WTAL – 52 Days of Pecking Orders – Day 16 by Bishop T.D. Jakes
T.D. Jakes Ministries WTAL - 52 Days of Pecking Orders - Day 16 When faced with significant opportunities, you might become fearful of bringing your past into your present. Take COURAGE in God POSITIONING you; God EXPOSING you; and God granting you His KNOWLEDGE! He would not have prepared you and brought you this far if He planned on destroying you or allowing new opportunities to overwhelm you. He’s given you your PECKING ORDERS because He knows you can handle them and carry them out! Continue pecking your way out!!! T.D. Jakes Ministries Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrSkypeRedditTelegramPocketWhatsAppEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading...