Tag Archives: Movies / TV

Entertainment Industry (Movies / TV) – 40 days of Lent

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Get connected to God, and Stay connected!

Today as we embark on day 9 of our Lenton Season, we will pray about the Entertainment Industry (Movies / Tv).  I have enclosed some vital information regarding the entertainment Industry (Movies / TV & Music)  Please review and be amazed with figures and numbers in the entertainment industry… Simply Amazing… It’s a passion of mine because I believe I was born a true and living actress that has not gotten her big break yet but yet, but I still dream and have high hopes and expectations… As an amateur singer,  one day I dream of recording my own Gospel Music Vocals CD / Video and sharing it with the world my very own unique voice that I hear no other like it.. It’s  original and in a class all by itself… I’m so thankful for the so many gifts that God has given me in this area.. I do feel with the right cultivation, my skills in the Entertainment Industry could flourish…   What are some of your contributions you add to this dynamic subject:  Entertainment Industry (Movies / TV) ?  Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas / March 2, 2012 04:06 a.m.
Spike Lee / Black Producer in the Entertainment Industry

Spike Speaks His Mind for ESPN

Reference material from:  http://www.tvweek.com/blogs/blogging-the-tca/2008/07/spike_speaks_his_mind_for_espn.php


Sen Secret –


Reference material from:  Open Secret:  http://www.opensecrets.org/industries/contrib.php?cycle=2012&ind=b02

TV / Movies / Music

A large segment of the television, movie and music industry consists of movie and television studios, producers, directors, and actors — otherwise known as Hollywood. This category also includes the recorded music industry, commercial television and radio stations and networks, as well as cable and satellite TV operators.

In general, the entertainment industry leans Democratic in its political giving. In 2008, Democrats received 78 percent of the industry’s contributions. This continues the trend of the entertainment industry contributing more to Democrats during the past two decades with 70 percent of donations going to Democrats compared to 29 percent for Republicans.


Of the $48.7 million in total campaign contributions given by this industry during the 2008 election cycle, individuals associated with the industry contributed more than 80 percent, with political action committees accounting for most of the rest. Through their PACs, Comcast Corp.and Time Warner spent about $2.9 million and $2.7 million respectively during the 2008 election cycle. [Read more Background]


Top Contributors, 2011-2012

Contributor Amount
DreamWorks Animation SKG $2,263,850
Chartwell Partners $2,181,900
Comcast Corp $1,606,975
National Amusements Inc $765,994
Time Warner $675,938
National Assn of Broadcasters $658,400
Shangri-La Entertainment $505,100
Time Warner Cable $416,594
Walt Disney Co $396,548
CC Media Holdings $391,550
Cox Enterprises $351,177
Cablevision Systems $325,672
Liberty Media $301,005
Sony Corp $296,357
Hubbard Broadcasting $292,009
National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $287,750
DISH Network $273,837
Dreamworks SKG $257,500
News Corp $241,753
Creative Artists Agency $189,590


TV / Movies / Music: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates, Parties, and Outside Groups

Election cycle:



Total contributions: $20,908,500


Rank Organization Amount  Dems  Repubs Source
 Soft $
1 DreamWorks Animation SKG $2,263,850 12% 0%
2 Chartwell Partners $2,181,900 0% 8%
3 Comcast Corp $1,606,975 60% 40%
4 National Amusements Inc $765,994 64% 24%
5 Time Warner $675,938 87% 11%
6 National Assn of Broadcasters $658,400 50% 50%
7 Shangri-La Entertainment $505,100 20% 1%
8 Time Warner Cable $416,594 46% 54%
9 Walt Disney Co $396,548 75% 25%
10 CC Media Holdings $391,550 26% 73%
11 Cox Enterprises $351,177 48% 52%
12 Cablevision Systems $325,672 42% 58%
13 Liberty Media $301,005 38% 59%
14 Sony Corp $296,357 83% 17%
15 Hubbard Broadcasting $292,009 0% 66%
16 National Cable & Telecommunications Assn $287,750 52% 48%
17 DISH Network $273,837 38% 62%
18 Dreamworks SKG $257,500 61% 0%
19 News Corp $241,753 78% 23%
20 Creative Artists Agency $189,590 100% 0%

METHODOLOGY: The numbers on this page are based on contributions from PACs, soft money donors, and individuals giving $200 or more. (Only those groups giving $5,000 or more are listed here. Soft money applies only to cycles 1992-2002.) In many cases, the organizations themselves did not donate; rather the money came from the organization’s PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

All donations took place during the 2011-2012 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.


40 Days of Lent Schedule