Tag Archives: Gospel

Sermon Title: “You got another thing coming…” Dr. Jamal H. Bryant

Get connected to God and stay connected!
Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Uncut / Sermon notes… Taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

*Verbatim / Uncut, unedited sermon noted From Dr. Jamal H. Bryant
Sunday March 11, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. service

Empowerment Temple Church – 9:30 service

Sermon Title:  “You got another thing coming…”

Opening Prayer

Opening Song:  Yes, yes..

Announcements: Pastor Lemons – He is asking the youth to register free of charge to come to the annual youth conference… We are asking that people that have a heart for this generation..

Choir Selection:  You are worthy to be praise.. You are Alpha and Omega… We worship you our Lord… You are worthy to be praised…

Dr. Jamal Bryant… “Thank the Lord, because God still answers prayers…”

Dr. Jamal thanked the staff for moving forward in his absence on last week while in Selma, Alabama for the March so African American could secure voting right.. It’s now in jeopardy, and that do not take that gift for granted.. People laid their lives down for us to vote..  They are challenging each black church to register at least 20 people in each churches all around the world…  Comcast and Revolt are coming on board to open up more networks.. Empowerment temple will be on 5 days a week on Comcast…

They will be doing voters registration next Sunday in the lobby.. After next week, we will be  able to registrar from your phones…

Maryland is in trouble.. We have not had one black representative in Maryland since the election of President Obama..

Scripture:  Ezekiel Chapter 3: 16 -17  At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me:

 Sermon Title:  You got another thing coming…

After the ridiculous rant of Rush Limbaugh, calling someone a slut and prostitute..

42 groups have resigned from his program.. How could he have such harsh language against someone he never met.. People were outraged and rose up against him..


Women are being under attacked… Men cannot sit around while our women are being berated by powerful white men.. While I ask those 42 sponsors what they did… when Rush Limbaugh said in 2003 said why all of the criminal resemble Jesse Jackson…

Why didn’t he get  reprimanded when he said the NFL look like the blood and crisps only with a football..


When a black woman called his program, he told an African American woman to take the bone out of your nose and call back.. Where was the outrage when he called President Obama a Hafricen and an illegal alien … He lost his sponsors but it didn’t matter because his sponsors have already been replaced.. It like loosing a little bit of your fires… You loose a little bit but you still have a lot… Jim Crow… I want it to be sent to Rush Limbaugh, that he needs to choose his next words about our women, our children and our president.. If he think he can keep disrespecting the people that  helped build this country… There are going to be some repercussion if he puts his mouth on our women, our children and our President,…

There was another man that was removed from his job for making a statement about gays and homosexuals.. He has not gotten his job back.. But they say if you say something about African Americans, you are just exercising freedom of speech..

You have to be careful when you are anointing,,, they have to be careful what they say to you… It’s not the responsibility of other’s to degrade your character because the anointing is on your life.. They don’t know that the words that they put out on your are getting ready to boomerang… The power of life and death are in the power of the tongue…   Out of your mouth you can loose on earth that you loose in heaven.. Words are important, if you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to forgive you from all unrighteous… The devil is  amazed that you will still come to church and use your words.. It’s through God’s word that you believe in faith.. Without God words your prayer has no effect or results.. In order for prayer to work, you have to throw his words in his face.. God is a God that cannot lie… You told me that you were gong to supply all of my needs… In the time of trouble, you said you would hide me.. You have to throw his word in his face… The only words God used to be build the earth.. was  Let there be.. When I use my words, things will be begin to manifest.. If  you want something you need to open your mouth… Closed mouths do not get fed… Open your mouth and speak what you need… Please be seated right where you are….

50 times in the book of Ezekiel, watch what Ezekiel says:  In this book and the word of the Lord came to me… This word is not for cradial-rolls.. This is not for babes in Christ… There is an erroneous statement that says:  “Money come to me”   I came to announce to those that has an ear to hear.. The word that is getting ready to hear is going to be better than what you heard before… If you know there is a word that is getting ready to shake… Sir, Mam, Ladies and  Gentleman.. There is a word that is on it’s way to you that is gong to shift your assignment and meet you in your dream place.. There is word getting ready to come why he did not let the devil break you.. He is getting ready to send you a word to let you know that your child is not gong to break…

I need you to be braced.. I don’t know when that word is coming.. For some of you it is while you driving to work.. Some of you it will be in shower… He said I’ve been trying to get your attention because there is a word that I’ve been trying to give to you..

“There is a word coming to me…”  What I hear next is going to be better than what I heard before… It’s gong to be exceedingly above and beyond of what I can think or imaging… He is getting ready to send you a word who needs to be evicted from your space… He is getting ready to give you a word of wisdom.. He is getting ready to give you prophetic words… some of you are gong to get a word you do not want to hear.. No he is not the one for you.. NO, you will not go there… No….

Lord I need just one word about my situation.. I’m tied of feeling like I’m in this thing by myself… I’m tired of people telling me stuff.. I need a word from the Lord… The word that is coming to me, I don’t need to prophesying to me or leaving no long message on my answering machine…  What God is gong to say to me he is gong to say it direct…

Ezekiel.. Chapter..19 _I am making you a watchman…  The A Word comes to Ezekiel… I am creating a new job for you… I am getting ready to move you into a position where you did not even apply for.. I see  your skills… I’m getting ready to show you where you getting ready to work in ministry.. When I put you in position, you are not going to  have to wait for no one to sign off…   Because I created this position for you..

I am making you a watchman.. Hear the words of the Lord…  Hear it is… I’m in Ezekiel.. I am making you a watchman… Hear the word of the Lord!!!!    What are you saying::  A watchman job is only to see… Watch this – what you are getting ready to see is what you heard in prayer… God said, brace yourself.. I just need you to look for it…

This is of no effect for people who do not have a prayer life.. Everything you heard me say you are getting ready to see it in the next 90 days… I aint seen it but I believe it is on the way… I see some things in the spirit realms that  has not yet come to pass, but i heard the voice of the Lord…

Whatever you heard God say in prayer is what  you are getting ready to see God do in real life… Your only job right now.. You don’t even have to ask him about it no more.. I just need you to look for a sign… What I’ve been telling you in the middle of the night.. What I’v e been telling you as a child… All I need you to do is to look for what you heard..

And the word become flesh and dwelt amongst us… Your prayer is getting ready to take on ta life of its; own.. It”s getting ready to move around you.. My God is able to do just what he said he is gong to do…  You must not see it.. I’m trying not cry because God just showed me my business… I just seen myself at a different address. My child is going to be ok…

Preachers, I need you to grab this part… when Satan came to the wilderness to tempt Jesus… In the attempt to attempt him Jesus said “It is written”  He is so focused in the face of temptation… he knew that God’s word over his life is too powerful to be distorted.. In Jeremiah when God give you a word he puts his name on it… The reason the devil is having victory  is because you have followed church talk.. When you hear soothing you go into church talk and say I bind it… When Jesus confronted the devil he never said I bind it…  God said start saying the words you hearts.. I am the head and not tail… I am the lender and not the borrower…

This Proclamation is not for new found believers… I cannot spoon feed you.. This is fork and knife… John 15 says If you abide and me, I will abide in you… If you abide in my word.. If you ask what is not an emergency.. If you abide in me and stand on the word I gave you… If you desire, and you want it because you just want it and I stand in your word…

I took 31 minutes to get to you just one point.. I’m sorry the run way has been so long to get to the point.. God told me as I was coning back from Chicago.. Tell the 9:30 you’ve had an incredible testimony.. You have seen some things.. You’ve seen some curses being broken.. Buckle up because you have another thing coming… The thing that is getting ready to come to you is the best thing you have ever had.. A word for your life for the word that’s coming… It’s not ever there yet but I give him glory for the word that is coming to me…

Hallelujah.. I just need you to high five 5 people and tell them that “I have another thing coming”…

Lift your hands right where you are… I don’t know where you are but somebody needed that word on today.. Ezekiel said, the word of the Lord came to me.. On on diving assignment is that the word you need is on it’s way to you .. what YOU Needed to get clarity about, it’s on it’s way to you…  Those that can operate in a level of faith… Not for the word you have already received but for the word that is coming..

I need you to lift up your voice… There is a word coming to me….

I want you to take your neighbors hand…. It is therefore ladies and gentlemen… Chapter 17 the lord makes Ezekiel. a watchman.. had he not taken the job in chapter 3 he would have missed his position to see dry bone.. God was preparing him in an earlier chapter to prepare him for something he was getting ready to see.  What God is getting ready to show you is not good or the perfect condition….. You don’t know that I’m shouting you to fix the situation.. You keep praying for perfectly situation… But God is looking for you to be able to fix some raggedy, broke down, chaotic situations… You  don’t even know that you are the one  to be able to fix it… Can dry bones live again.. Everything you’ve been looking at that is out of order is getting ready to come together and find order… Open up your voice like you are getting ready to see it… Lift up your voice…

Take YOUR Neighbors hand and life it above then head.. Thank you Lord for letting me see… Lord i’m sorry for being upset.. Lord I never thought you would put me in this place… I anointed you to fix broken stuff… You marriage is getting ready to get healed.. Whatever is gong on with your money is getting ready to get right.. The drama that has been going on your job is getting ready to be fixed… Hug two people and tell them that you are anointed to fix it…

I’m anointed to fix it!!!!    Lift up your voice and say “I AM ANOINTED TO FIX IT”..

I really feel hostage to this word right now… You are sir, Mam… Anointed for chaos… And every now and again, God brings chaos into your life just so you can show off your anointed to show the devil that you are not a pushover…

When you look back over your life the stuff you survived, those issues would have drove you crazy.. You would have been in jail or hurt somebody, but I am anointed… People don’t understand that you are so use to drama that it don’t even take you off guard when people try to play…. It don’t even phase you because you have been anointed for chaos….

Whatever you heard, you are getting ready to see…

I want to extend a personal invitation to you like it’s just me and you in the room…

You need a church that can help you deal with chaos and deal with the issues you need to deal with…

I did not know you could be anointed for confusion.. I had no ideal that I could gauge my anointing.. My level of confusion is a reflection of your anointing… After saying all of that… I must be anointed…

This is the kind of church i need to be in to get a word from the Lord… I know God will meet me right where I am at, but will not leave me where I am… God changed the time around to make you rush toward your destiny…

Meet me at the alter if you know you need to get saved and get to God… I need you to come even right… I don’t know where you are, but there is a call on your life…

I started speaking this word to you since you were in your mother’s womb… there are 7 more people that need to get it right with the Lord… I’m waiting on 5 more of you…God said I have spared you for this day and this hour.

I need you to talk to two people and ask them are you save… Empowerment here comes the harvest…  There are two more that needs to be at this alter…. God told me to tell you that you are worth the wait..  There is one more that needs to come… Look at your neighbor and ask them if you are the one that is holding up the service…

You are in the right place at the right time, serving the right God.. Give God glory, there goes one more soul coming to Christ…

God is waiting on you….  Give God some Glory…

You are in the right place at the right time, joining the right church…

There is a brother in the room that needs to come… I don’t know where you are…

Stretch your right hand out… No music please… It’s  an older person that I am looking for that needs to come…. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all  you can ask..

There is a family that needs to be at the alter…. It’s an unorthodox family, may grandmas and child….  There we go…

You are in the right place at the right time, joining the right church, doing the right thing…. If you know that is right, give God a hand clap of praise….

I feel a glory cloud in this room… I feel a weight of glory.. If you could just give God a real praise of Glory right where you are.. Worship him.. Lift up your voice…   You are worthy Lord of all the Praise… Yes Lord… Bless the Lord… You may be seated in the presence of the Lord..

Take you neighbor by the hand, right where you are.. Bless his holy name… Hallelujah…

It;s already 11;00 o clock.. Began praying for whomever hand you are holding… I need you to begin praying for the people on the internet… I[‘m believing that God is getting getting ready to do something  unusual… He is getting ready to do something supernatural…  God said, If I can just hear your voice… I’m getting rid of your legal issue…

Make sure somebody’s hand is in your hand… I know those that are watching on the internet over slept… But I need you to get  up and get dressed and meet for a miracle… I’m not leaving until God releases a miracle… Let me hear you worship him.. You don’t even realize what is getting ready to happen in this room… Come on and give God some glory…

Dr. Bryant Prophesied to:  “Alesha,  “God is getting ready to release a parental issue and free that man out of your spirit.. If you trust him, by 2014 you are going to walk down the aisle of this church and get married…”


Noted taken by:  Minster Evelyn Diane Thomas – March 11, 2012 19:30 a.m. service – Uncut, Unedited and verbatim