Today as we embark upon this 8th day of Lenten season, our main focus on today will be evangelism.
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV) 30The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
To evangelize means to proclaim the good news the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus in giving the Great Commission to the eleven apostles says in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you.” Imagine that Jesus saying these words to eleven of us today and we were one of the eleven. What would be our reaction? Impossible? Incredible? Absurd? Or Lord don’t you see there are only eleven of us? Or would we think “Yes Jesus really means me also.” We are also under this obligation to teach others. Jesus had just commanded the eleven to go teach and to teach those who were converted to observe all things he had command them which included that we are also to be taught to go and teach.
Paul says in Romans 1:14, “I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the Barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise.” In like manner today we are debtors to every non-Christian because we have the good news that can save his soul. This places us under obligation to share the gospel with the lost so they can be saved. Because someone loved us enough to teach us the truth, shouldn’t we do as much for someone else? What if you were unsaved and doomed to Hell, wouldn’t you want someone to teach you the saving gospel of Christ?
If people have not heard and learned the gospel they cannot obey it. In 1 Peter 4:17 the question is asked, “What shall be the end of those who do not obey the gospel?” The answer is given in 2 Thessalonians 1:8 which says when the Lord comes He will come “In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We should not want to see anyone lost but as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:11, “Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men.” People are going to be lost forever if we don’t teach them now!
The Lord doesn’t want anyone to be lost. We read in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord…is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” They can only come to repentance when they know what to do. We also read in 1 Timothy 2:4, “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Because of what the Lord has done for us, we have the obligation to teach others so they can come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:16, “Woe is to me if I preach not the gospel.” How are we going to answer the Lord if we haven’t bothered to tell the good news to others?
Our Lord in teaching His disciples, tells them in John 4:35, “Do you say there are still four months then comes the harvest? Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.” Our Lord was speaking of the spiritual harvest of souls who would be lost in eternity if they are not harvested. There is an urgency to teach the lost for Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” We must work in the Lord’s harvest because if we don’t then those we could have taught will be lost and we don’t want that to happen.
In the first century the good news of the gospel caused such great excitement that “And daily in the temple and from house to house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus” (Acts 5;42). We need to be as excited today. And even when they were being heavily persecuted, some even to death, we read in Acts 8:4, “Therefore those who were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” What should stop us today? We are not being persecuted. We have many more advantages. We have the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, the Internet, and the printed page. We are without excuse.
Teaching the lost is the work the Lord has commanded each of us to do. Successful evangelism is accomplished one person at a time. Evangelism is not only to be done in distant lands, but we must also teach those near us, our next door neighbors. God will be with us as we teach His word to the lost. We will be successful because we read in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” When we do what the Lord says to do we will not fail.
When we teach the lost we cause all of Heaven to rejoice. Jesus tells us that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7, 10). The joy of teaching one the gospel and seeing them obey it is beyond description.
For the director of music. For Jeduthun. Of Asaph. A psalm.
1 I cried out to God for help;
I cried out to God to hear me. 2 When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;
at night I stretched out untiring hands,
and I would not be comforted.
3 I remembered you, God, and I groaned;
I meditated, and my spirit grew faint. 4 You kept my eyes from closing;
I was too troubled to speak. 5 I thought about the former days,
the years of long ago; 6 I remembered my songs in the night.
My heart meditated and my spirit asked:
7 “Will the Lord reject forever?
Will he never show his favor again? 8 Has his unfailing love vanished forever?
Has his promise failed for all time? 9 Has God forgotten to be merciful?
Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”
10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:
the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand. 11 I will remember the deeds of the LORD;
yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. 12 I will consider all your works
and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
13 Your ways, God, are holy.
What god is as great as our God? 14 You are the God who performs miracles;
you display your power among the peoples. 15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
16 The waters saw you, God,
the waters saw you and writhed;
the very depths were convulsed. 17 The clouds poured down water,
the heavens resounded with thunder;
your arrows flashed back and forth. 18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,
your lightning lit up the world;
the earth trembled and quaked. 19 Your path led through the sea,
your way through the mighty waters,
though your footprints were not seen.
20 You led your people like a floc
by the hand of Moses and Aaron.
Posted by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas / February 28, 2012 03:23 a.m.
Today we are honoring the 7th day of Lenten season.. We will focus on “Environment / Ecology… What does the environment and ecology mean to you? Please feel free to leave a message and we can open a dialogue concerning this topic of discussion.
1. The aggregate of surrounding things,conditions, or influences; surroundings;milieu.
2. Ecology . the air, water, minerals,organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organismat any time.
3. The social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
4. Computers . the hardware or software configuration, or the mode of operation, of a computer system: In a time-sharing
environment, transactions are processed as they occur.
5. An indoor or outdoor setting that is characterized by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific.
1. a. The science of the relationships between organisms and their environments. Also called bionomics. b. The relationship between organisms and their environment.
2. The branch of sociology that is concerned with studying the relationships between human groups and their physical and social
environments. Also called human ecology.
3. The study of the detrimental effects of modern civilization on the environment, with a view toward prevention or reversal through
conservation. Also called human ecology.
Posted by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, February 28, 2012 03:00 a.m. PST
Disclaimer: (This sermon was very hard to transcribe because there was a very bad internet connection and the sound kept breaking up, but I did the best I could with these notes – Minister Thomas)
Sunday Morning / Empowerment Temple – 11:30 a.m. service
“ You don’t know how I’m going to do this…”
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Sr. Pastor, Empowerment Temple Church, Baltimore, Maryland
Verbatim – Uncut Unedited Worship and Sermon Notes from 11:30 service:
Opening song: “Bless the Lord with me – Hallelujah”
Prayer: Take your neighbor by the hand and begin to pray.. God we thank you for strength today. We thank you for increasing our faith.. We invite your presence in to my right and to my left… Anoint every situation that they are going through.. If it is wrong Lord, make it right… We thank you for healing us emotionally… We thank you for our spiritual gifts… In the name of Jesus.. We pray for those that say what must I do to be saved… Have your way Lord, and we give you all the glory and the honor in Jesus Name we pray.. Bless the choir, we shall be richly blessed and richly anointed in Jesus Name… Amen… Pastor’s Announcement: Dr. Jamal asking us to pray for the ministry you are connected too… Pray that God changes things… Cyber-saints.. Pray that everything that is connected to your church is excellent… Pray that that God’s Kingdom is advanced…
Song Selection: “My praise!” – No – Stop the track… He then sings I give myself to you… I give myself away… (Help him Holy Ghost) Be lead by him…)
Dr. Jamal Bryant says: “Everybody, stand to your feet right now… He is in the room”
Write down your prayer request what you need God to do before Easter.. By Easter Sunday morning,, God can make a way out of no way.. The alter is open, and don’t hesitate to make your way to the alter time during the service.. Don’t worry about what people think… Song Selection: Oh, oh, oh… He’s crying out to you…. (They are laying their written prayer requests at the alter..)
For the next 40 days, we are going to be praying together… Announcements: Put you pray request in and leave it at the alter what you want God to do in your life… Prayers will be answered by Easter Sunday if you believe that God is going to do it… If you are online , fill out the prayer request and send it by email… They will print them out between now and Easter and he believe that God is going to do it..
He welcomes the first time visitors..
Minister Lemmons asks a question: “What type of praise would you give God?” Give him a crazy praise…
Teen summit is taking place.,.. You can connect directly with them online…@ at 9:00 p.m. on tomorrow night… Click on the youth summit link… – How many of you need someone to do something with their child? He sent someone to partner with you.. We have learned that the your parents are not you peers… How are you going to argue with someone that keeps you grounded.. They will push you because they want to keep you grounded.. We are going to give you practical principals to effectively deal with your parents…
Song Selection: Howard University Gospel Choir – ” Lord I will lift mine eyes to the hills” Knowing my help is coming from you…
Scripture: (NIV) Leviticus 19:37 “Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am the LORD.’”
Sermon Title: “ You don’t know how I’m going to do this…” Anthropologist based on the music they listen to… The longest running program that happens to be his favorite.. They show a civilized society.. He comes back and the people are dancing around a golden calf… Law and order raised limitations… I discovered a new law.. Not only was I faced with a consequence of what happened when I broke that law.. What happened when I got a drivers license.. There were rules as to who could be in the car.. Now that I am 40 I’ve outgrown… I was in Phoenix, and after the retreat session was over I left him at his room, because I was outside of the old Laws and jurisdictions that he loved me enough and knew I had to be mature enough to make the law.. Now that I am an adult, I have to make sure I’m careful of who I can let into my space.. The law had to help me.. The church is guilty for giving laws… When I get in church, I feel law, but I feel no grace.. All I am hearing is a litany of what I am available to do.. So who comes to church that life always has order… First get saved… It’s not only when I find God.. When I get mature, you out to not have to remind me of law… It’s a difference when I just got saved… The law is necessary.. There are 66 books of the bible and they demonstrate prayer all except for one… Which is the book of law.. Leviticus give us the boundaries on how to be holy.. For I am Holy…When we were taking the finals for calculus – gentlemen you are getting ready to take 2 test… Good men have failed calculus.. I had to ball up my cheat sheet that was in my hand.. Something happens every time you have a test that tests your integrity.. I may not have become famous or popular, but I wanted to be able to say that I lived an honorable life in your presence…. When you open up the book of Leviticus, it tells us how to live a Holy life style… It means you have to have a boring life style… Every day you are going to find something that you find to do.. Every day you will have some obstacles and battles when you live for God..
In Leviticus he said something that messed me up… Who commit unintentional sin has to pay for it… I broke out in hives… I’m trying to figure out the stuff I did.. But to pay for the stuff I don’t even know I did, I have a problem with that.. You ought to thank God that some of the stuff you did did not get exposed… When God’s hands are on your life, you have to give thanks to God for covering those sins… If you would have left some stuff alone… It’s not that you have more grace, but it’s like you have more grace for your unintentional sins… When you sin, and if you live long enough, they will confront… Some of us just need some money to get us out of some stuff… But some of us need more… Some of us just want to be delivered…, what happens when my family’s money cannot get me out of trouble? What if I don’t feel like getting out of trouble? You guys really going to play me and leave me here by myself? How can I come to church if I aint feeling nothing or convicted by nothing… But it all about me, and don’t come in here like your stuff don’t stink.. It should be something in your psychic that lets you know that you should live at a higher level.. There is some stuff you use to be able to do and not think twice about it… You make plans, and then at the last minute everything fall apart.. You had a perfect sin plan, but then God says what you are trying to do, you know you are not right…
Is eating a sin? You forgot that your body is temple of the Holy Ghost… Your temple is of the Holy ghost.. You cannot come into God’s house drunk… What you eating is a sin… How can I use you and your body is falling apart and your body is sick… There will come a day when you will need to cloth yourself… Let me live a healthy life and have a strong mind… What you eat is sin…
I’m still in Leviticus – The law says you are not even suppose to be in contact with people who have eczema…. In other words, if they are driven by the flesh, their issues will become your issues… If both of you guys are weak, don’t do it Boo…
Turn the page… I’m in Leviticus 8: It’s about sexual proclivity… You have to make love to me… You have to make love to his only begotten son… He said I have to keep my body right.. If you are a woman doesn’t’ sleep with a woman like that is a man and man should not sleep with man like he is a woman… He said, I would if you be holy…
The things that transpired from the 10 commandments: Don’t steal, don’t be mean and take advantage of other people.. Make sure you are practicing good hygiene… Expect your elders.. When you walk into a room no one wants to see your panties (draughs).. Walk into a room like you have some sense… I’m in Leviticus 19 – “Your body” – Don’t put anything in your tongue… I expect you to present you body a living sacrifice to me… Don’t hang out with strippers and hoes… All strippers and hoes don’t work… Don’t hang out with hoes; they will mess up your family… I expect you to keep all of them Holy… The book of Leviticus made me frustrated.. It wants me to exercise< and sustain that my body is always groomed and my hair is done>>> I’m doing all I can not to go to psychic to see what my future hold.,. But if you don’t pray, or hold me I ‘m going to pray that loneness don’t get the best of me…
It’s going to be hard, but ask God to hold you… You would be scared if you knew me back in the day.. But grab your neighbor’s hand and say I’m going to live Holy… Tell them that the enemy is going to try and make you slip.. But when the praises go up, blesses come down.. Most of us want money… This year I want to speak what he says.. Let the work I’ve done speak for me… You can get out of that relationship… If any man be in Christ he is a new creature… When I go to bed at night, I’m going to give him.. Touch not though anointing and do my Prophet no harm… The places I use to go, I don’t’ go no more, the things I use to do I don’t do no more.. If you have stepped out of your past… You know that everyday is sweeter, sweeter than the day before… It’s going to be a struggle but you know that you can do it…
Lift your hands and know that God is calling us to a season of Holiness.. He is calling us to a lifestyle that is pleasing to our God.. Nobody told me that the road would be easy, but I don’t’ believe that he brought me this far to leave me…
Everybody in the room has a weakness for something… Whatever your vulnerability is: I want you to believe by faith that God can do.. Them cigarettes, that man… I’m getting him out of my system… The only way you are going to be able to accomplish that is through prayer.. Pray out load because you know you are guilty… Pray over the stuff that you know you did…. Finally you can clear your conscience… Turn the page, and go to the next chapter of your life…
With your hands lifted, pray that God will give you strength for sexual purity.. I’m praying that God is getting ready to break patterns and change cycles… I want to pray over you….
Before I pray, I want you to pray for yourself… The only way you are going to live Holy is that you learn how to pray for yourself… Only you know what you are dealing with…. “Pray”
Song Selection: “Lord Make me over again”
· Invitation to Discipleship:
You want to make sure you have character and not a character… Get saved.. No one can judge you because everyone has sinned and fallen short of his glory.. How many of us know that God has delivered us from some stuff, and he still came and rescued you..
Go to someone and ask them are they saved? Is there someone that needs to get saved and join the church…
Howard University Choir doing the Electric Holy Slide helping them get their praise in song… “
Walk with God and he will walk with me, Talk to God and he will talk to me… Spend time with God and he will spend time with me… Of note, Dr. Jamal will be on TBN on Tuesday night… Tune in with him, and please go to bible study, he will be there because they will be taping the TBN service on tomorrow… – He is giving the benediction… God bless you until you have to give something away!!!
if you are having issues with math English or what ever subject please don’t give up keep working at it because you cannot do it don’t tell the next person they cannot do it keep working on it believe in you amen
Awesome service!!! Thank you for being a blessing in my life, through your online ministry, reaching and changing lives all the way in Houston, Texas!!! Much love to Empowerment Temple and your annointed man of God, Dr. Jamal Bryant!!
Thank you guys so much.. I love ya all.. This is my home and I’m loving it…. Praise God from whom all blessings flow… MIn. Ev… WIFI ministries.. – you can get full sermon notes from me from all three sermons…
Thank you mr wishes because i just failed my math midterm and was about to give up but God said no keep pushing I needed that thank you Jesus for the encouraging words today
if you are having issues with math English or what ever subject please don’t give up keep working at it because you cannot do it don’t tell the next person they cannot do it keep working on it believe in you amen
Announcement: Dr. Jamal asking us to pray for the ministry you are connected too… Pray that God changes things… Cyber-saints.. Pray that everything that is connected to your church is excellent… Pray that that God’s Kingdom is advanced…
Song Selection: Dr. Jamal ask the musicians to play True and Holy, Tried and True…
Announcements: Put you pray request in and leave it at the alter what you want God to do in your life… Prayers will be answered by Easter Sunday if you believe that God is going to do it… If you are online , fill out the prayer request and send it by email… They will print them out between now and Easter and he believe that God is going to do it..
Song Selection: Lord we praise… Pure and Holy.,. Tried and and True…
Prayer: Dr. Jamal is asking us to pray for our Pastor.. Pray for whatever is going on in your blood stream.. Whatever it is that going on in your limbs… Whatever it that has your sleep pattern out of sink… Whatever you take medications for.. Nothing is too hard for God…. Those of you believe that God is a healer… Give God some praise right now… He is over you fiances… You face finance problems… Stand right where you are… What to do if you are in a financial struggle… God supply our needs according to your glory to pay our bills… Pray, if you have seen God open up the windows of heaven… Praise him like you have every bill paid… Pray for family members.. Pray for folks that are causing ruckus in your life..
Sunday Morning / Empowerment Temple – 9:30 a.m. service
Prayer: We come because we need you right…. God we come because we need healing in our mental state of mind.. We need you to heal and deliver us… We ask right now in the name of Jesus that you break every yoke.. Every need will be met.. Bless our Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant.. We ask that your anointing power meet us right we are at… You are glorified even now in Jesus name we pray…
Song Selection: Put your sanctified hands together… Smack your hands together like you slapping on the devils face.. Add that foot stomping to it to…. :” Song: I know that Prayer Changes things”
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant says: Is anyone glad to be in the house on today.. As the musicians play : “Jesus keep me near the cross” Write out you prayer request on what you want God to do in this 40 day season and lay that petition or request at the alter… During the 40 days of prayer – whenever you feel compelled to talk to God and can pray and begin to pray at your own timing.. In terms of your family, children, finances he is getting ready to intervene on your behalf… Online members send your prayer request to: We will be printing those out on putting those on the alter, and prayer request will be answered by Easter Sunday.. I believe God..
Song Selection: Near the cross…
Prayer: If you have an emergency situation… Point toward that person and begin prayer… Begin interceding on someone’s behalf, believing that God is in the midst.. God is getting ready to answer their prayer… God is getting ready to open up a window and pour you out a blessing that you won’t have room enough to receive.. I believe that god is going to answer your prayers…
Announcements: Go to empowerment temple website at and print out a schedule for our 40 days of lent to know what you are praying for daily…. Click on the link Lenten Season….
Pastor Lemmons speak to the youth about how God wants to use them.. Be not swayed by every doctrim… You can log on to at 9:15 p.m. How many of us are excited about our kids learning about Jesus… Yes Lord… We are in a series with our youth that I think my parents hate me and I hate them.. We are teaching our youth how to be obedient to their parents and have a practical relationship with God…
Welcome Howard University Gospel Choir:
Song Selection – Howard University: ” Your Goodness and you Mercy” Oh Lord we give you Praise and we bless your Holy Name… We lift our voice to say thank you.. For you goodness and you mercy toward us….
Welcome the Gospel Choir from Howard University.. They will be with us at Empowerment Temple’s 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Service…
Dr. Jamal says give God Glory.. Give God some praise for the Howard University Choir.. We are appreciative to have them on today..
Scripture: Daniel Chapter 10:12-14 – (NIV)12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”
Sermon Title: “It’s out of my hands…” What you have been dealing with all week, it’s out of my hands…
Certain people have lost their faith because of unanswered prayers… When prayers are not answered they begin to consult horoscopes, psychic hotlines, etc.. and sometimes addiction…. It can cause us to feel abandoned and isolated from God…
If you don’t be careful, you will begin to entertain the preconceived notion that God don’t love me… Maybe my prayer was not answered because it may be a form of punishment…When prayer does not work it does not mean that God is not working…
There was a man named Jonah that had a call on his life… He began to go into the direction he wanted to go in… He got swallowed by a great fish… He was found in the belly of the great whale… He did not remember God when he was running, but when he was in the belly of whale, he remembered God and prayed. A lot of people that don’t pray don’t remember God… When you pray, you can’t help but to remember God… I don’t know if you ever felt like you were falling apart? You begin to praise in Thanksgiving while he is in the belly of the fish…. He is not out of it, but when he remembers who God is, he starts to give God praise while he was still in it… He praised God – Nowhere in Chapter 2 does God ever speak to Jonah… He says my life is falling apart, and still God does not say anything… He would begin to 2nd guess his 2nd demonstration of faith he started to doubt God and say God don’t love me… “When God is not talking to you, he is talking to the thing you are in….” God is praying and is giving God Glory…. Then next thing we notice that God spit Johan out… I’m handling things that you think had dominion over your life.. If you have not heard from God, you know he is working on your circumstance, and he knows that you will still praise him and give him glory through it all… While I am in the situation, I will still God glory because everything the devil thought he had me trapped in, but I’m coming out by Easter Sunday… So I give God glory right now…
Daniel began to express the failures of his life…. He began to pray for development and growth… He begins to fast for 21 days and still does not hear nothing from God.. .He turned his plate down, but he still did not hear anything… After the fast he begin to have vision… when you don’t hear anything from God, God will start showing you visions.. He will use visions to replace his voice… It was throwing him off, because he was seeing visions because of the consecration of him seeking God… Some people have not committed their selves to that level of discipline… I cannot talk about the vision, but I’m giving God glory because of what I can see in dreams in the middle of the light.. You will know why I have not committed suicide in the middle of the tonight, because I see a vision of what my tomorrow is going to look like… In that visit, he has a visitation and said stop feeling nervous.. Stop feeling at ease… It’s going to work out… Chill out, and stop worrying yourself into a tizzy… “It’s going to work out” Encourage the person next to you and tell them that it is going to work out… I know the enemy has been messing with your mind, but I want you to know that all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord and is called according to his purpose… Look at you neighbor and say “It’s going to work out!” “IT’S GOING TO WORK OUT~!!”
The angel said we heard your prayer the first day you started praying about it… The first time it came out of your mouth, I assigned an angel to the problem… I heard you the first time you prayed, but there was in interference in the transmission… There were some demonic forces that have been fighting me that was hoping I did not get my prayer answered… There has been an interference with the transmission… None of my internet connections or WIFI was not working last night… Nothing was working… He needed his Information Technology person (I.T. person) to check out his equipment… He had a fire wall up, he advised him to shut everything down and start everything back up… Sometimes when you are not hearing from God, you need to shut everything down and ask God what do your require from me.. You need to shut some stuff down, and restart over and shut some stuff down..
Everything that was on your system negative, I had to erase it so you could shut down… You just need to shut down…. The demons had been fighting me for 21 days.. He did not know that the celestial changes were taken place in the spirit realm, and at the same time the angels were wresting and fighting for him at the same time..
I know God is tired of hearing my voice… I’m not going to stop praying until all of my prayers are answered… Open up your mouth and give God Glory like you know this is a fight worth fighting for… The angels say I’ve come because of your word…. Had you not lifted any words, I would not have come… No prayer, no visitation.. For those of you know that is what it takes, I know that all I have to do is lift up my hands with a clean heart, and God will answer my prayers…
In Chapter 10: When we pray, Angels ease drop… Daniel is praying to God, but there is an angel somewhere around the throne.. NO where in text does it say God sent an Angel.. He said because the Father is occupied, I needed to send an angel… God said he sent an angel to come meet me where I am for something I prayed about last night.. You do not know how valuable you are that an angel fell out of protocol because they wanted to see you be blessed faster… How many of you know that God is sending an angel to help build me up when I’m getting ready to fall apart… He is sending you an angel… I’m tired of seeing you go through….
I have date night with my daughter’s and I get them dressed up and put Vaseline on their lips and take them to a 5 start restaurant to let them know what they are suppose to expect… I set a date and let them know that I am flying in to take you to dinner… I will be there at 5:00 pm with runs in their stockings… I told them not to run down stairs.. Stay up stairs to let them know that you were worth the wait… Adora yelled, Grace come one… She asked her Daddy do I look good… Do you like my shoes? She said, you bought these shoes for me… He is now missing one girl, Angel that was sitting on the stairs laughing… Grace said do you want me to go get Angel… Can I tell you a secret, she said I’m different from my sisters because I am an angel in real life… When you know you are anointed, let other folks run in front of you because you know who you are, and please know that he saves the best for last.. An angel is on the way to assist you in the situation you are in…. An Angel is on the way to assist you in the situation you are in… But he got tied up with Beelzebub, Satin who he got into a fight with…So he saw the angel was tied up, so he sent a back up… He said the backup is getting ready to send a back up… I’m getting ready to fight for you, because you have been fighting for everyone one else.. Fighting for that marriage, that child… I’m getting ready to fight for you for extending your expenditure… You have literally had to put your life on hold to make sure they were ok… But God says I’m sending an angel to be your angel… I am renewing your strength….
I need to say three things to you and then I’m going home… Hear what the spirit is saying to the church… Right now while you are in church, God is slowing down and fighting every advisory devil that have been dwelling in my house… I’m working it all out for you right now… Right now, there is a fight going on between heaven and earth.. The devil is scared that you are going to get your answer… Everything is about to change…
Jacob was wresting with the angel, and his shift was almost over and he needed someone to take his position… You are in the middle of a shift… The angel you were with you in 2011 is going off duty… He is getting ready to send a fresh touch to your vision… Everything is getting ready to shift by March 1, 2012… You have to much not to have nothing to show for all the fighting you have been through… Do you think I would let you go through the fight and have nothing to show for it? Jacob is in the fight and he said: “Bless me while I’m in the fight” Don’t bless me after the fight, but bless me while I’m in the fight… Your next blessing might hurt… It might reprioritize your thinking.. This next blessing is going to change your walk with him… I am in it because I want to walk like him…
This next part I need to give a disclaimer because it will not give cause to give celebration… It’s incumbent of me is to tell you that Jacob in the middle of the fight had his name changed from Jacob the Hustler, the swindler to the Jacob the prince of God… Your blessing will not be what you receive… Your answer to your prayer will not be what you will receive but what you will become….. Some of you all can only shout on what God gives you…. But My prayer life made me something different…. The answer to your prayer is what warfare made you… You want to know what God did for you, don’t look at your bank account… Look in the mirror and see the testimony… Say somebody prayed for me… I need 70 of you to say, prayer changed me!!! I’m living in the same house with the same car, but PRAYER changed me… Hallelujah….. I know that aint for everybody… I know some of you guys had a flashback… You look back and think about the things you did in 2007, 2008, 2009, etc… You know you look better now as you look back… Hallelujah. I need you to elbow your neighbor and say you are different and you are focused… Prayer turned me into my better self….
I have one more point to make… hallelujah…. If I did not have to finish this sermon I would be up here crying.. I have one more announcement… God told me to tell all of the worshippers that “It is out of your hands!”””’ Open up your mouth and give God the Glory… It is out of my hands….. . Hallelujah…
Lift up your hands right where you are…. I just said “It is off of you” No reason to fight another day… It is out of your hands.. Stop trying to negotiate… It is out of your hands…
In the name of Jesus you know the issue we have been holding to… I thank you right now Lord that it is out of my hands.. As Jesus declared when he was on the cross: “Father it is out of my hands” If you believe that, lift up your hands and open up your mouth and cry out unto God… I need you to trust him right now… Hallelujah, I believe by faith that it is out of your hands… Everything is out of your hands… The experts don’t know that it’s out of hands…. .Whatever it is I’ve been fighting over for the past couple of years… It is out of my hand…. I can’t hear anybody… Lift up your hands and begin to magnify God… lift up your voice because I said “It is out of your hands.” You only have 30 seconds left.. I know you have been dealing with an issue with your son… But open up your mouth and know that it is out of your hands…. Those of that have been close to backsliding and going back, I dare you to lift up your hand and act like you know that it’s out of your hands…. I need a war cry in here… Lift your voice like you mean it… I feel God in this place… Cry out unto God “It’s out of my hands.” Oh, Oh… It’s out of my hands… Thank you Jesus.. If you worship me, I will send you answers… It’s out of my hands…..
I want to pray for you… whatever you have been trying to mange and cope with and work out.. God told me to tell you at 9:30…”Get your hands off it” I am here to help you with your issue.. If you believe and have confidence that can do it.. Give him glory right now…
Please know that somebody prayed for you.. Somebody took the time and prayed for me.. Make sure you are at a season in your life that people are praying for you and not against you… Please know that prayer answers prayer.. Know for yourself that God answers prayer.. Tell somebody about a prayer God has answered for you… Give God glory for answered prayers… Encourage them, invite them and convince them why they need to get saved… Ask them do they know Jesus Christ in the pardon of their sins…
Notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, February 26, 2012 9:30 a.m. service…
On today I wanted to share with my WIFI community the sermon noted from our 7:30 service. I personally take these notes myself, and they are verbatim and uncut… so please do no e-mail if a word is mispelled.. It takes skills to listen, type and feel the Holy Ghost at the same time… Hear ya go…
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, Sr. Pastor, Empowerment Temple Church, Baltimore, Maryland
Announcement: Dr. Jamal asking us to pray for the ministry you are connected too… Pray that God changes things… Cyber-saints.. Pray that everything that is connected to your church is excellent… Pray that that God’s Kingdom is advanced…
Song Selection: Dr. Jamal ask the musicians to play True and Holy, Tried and True…
Announcements: Put you pray request in and leave it at the alter what you want God to do in your life… Prayers will be answered by Easter Sunday if you believe that God is going to do it… If you are online , fill out the prayer request and send it by email… They will print them out between now and Easter and he believe that God is going to do it..
Song Selection: Lord we praise… Pure and Holy.,. Tried and and True…
Prayer: Dr. Jamal is asking us to pray for our Pastor.. Pray for whatever is going on in your blood stream.. Whatever it is that going on in your limbs… Whatever it that has your sleep pattern out of sink… Whatever you take medications for.. Nothing is too hard for God…. Those of you believe that God is a healer… Give God some praise right now… He is over you fiances… You face finance problems… Stand right where you are… What to do if you are in a financial struggle… God supply our needs according to your glory to pay our bills… Pray, if you have seen God open up the windows of heaven… Praise him like you have every bill paid… Pray for family members.. Pray for folks that are causing ruckus in your life..
Genesis Chapter 1:26 – Then God said let us make man in his own image……
Genesis Chapter 1:26 – Then God said let us make man in his own image……
Sermon Title: Breaking and Entering..
Michelle Alexander – Age in color blindness… When it comes to the sentences practices in our society.. Our nation, our public jails have over one million of our people… Black are incarcerated for drugs, etc… While whites are there for more killing crimes, etc.. Breaking and entering does not require anything to be broken … Some people are granted access to parts of your house… If they go into a room that they are not authorized in.. it can be considered breaking and entering… There is breaking and entering…
Prayer will take place at the family life center every Saturday for one hour… Engage yourself in corporate prayer..
Underline and high light : “LET THEM” have dominion… Prayer is born out of God’s arrangement and assignment… It sets up legal precedence… Male and female are ruler over earth… Every animal and every live stock, we are suppose to have dominion and authority over them.. That establishes legal authority… Man is over the responsibility and ownership and auxiliary properties… In an influence and interference from earth.. Nothing can happen in the earth without the steward, the owners permission… He gave the leadership and authorship to the leadership of man.. He is solve-rent and will not break his own law.. He will not come into the earth because this is not his dominion or his territory without God’s permission… Someone has authority if you let him into your space.. He said I stand and knock at the door, it’s up to you to let him… If I do not invite him in, it is illegal if he comes in without my consent.. He needs an invitation so he does not invite himself under the law… When he does something significant on this earth, he uses a human body to dwell in…. He used Noah to build the ark… He used the body of Abraham… He said out him will become many sons and daughters.. He used Joshua to knock down the walls of Jericho…. He used a super bad sister name Esther… He used the three Hebrew boys.. He let them know that if you stand, I will stand with you and control the fire… He used Daniel in the Lions den… He knew Daniel could not be subdued because the Lions worked for him and he commanded when the Lions when they would open up their mouth… He could not find a man that was Holy enough, so he sent his only Begotten son Jesus that took over the sins of this world… We know why they are trying to kill you…. They know if you ever get connected to God, you will change the world… God allows a trial to come, he knows you are going to give it to God and he is going to hear your voice.. The enemy is provoking me to pray.. If it had not been a storm, it would not have dragged me to my knees to pray.. What you did, you meant it for evil, but God meant it for Good… John Wesley says you have to have prayer… God is no longer operating on his own he is connected the Father in heaven… He is whispering in his ear on our behalf… The Father deals with Law but Jesus deals with directly with our soul under grace…. You have to be careful when you deal with church folks…. You are locked up, but you have the key like a roaring lion… You will cause a disturbance that releases something in the heavenly realm when you open up your mouth and began to pray… I don’t always have to lift up my voice… but when I am laying in the bed I whisper to God, If I ever needed you before I need you right now… When you are sitting in your car and you began to pray…. When God drop someone in your spirit, they were on your mind and you did not know… God trusts you with their prayer… God wants us to pray..,. When I pray, things happen… There are 3 things I can think of changed when I started to pray… I looked at my hands and my hands look new… I looked at my feet and they did too… When I began to pray God can break into stuff and situations… When I began to pray God will break in… God will break into your bank account… Lift up your hands all ye gates… When you pray, you know you don’t deserve the next blessing, but you are bold enough to ask for it in my name… It says ask and it shall be given Knock and the door shall be open… It will be so by Easter Sunday… You are getting ready to move to another chapter of your life… When you pray, you break into heaven… Speak those things as though they were… Whatsoever will be loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven.. We have the power to break some stuff up… Whatever the devil tried to block you from .. If you are sick of being locked out and doors shut in your face.. If my people that are called by name will seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal the land… Lift up your voice like you are ready to break into another level of praise, a greater level of finances, a greater job… If you don’t want to break and enter into another season don’t pray with us…. This is not the Sunday for you to shout, this is the Sunday for you to lift up your voice like you really need something from God…. I dare you… When you lift up your voice you are giving God permission to enter into your children… When you lift up your voice you are giving God permission to break this that and the other… You are giving him permission to access your doctors reports… Hallelujah.. He was just waiting on your OK… He just needs you to lift up your voice… Hallelujah… Praise his Holy Name… He said, “I want to do it, I want permission” All he needed you to do is open up your mouth and began to talk to him.. The devil wanted you to resign… The prayers of the righteous availeth much.. All I needed you to do is open up your mouth…
Song selection..Play Welcome in this place..
prayer: God you access to every room in our house… We give you access to our secret stuff we have been hiding.. We give you the stuff we are embarrassed about.. Today Lord will give you over the things we have been holding on to for years.. We give over depression to you… Now by Faith that you have permission and you are in agreement, I dare you to just give thanks unto God….
Song selection..Play Welcome in this place..
prayer: God you access to every room in our house… We give you access to our secret stuff we have been hiding.. We give you the stuff we are embarrassed about.. Today Lord will give you over the things we been holding on for years.. We give over depression to you… Now by Faith that you have permission and you are in agreement, I dare you to just give thanks unto God….
As we embark on day 4 of Lenten Season, today we will be focusing on: ‘STRENGTH”
Psalm 28:7 – (KJV) “The LORD is my STRENGTH and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoices; and with my song will I praise him.”
Webster’s Dictionary states that “STRENGTH” is defined as:
21 Tips for Success:
reference material from: (very good tips and so true!)
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous
7. Have a graceful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself of quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationship with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility
for every area of your life..
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud.
reference material from: (very good tips and so true!)
Posted by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas / 3rd day of Lenten season –
“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”
Raised on the farm, George Washington-Carver began to create his own medicines and had been known as the “Plant Doctor”. George Washington Carver, in his early life, had fallen in love with Mother Nature. Growing up he received an excellent high school education and made many attempts to apply to a lot of University’s. He was accepted to Simpson College in Iowa. He was more interested in science and agriculture, so he transferred to what is now, Iowa State University. In 1894, he distinguished himself in school, and upon graduation received an offer to work at the University. Carver was the first colored man to graduate as an honor student. Later on in the years, Carver discovered 325 different ways to use peanuts in everything from cooking oil to printers’ ink. He later discovered 300 products that were made from the Lowly Plant. With many developments and products, George Washington Carver continued to work with peanuts, sweet potatoes and pecans. Because of George Washington Carver’s inventions and discoveries, peanuts became a 200 million dollar industry and a major product in Alabama. He was honored, praised, and loved for all of his accomplishments. Carver inspired many with his quote, “Where there is no vision, there is no hope.”
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