ready to blow there mind because God is getting ready to do what eyes have not seen… I feel like I have a responsibility for the homies that are standing… Give me until the 4th of July to see what I have in store for you… In the next 30 days, you are getting ready to see God do some crazy stuff.. Before the 4th of July.. Everything you have been dreaming about and has been in your heart is coming to pass…
I have to tell you one last thing… Miriam and Aaron thought they were going to have the priority because they came first.. They did not know that they always save the best for last… Your siblings will work for you…. Your family will get free by how they treat you…
If you hear somebody running my name through the rug… Tel them to watch this… Because I’ve been faithful over a few things…. so God is getting ready to bless me with much… I’m getting ready to find a financee for finance my dreams… My kids will go to private school.. I have some dreams..
Say: “Watch this” In the next 30 days this is going to be the best coming… He is getting ready to expose your gifts.. You have been hidden too long..
You are too anointed to be anonymous… He is getting ready to make your name great…
I want to pray for your dreams… I want to pray by the 4th of July that it manifest… Where is my church? You must not be excited about your dreams… If you have a like mind like you Pastor… Open up your mouth and give God glory like you know it’s about tot come to pass… This is for your dream… I can’t hear nobody…. The thoughts that I have for you…..
Stand to your feet all over the sanctuary…. I’m excited about your future…. I’m impressed with what’s on your mind.. .You have been thinking small thoughts and insignificant dreams…. But your dreams are so significant that they will deliver your entire family…
It’s something about Joseph….. He was attacked for talking about his dreams… He was attacked for just discussing his dreams… When Joseph’s dream comes to pass, nobody in the family ever goes back to work…. Yawl are missing it… When Joseph’s dream came to pass, they all got a house… There’s so much invested for your dreams..
Whatever you are anointed for, you can get paid for… I don’t need another job.. I just need an opportunity to work my gift… Then everything that I need will be taken care of…
This is a place where God will produce your dreams and make them manifest while you are awake… I want your dreams to manifest while you are awake…
Don’t allow someone else’s dream become your nightmare….
Invitation to Discipleship: “Ask at least one person: Are you saved?” Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
You are in the right place, serving the right God in the right place… I know that’s right!!! Give God a hand clap of praise…
How many of you can attest that you have a lot on your mind? God knows your prayers even before you speak them….. There’s a lot impregnated in your imagination… It will begin to manifest in the next 30 days… You can no longer hide the greatness and significance that’s in you!!!
I Can’t afford to keep investing in the dreams of others and forfeit my own manifestation..
Offering Time: “You will not gain everything, until you loose everything..” “What profits a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul” I want you to give an offering that will allow you to alter your budget… This week you will have to give up something… Say Lord I trust you to bring something out of me, that you have never…
God is getting ready to do something.. There will be folks just seeing the finished product and ideal…
Lift up your hands… I pray that God will shift you from imagination to manifestion.. I pray whatever God put in head will be in your hand.. I pray that your thought alone will be supported.. I pray you find someone to finance your dreams…
Communion: – I pray that your thoughts alone will disarm the enemys plans on your life, In Jesus Name. To thine own self be true..
Crack the bread in your hands… That’s what was suppose to happen to your body… You were suppose to crumble under pressure… The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy… I pray for good health in your body.. I’m going to go a step further and pray for good health in your mind… Thank you Lord that you did not loose your mind…. I pray every toxins is being purged from your body.. . I pray that God is making you clean from the inside out…
Pray the Lords Prayer:
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.
Now and for ever.
The blood that Jesus Shed for me.. It will never loose it’s power!!!
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