Tag Archives: Maryland

Sermon Title: “Healed from Headaches” (7:30 a.m. Worship) – Pastor Jamal Bryant /Empowerment Temple

Scripture Reading 2 Kings 4:17-19 (NIV) But the woman became pregnant, and the next year about that same time she gave birth to a son, just as Elisha had told her. The child grew, and one day he went out to his father, who was with the reapers. 19 He said to his father, “My head! My head!” His father told a servant, “Carry him to his mother.”

Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas I will bless the Lord… bless the Lord at all times!!!! Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within bless his Holy Name!!! I will bless the Lord!!! – http://cdn.streamingfaith.com/oc/empowerment-temple/


Sermon Title: “Healed from Headaches” (7:30 a.m. Worship) – Pastor Jamal Bryant /Empowerment Temple

After all that I’ve been through, I still have my joy!!! Good Morning, up getting my praise on at Empowerment Temple, @jamalhbryant – Stream live right now… http://cdn.streamingfaith.com/oc/empowerment-temple/ 


    • Song of Praise / Sang at Empowerment during worship….. 
      Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas ‎”I will bless the Lord at all times” ~ http://youtu.be/IY-PWFapAGM

      Byron Cage – I Will Bless The Lord

      Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas ‎Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas I give total praise to you!!!!! Total Praise! http://youtu.be/xCsJyzm83W0

      Total Praise – Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

      Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir TOTAL PRAISE

      Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas Pastor Jamal Bryant – Sermon Title: “Healed from Headaches” (7:30 a.m. Worship)

      Scripture Reading 2 Kings 4:17-19 (NIV) But the woman became pregnant, and the next year about that same time she gave birth to a son, just as Elisha had told her. The child grew, and one day he went out to his father, who was with the reapers. 19 He said to his father, “My head! My head!” His father told a servant, “Carry him to his mother.”

      Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas Sermon Title: “Healed from Headaches” (7:30 a.m. Worship) – Pastor Jamal Bryant /Empowerment Temple (My personal verbatim sermon notes / highlights – Unedited / Uncut sermon notes taken by – ~Minister Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

      Sermon Title: “Healed from Headaches” (7:30 a.m. Worship) –

      25 million people suffer from migraine headaches..45 million americans suffer from chronic headaches… over 200 types of headaches, range from harmless to life threatening.. Tension headaches most found in adults, provoked by stress and depression… Cluster headaches: attacks, one week at a time to a year. Cluster headaches, another type of headache is the headache of destructive thinking… The quality of your thinking, affects the quality of your life… Destructive thinking, may make you quick to surrender and make you think that you are a hostage to negative thinking… There have been studies shown that negative thinking lowers your immune system…. Thoughts are NOT always truth. Many operate in destructive behavior because of destructive thoughts that they think are the only option… i.e…. Example: “People lowering standards in an effort to find a mate..” Perception is NOT truth. The quality of your thinking affects the quality of your life. Negative thinking causes failure. Those who are afflicted with negative thinking exaggerate the size of the problem… Because you don’t know who you are you mind is conflicted. People with negative or destructive thinking are always exaggerate things, making it bigger than it really is. No matter how bad your problem is, it is reversible… This is how people develop massive headaches.. a massive headache because of stress and problems trying to calculate… “Nobody told me the road would be easy, but GOD did not bring me this far to leave me now..

      “People with destructive thinking do not have faith…. I’m getting ready to reverse every diabolical thought, and destructive behavior… You can be faithful and still lack some stuff… I positively think, God is sending people to support me….You don’t know who God is sending to bless your life… God is getting ready to send people that is going to bless your life, and have what I need with no strings attached… The people God is getting ready to send don’t want nothing from me, but only want to see me flow in my gift and fulfill my assignment… I positively think my housing situation is about to be taken care of…. This is the season that you cannot live beneath your dignity… I’m getting ready to shift you out of foreclosure, take you out of that bad neighborhood, and out of that apartment… I believe by faith that my housing situation is being taken care of…. Say out loud: “I will not loose my house… God,I know you have something in store for me” “I positively think a year from now, I’m gonna have what I thought wouldn’t!!!!” In the next 12 months, everything that you thought you were not qualified for, I’m going to give it to… It’s been a year of lack, but in one year it’s going to given pressed down, shaken together and running over… On e year later, she gave birth to a son and the child grew and went to his father and said my head, my head… When he has pain inside he head that other people could not see, he immediately went to his father… The stuff that was going ton his head was messing with his thinking… He did not know that there was a prophesy over his life.. He was ordained to be there… The reason why you are not going o go crazy is because things have already been prophesied over your life… I’m shouting because I just figured out that I can’t die because there is some stuff that God promised me…. Hallelujah… That aint for you, that’s for your neighbor….. Shout out loud: “I can’t die” Do you know how much stress I’ve been under, and all the stuff I’ve been carrying…. There si to much I gotta do to go out like that…. God, you can’t let me go out like that…… Hallelujah!!! – The little boy goes to his father…. My head, my head… There is no strand of cancer in his body, it was what was going on in is head that was destroying him… It’s the anointment that destroys the yoke… Everything that does not push you to your goal, God is taking it out of your head, and is going to allow you to think about it in another capacity…. Twenty people in this room just got healed from NEGATIVE THINKING!!! Everything that’ been on your mind negative is getting ready to be erased from your memory disk… This is different from when God told Abraham that He and Sarah was going to have a baby, and Sarah laughed… This was a different scenarios, and was not the negative thoughts of the parents, but the negligent thinking of the next generation…. The parents failed to … WE pray that God changed the minds of destructive thinking…. Do you know how much further you would be if you had what your child had to work with in this 21 century… We have to work on that destructive behavior… It’s not because we have a lack or role models… We have a black President…. We forget that we have a destructive generation behind us crying out “My head, My head”… There is a young black man graduating with 3.8 GPA….. He said he was going to a community college, and because his mind was not there… What is wrong with his parents not to thing this child was not brilliant…. I want us to start valuing ourselves… I pray God will upgrade the thinking of our children in our families.. Every generation is suppose to go further than the last generation… You can’t possibly think that you have gone through all of this just to get a job, or just to say that you were someone’s mother, or you had style…God has more for you!!! I need you to change your thinking… God has more for you!!!! The church is not a click, but an open door…. As they were asking the people that had a shooting at their Temple, what do you do for security.. They said: “nothing, because the Temple is always open for prayer”… I was convicted at that moment… The church should be open for prayer…

      Highlights of the sermon: “If all you are looking for is to get paid or get a check, then you will miss the real blessings of God” He was referring to the text, Elijah trying to be faithful to his call and ministry… “I positively think that God is sending people to support me.” “Thank God right now for the people he is setting up to bless your life…” “God will send people who have what I need and will do it with no strings attached” “This is the season that you will not live beneath your dignity” Believe by faith! “It’s not about me, It’s about what God wants for you. Are you saved? Yes or No?” The invitation: Are you saved? Yes or No. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? – Thsese are highlights from Dr. Pastor Jamal Bryant 7:30 a.m. Worship Experience… Empowerment Temple – Sermon noted taken by: ~ Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

      Total Praise – Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

      Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir TOTAL PRAISE

      Posted by: Minster Evelyn – 

       (My personal verbatim sermon notes / highlights – Unedited / Uncut sermon notes taken by – ~Minister Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas

      Title Date
      I Don’t Care How I Look Part 2 Jul 31, 2012  Listen
      Not Perfect but Powerful Jul 24, 2012  Listen
      Bring it Out Jul 17, 2012  Listen
      Room Service Jul 10, 2012  Listen
      Need Something to Work With Jul 03, 2012  Listen
      Perfect Imbalanced Life Jun 26, 2012  Listen
      Reversal of Fortune Jun 19, 2012  Listen
      I Wish it Was Easier Jun 11, 2012  Listen
      You Haven’t Gone Far Enough Jun 03, 2012  Listen
      It’s Not Too Late May 28, 2012  Listen
      Think Like a Man May 21, 2012  Listen
      Somebody Save Our Son May 14, 2012  Listen
      I Don’t Care How I Look May 07, 2012  Listen
      Tale of the Tiger Apr 30, 2012  Listen
      Oprah’s Problem Apr 23, 2012  Listen
      I Don’t Like Knowing Apr 16, 2012  Listen
      Death to Humiliation Apr 09, 2012  Listen
      I’m So Hood Apr 02, 2012  Listen
      The Power of Perception Mar 26, 2012  Listen
      Don’t Know if I Am Coming or Going Mar 19, 2012  Listen
      Just Trying to Maintain Mar 12, 2012  Listen
      It’s In The Air Mar 05, 2012  Listen
      I’m Tired of Hearing It Feb 27, 2012  Listen
      I’m Suppose To Have It Feb 20, 2012  Listen
      I Need A Tax Break Feb 13, 2012  Listen

You’re invited to Sunday Worship Services! 09:30, 11;30 a.m. Est.

Good Morning to my WIFI Subscribers, family and friends… Please join us for the  9:30 and 11:30 a.m. EST. online service at Empowerment Temple.. I promise,  you will be blessed….  Remember that if no one has told you they love you on today….  Please know that “Jesus Loves You, and so do I….”   

You have received an evite! Join us in person or online for one of our three Sunday worship services. We look forward to welcoming you Empowerment Temple.

Empowerment Temple
Sunday Worship Services

You’re Invited!

You have received an evite! Join us in person or online for one of our three Sunday worship services. We look forward to welcoming you Empowerment Temple.

Empowerment Temple
4217-4221 Primrose Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21215
Click Here For Driving Directions

Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas / WIFI Ministries  05/120/2012 – updated