Happy Sunday to each of you… We pray that everyone has a blessed and wonderful day of praise. I have enclosed day number 35 of Pecking orders directly from Bishop T.D. Jakes.
Much Love to each of you, and please keep pecking.. (P.E.C.K..)
Minister Evelyn
T.D. Jakes Ministries
WTAL – 52 Days of Pecking Orders – Day 35
When God POSITIONS you, He has a way of putting you in a place where you have no choice but to move from the safe center to the uncertain edge of a new experience! Admittedly, you would avoid making the necessary changes or facing the edge if you could. It’s here that you learn the value of faith and fuel of prayer. Activate both as God POSITIONS you to face uncertainty.
Bishop T.D. Jakes Ministries

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