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Your Beauty 1 Peter 3:3-4

1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV) “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Greetings to each of our World In Focus International Subscriber, Family and Friends.. We pray all is well with each of you..  We pray that things are looking up in your life because we truly have been praying God’s blessings over each prayer request we have received… I encourage you to study as instructed in 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ~ Min. Evelyn D. Thomas~

Minister Ev’s Featured Scripture of the day…


Minister Ev’s Famos Quote of the day:  

“But always think that the best way to know
God is to love many things…” Author Unknown

Christian Quotes

Minister Ev’s Song Selection of the day…. 

Byron Cage-The Proclamation: Live at the Apollo-More Than You’ll Ever Know

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Happy 25th Birthday Erica Pooh!!!!
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I Just wanted to give a shot out to my baby Girl Erica… Happy Birthday!!… Mommy Loves you!!!
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Posted by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas 8-31-2012
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Cited:  Some  clip art is from:  Christian Clip art

“Throw off every care, and prepare for a breakthrough” Bishop T.D. Jakes quote…

Stay on Track

You can’t skip the steps in your life. “Stay on Track”
Bishop T.D. Jakes Ministries

Greetings to all of our WIFI Subscribers, family and friends… This has been a powerful week already.. Bishop Jakes set that stage on Sunday, leaving us with the correct model to live by…Change is happening everyday, and things are falling in place and every aspect of life and ministry…We  have been totally blessed by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Potter House Ministry… I have enclosed this prayer that I found that blessed me and I wanted to share it with you…

We are half way through the week, and want to encourage someone to hold on to God with everything that you have!!!















Scripture of the day….

Jeremiah 31:3

King James Version (KJV)

The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Minister Ev’s Favorite Famous Quote of the day:

“Throw off every care, and prepare for a breakthrough.  Remember who you are, and run to you rightful place.”

Bishop T.D. Jakes

Song selection of the day:

Bishop T.D Jakes Sings “Lord Prepare Me”

A Family that prays together stays together… Min. Ev’s thoughts, Quote, Scripture and Song Selection…




 World In Focus International Ministries thoughts and accolaids 8-28-2012

Greetings to our WIFI Ministry Subscribers, Family and Friends…We are excited a bout the good news of Jesus Christ here at World In Focus International Ministries…One of our goals is to make sure the world is informed about Jesus Christ, and bringsomeone in the knowing  of Jesus Christ, and letting them know that Jesus is the way ,the truth and the light… It feels good to lead lost souls to Christ…There are some just need prayer, or a listening ear…We are here..

Today, we will focus on the family… I truly believe that a family that prays together stays together…

Take the time with your family to talk about the

goodness of Jesus and the expectations for each of your lives…

It’s nothing like having someone in the home to lead these types of discussions

and then get everyone involved.. You will be amazed of the thoughts around you…

Nevertheless, I truly believe that family is everything and will be there when

everyone else has walked out… Learn to pray one-for-another and watch things

fall in place just by your faith alone…I pray each of you take the time to

leave a  comment or email…  You can even leave your prayer request at:


(714) 455-WIFI or you can email us at: or


♥. ~ Minister Evelyn Diane…♥

Thought of the Day…

Quote of the day…


“YES LORD”~ Bishop Rance Allen

Put your smile back on your face, and give God the
praise hedeserves!!” Bishop Rance Allen 

Scripture of the day…

Song Selections of the day..

The late Bishop G.E. Patterson
Bishop Charles H. Mason’s
Birthday Celebration
`Memphis, Tn ~September 8, 2004


Posted by: World In Focus International Ministries (WIFI) Ministries….


Just give me Jesus….

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall  he also reap..

Minister Ev’s scripture of the day
Galatians 6:7














We go through life daily knowing that there will be some good days and every now and every now and then , we will face some struggles or difficult days…NO matter what, hold on to the joy of the Lord knowing that he is your strength and know that this joy that we have, the would didn’t give it to us, and the world show can’t take it away!   Nobody but Jesus!  ~Minister Ev






Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas  D&T:  edt\08/27/2012

Bishop T.D. Jakes….”It’s only a test…….Change your default settings”

**** Insert snip it from this sermon….******

There is NOTHING more powerful than a CHANGED MIND!

“As long as your programmed with what you can’t do and what you can’t be and what you can’t have, you will NEVER get up! But I dare you to go into your phone booth like Clark Kent and spin around and come out Superman and say “I’m Better Than This” – Bishop Jakes

 Personal Sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas… Notes are verbatim, uncut and unedited… I just wanted to share with the world what I just heard.. A powerful word from the Lord..  Be sure to pick up this DVD or podcast to listen to it over and over again.. It’s changing my life as I type, listen and process it all and take it in.. I’m in overload!!!! PREACH BISHOP!!!!

Sermon Title: “It’s only a test…….Change your default settings”

Scripture reading: Hebrews 12:11-17 King James Version (KJV)

11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;

13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.

17 For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears. ~ @BishopJakes

‎”There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind” Bishop T.D. Jakes… ” Throw off every care…Prepare for a breakthrough”

“It’s only a test…….Change your default settings”

(I Did not catch the sermon title: but he is preaching about Cause and Consequences and whom God loves he chastises… # powerful!!!! – I’m listening now!!! ) ~Minister Evelyn

“Corrections can be painful and embarrassing” He said his mother had it bad correcting them in the public… Right there in the middle of the grocery store… NO matter where you showed off, in front of your friends… Then your friends would imitate you for 3 days how you looked when you mother was chastising you…. (lol)… He said he use to mumble things as he walk away, really low under his breath.. Had is mother heard him, he would have been experiencing a 2nd death.. He did not appreciate the methodology until he had to visit some friends in prison… When you see what it prevented from happening, you get glad about what they did… Whom God loves he chastens… Don’t walk around mad because you got corrected.. Get is together… Yes, that is lame….. Don’t let your brokenness get you off of your path.. Let is heal you.. You have to announce to yourself that it’s over.. I’ve been lame, I’ve been hurt.. But LET IT GO!!!!! –

He’s now talking about the attitude… Life will tempt you to become bitter.. You can become cynical…Even your troubles will make you better or make you bitter.. You have to look at what you are thinking.. Why do you have that attitude? Christians have a very unique way of talking about you.. We just say.. Hmmm… Why does a person as big as you, act so small. Do let it be contaminated by the things that are so small… Things of the heart can go undetected until you live with them.. Have you ever met anyone and you thought they were a nice person? You just don’t want to blow their cover.. Just because they go to church.. It just look good.. The things you do with your body and say with your mouth.. You allow your body to control you.. 50 years old  acting like you are 21…etc… Anointed and filled to the brim with fornication… People had to watch you at all times, because your flesh is filled with the wrong decision… Sad memories of missed opportunities because you did not know how to deal with your own flesh… Have to learn how to budget power.. It will corrupt you depending on how you use it.. Stop asking God for more power, if you cant’ budget the power you have.. Money have to be budgeted.. Anytime you mismanage money, you will become broke.. You have to become selective how you use it..

You have to manage sex the same way you have to budget your money…Whatever you see, you get.. You handle your body like you hand your money… .You sleep with who you want, like you buy what you want… Look at your neighbor and say are you over budget.. What will you NOT do? What will you NOT say? It’s quiet this morning.. Due the sensitivity of this sermon (lol)…. Everybody is checking their books… When it talks about fornicators, it illustrates it with a guy named Esau.. Iv’e been meditating about Esau all week.. You don’t hear that name often.. You hear about Jacob… It should have been the the God of Isaac, The Abraham, and Esau… but he Esau lost it all because he was hungry.. He came back and his brother Jacob had a bowel of porridge.. Jacob made a deal with Esau.. I would say he tricked him.. but I’m just gone say he was stupid…. If I say I will trade you that Royals Royce for a handkerchief… If you do it, you are just stupid.. Esau traded his birth rights over a permananent  decision over a temporary situations… I want to warn you about making temporary decision on permanent issue… When you consider you are giving away your future.. For the next 30 minutes you are giving away the next 30 years… In one way or another, all of us have done something stupid… I have done something so stupid… I graduated from Stupid University with honors… I appall myself, and say how could you do something so STUPID… What’s disturbing me in the text… Misery love company… It is very difficult to live a long life and not do something stupid.. We talk about other peoples stupidity, but we don’t remember our stupidity… Go and look at your pictures so you can remember… Esau did something stupid, but we all have and have to live with the consequences of our own stupidity… It was not that the stupidity bothered him but the permanent decision he made which made him loose his future… What he could not change because what he did in his life.. He was caught in a system of stupidity that he could not change… You repeat the same mistake over and over again.. Some of us get stuck on stupid and we keep going after the same kind of person or the same.. We keep living beyond our means… The frustration to change.. The desire to change and not be able to do it.. He lost his inheritance and forfeited his inheritance over a bowl of soup…. All of us know people that are stuck in a pattern.. You can go back and look at dumb the 4th, dumb the 3rd’s.. dumb-the-dumb-dumb, dumb!!!!… What’s really funny is the person that goes back and keep marrying the same person or the same kind of person..

Repentance mean metanoia – It means to change.. He sought a change of intelligence with a lot of emotions… He sought repentance with many tears.. An emotional intelligence does not seek people to change.. I’m a sucker for some tears, and assume people are like me.. If I love you, I will draw your name on the refrigerator.. Then if I got to crying and got really mad, you are in trouble… My tears run north and south and my nose get wide like a rhinoceros and my lips get to shivering.. I’m amazed by people that can cry and be lying at the same time and be lying through their teeth… Just be lying!!!!!! (wow)…. 

Esau sought a change of mind which was in a pivotal direction… It is not a near notion or possibility.. It becomes so radical that it effects behavior.. This is not something that you will have to do often.. These are those big directional change… 

Can I go deeper with this….. Maybe this will help you to see what I am saying.. If you go on the computer, it has default setting.. The default sets in the computer some principals and ideas.. If you default it will automatically take you back to the default setting.. It’s more than changing the fonts… It’s nothing more powerful than a changed mind… All we did was change the font.. Whatever we type in, we change the fonts.. It really has not change because when it comes back up, it goes back to default… There situation has not changed… When they are around church people they change.. When they get around certain people they change… Then when they go home, they go back to default.. .The problem is, when you got back to yourself, you go back to that same old pattern.. You keep praying about it, but it still keep happening to me.. I’m breaking into someone’s pray saying: Lord, why do I keep going throught the same thing… There is no problem with your sentence, there is a problem with your default because you have not changed your mind… You changed everything else, but you did not change your mind.. There is nothing more powerful than a changed mind.. Whether you do it in one step or 12 twelve steps, you still change… When you get sick and tired, you completely change… There are some women in the church that use to be easy… Mack daddy would roll up on you and you would fall for it… But when you changed your mind!!!! There is nothing more powerful than a person with a changed mind… Tell your neighbor that you changed your mind… NOTHING IS AS POWERFUL AS A CHANGED MIND!!!!!! Donna, come here… Can I ask you a question… How much do you weigh? She replied: 112 pound.. I’m just a little shy… I’m about 3 times as bigger than her… So I say.. You will get up when I say… You will do what I do… I have the resources and I have the name.. He gives an illustration of he bullying her, but all of that changes when she changes her attitude.. I don’t care how little you are, there is nothing greater until you change your mind.. I changed my default settings… I’m not going to fall back into the person I was.. I changed my setting… I’m getting ready to change some defaults.. How many people are going to start changing so they can have a new normal.. That’s what repentance is:” A NEW NORMAL.  I am about to have a new normal.. I’m going to stop falling back in the same old default settings. If I have to go by myself, I will go because I am changing my default setting.. The only way to get off of welfare and higher your education is to change your default setting.. I dare you to go into your phone booth like Clark Kent, and come out changed… I will not let you abuse me.. I will not let you talk down to me because I have changed my settings… 

Let me tell you what’s better than emotions… It’s a decision… I dare you to make a decision.. If you make the decision, it might not have any emotions in it at all.. The Prodigal son was about to eat with the pigs until he came to himself… The pigs, the disgrace could not hold him…. Look at someone and say I changed my mind.. It’s my prerogative to change my mind!!!!! 

Once you change the default settings and you have a new normal.. There may be new moments and new occurrences where you find yourself typing in your old fonts, the devil will come along and say that you have not been changed… It’s not that you will not mess up and do what you use to do, it’s just that it’s not your normal… You will not go back to where you use to be.. Both the sheep and the pig can go back to their default.. The pig likes to be in their mess but the sheep knows it don’t’ belong in it.. The sheep will cry and yell because it knows it don’t’ belong in the mud… Once you change your default settings, life will make you worry something.. But Faith will drive you back.. Do you know that God has brought you too far to leave you… Faith did not bring you this far to leave you.. It’s not that…

The battle ground between right and wrong and derogatory is fighting for your settings… Whatever a man does, so is he.. If you don’t change your mind…. I used that illustration about the small woman, because when she changed her mind, her man could no longer hold her captive… Understand that about being able to read, ignorance.. There is nothing more powerful than a changed mind.. The devil does not mind if you come to church, if you preach, or shout all over the church.. THE DEVIL ONLY MINDS IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!!!! Culture change our defaults.. Our circumstances all around us.. Culture is nothing over CHRIST… Culture is nothing but things that have been implanted in you… Are you willing to change your mind, or will you be in prison in your mind because you don’t want to change.. Esau was unsuccessful because he was not willing to change his mind… I use to be the kind of person that you could treat me any kind of way… I use to laugh when they use to tickle me… So I decided that I was not going to be ticklish.. I decided I would not longer respond to the tickling with laughter, but I no longer responded the way I use to respond… At 55 years old, I am no longer ticklish because I used mind over matter… When I learned the principal; that when you make up your mind to change, you can change.. Esau died in mediocre see and died like a fool because he refused to changed.. You don’t have to be an alcoholic, or there is something in your life you don’t like, you have the power within your mind to change it… If you repent, the Lord said, I will open up a window of heaven and pour you out a blessing, or you will die because you refused to change your mind…

This is a game changer… The alter for us is the place where we change default settings and develop a new normal and break all systems and develop a change.. I know there are saints with sinners problems… I know people that are stuck in bad choices, but they really want to change… Something went off in their head, repent… metanoia. I change the way I think, I can change the way I live.. This type of change is only achievable where there is the conviction of the Holy Spirit.. It gives you the power to change… I don’t’ want anyone to come to the alter if you don’t plan on changing your setting.. I don’t care who you are.. I want you to change your setting… There is nothing more powerful as a changed mind… The only thing we care about is people that have been stuck… I will not die in the wilderness of my desperately.. There is nothing more powerful than a changed mind.. This is not about people, this is about your life.. .You are coming to to alter because you are about to change your default settings… You will not stay the same.. The enemy may come with the same old tickling sensation, but I will not respond the same.. God gave us free will… God wants you to be in agreement with him… The question is will though be made whole.. You can keep running to church until you run out of gas, but you will never change until you change your mind… At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and suddenly there was a noise and a shaking, and things changes… Some of it may be envious, jealously.. Whatever it is, you must change… Today I decide that I am going to change my settings.. Come right now… Don’t be no under cover agent and stay like you are.. You have to make a change.. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? I feel the anointing all around the alter.. The glory of the Lord is already moving.. The spirit of the living God is moving.. Devil, you should have killed me while you had the chance.. We make an announcement that we shall be restored.. I declare a brand new normal. A brand new attitude.. I break down every yoke and imagination… Loose God’s woman, Loose God’s man, Loose God’s child and let them go… Praise them with your new self.. Praise him with convicted self.. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.. .Give him your best praise!!!! You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.. Nobody can hold you in when you decide to GET UP!!!!! LISTEN, I will not glamorize this moment.. You will be challenged.. The enemy will not go away because you came to the alter.. They will get discouraged if you don’t’ act the way you use to act… When yo have a stronghold in your life, you will have to fight but you wont’s have to fight that hard because you have a new normal will be terrorized by that thing that messed up your life.. If you never get anything that I preached, you need to hear this again and again until all of your settings have leveled out… Then your situation will not be that difficult… Resist the enemy and he will flee!!!! I don’t know why I feel like this but this is a breakthrough Sunday!!! We’ve had greater services but this is a breakthrough service… Somebody got a breakthrough.. There is nothing as powerful as a change mind.. THERE IS NOTHING AS POWERFUL AS A CHANGED MIND!!!! THERE IS NOTHING AS POWERFUL AS A CHANGED MIND!!!! IF YOU JUST CHANGED YOUR MIND, GIVE GOD SOME PRAISE!!! ~ Bishop T.D. Jake’s Ministries

 Sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas… Notes are verbatim, uncut and unedited…Get the full sermon at The Potter’s House Store….

Go to the Potter’s house store and get you some good food for your soul!


Sermon Title: “Kick your kids to the curb” Dr. Jamal H. Bryant.. 9:30 a.m. Worship….

(Sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas  Notes are Verbatim, uncut and unedited….) 

Sermon Title: “Kick your kids to the curb”

    • The men are singing from their hearts… “How great is our God!!!!!” Name of above all names.. Let me hear you say GREAT!!!

    •  Scripture reading: Luke 2:41-51 King James Version (KJV)41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover.42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.

      44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.

      45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him.

      46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.

      47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

      48 And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.

      49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?

      50 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them.

      51 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.

  •  Sermon Title: “Kick your kids to the curb”

– For some of yawl, Madelyn Devin has wrote in her book how disconnection is making unhappy children.. This new group of adverse children and they are not from broken homes and have access to more than any other generation has the highest rate of substance abuse, bulimia, etc. than most children in the history. This sector of children come from a fluent home… Wealth does not translate to emotional health.. African america communities have less, but are raising more stable children… There was a girl that had deep seated anger, and she en-scrolled on her forearm “EMPTY” some parents cannot decipher or detect that their children have a problem.. They are engaged and polite and go to church.. In one area of their life that they are grounded, they are still children and don’t’ know themselves well.. They can become _____ and forget their sense of.. They become overly dependent on what they think to be beautiful.. At 10 years old, girls think that they are overweight… It’s not because a lack of activity because they are boring themselves… We have low home ability and high expectations in education… They can do school work but they cannot cook or make a military bed.. Don’t even know the 23rd psalms or the apostle creed.. You have pushed what you perceive as a priority and everything else becomes an accessory to crime… If you stress money, money will be their only goal… You will tell them to get a job but not tell them what will make an impact.. They don’t know who they are and where they are going… Sometimes you have to force your children to sit with their seniors… They will think they dropped out of know where and think they don’t have to persevere… I know my family tree, and I know my seniors.. We have more blacks in senior care in our history because we have disposed of the people in our history… We have mamma, big mamma and them that have paved the way for us… Then they have the nerve to have an attitude with you because you won’t buy them what they want… The girl that scribed “empty” on her arm have been micro managed and deprived the opportunity to find their sense of self… You have to understand your self worth an identity.. Our children don’t’ have it because we are expecting everything for them and not expecting anything from them… You need _________________________… You have to be satisfied in your own company.. .Have your child to sit down and read book and stretch their mind… Much is given, much is required… You do not grow until you have spent some time to yourself.. It’s not until you have some time out time when you can realize what is for me… In this season, I’m glad I did not have a whole lot of voices so I could see.. Anyone that have failed know what is like succeed… In failure, I have learned to do something better… Stop being their super woman.. Sometimes, you have to take your hands off of them… When your kids mess up, I dare you to go up to the school and get mad when you did not do your job at home.. Let him learn.. At a certain age you learn how to tie your shoe.. You tell everyone that you knew how to tie your shoe so they could stand for themselves… There are some things they need to do on their own.. If they keep living they will make some bad decisions, and date some bad people… It won’t kill them because it did not kill you… Your experience will help you.. As beautiful as they are, they will mess up!!!!! I want to say to you that you have not heard in the your entire parenting season.. You need to kick them to the curb… Drop them off in the rough, and cut them off… Here is the bad new… As children of God, sometimes cut us off because we have to figure out our own mess… If it had not been for the Lord on our side, where would I be… God has the power to rescue us.. Every now and then he has to allow us to seep in our own mess… Some of us have not got the message yet until we make better decisions and choose our circles wisely… When we get to Luke Chapter 2:41 – And the parents always went to worship…. They did not let their kids stay at home.. He said he is at the back door asking where is Lil ______…. Don’t give your kids the option not to worship God and go to games, etc… Worship is not negotiable.. Worship is not an option.. .If you are going to live in my house, no drug, no babies… As for me and my house, we gone serve the Lord.. .They went to church, and a lot like our present day parents, they got pre-occupied and lost their child at church.. They were so busy being deep and spiritual and forgot to have a conversation with their child.. If you are living like a demon Monday through Friday, and there is no consistency.. That is a problem.. You have to talk to your child and figure out who their friends are.. There are no secrets if I am paying the bills.. You have to go back to some traditional values.. As long as I am in the house, there are no doors shut where I pay the bills.. You better take off them locks off of your kids door.. You are going to sit in the living with your company and I”m gone sit with you… They lost their child while going to church.. A day passed and they did not know where he was.. The good thing is you are never lost in God.. Aren’t’ you glad you don’t have to put on a disguise when you come to God’s house… You can be angry and upset and come before God because he knows exactly where you are…

The child was missing and they did not even notice… How long can you go and realize that God is not in your company…. Sampson realized that the oil ws not even on him…. The bible and bracelet that says: What would Jesus do… .How long has it been since God has been in your company… How long can you go without God in your company? Here is the crazy thing.. They went to go find Jesus that they thought was amongst their family.. There are some family members you cannot leave your children with.. We have some crazy pedophiles in this world and you better be careful who you leave your children with… Ladies and gentleman, your children are not missing and you don’t have to sound an amber alert or put them on a milk carton, they are still there.. If you left them, they are still right there wearing a sign saying “Will you please parent me?” Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they get old, they will not depart.. Your job is not to be your kids friend… Some of yawl need to check your children.. A lot of them need to be grabbed in the collar.. The reverse psychology of a manipulative mother.. She left him and now projecting.. I am releasing you from family that have tried to make you feel like it was your fault.. Do not carry the banner for people that wont’ carry their own weight..

At 12, this was Jesus’s rights of surpass-age… This is where he finds his inner voice.. He asks the question, why are you looking for me? It was in that I was trying to find myself… Some family member did you a favor leaving you, they did you a favor… You found your call… Over overwhelming neglect, you found your call…. Due to neglect you found yourself… Let me take the weight off of some parents because you did too much… I know the plans for them… I knew the plan because I knew the plan for their life… If you be faithful over a few things, he will make you ruler over many…. Take your hands off of them because they don’t’ belong to you anyways, they belong to God!!!!

Dr. Jamal tells the story about him getting in trouble… He said his mother said to God, I’m giving him back to you God… He had to realize that the call was on his life… If you kick them to the curb, I will pull them up and pick them up…. After he left the temple, is when Jesus matured and began his ministry.. Your child will never develop if you try to live your dreams through them… Not my will, but thine will be done.. Lord I’ve done all I can do, and Lord you take it over from there… Nobody told me that the road would be easy, but I don’t believe that he brought me this far to leave me.. Give God permission to take over your children lives… If you praise me, the weight and responsibility it coming off of you….

Extend your hand to the closest child, Lord in the name of Jesus I pray for every child, teenager and adolescent.. I pray that you will bless their mistakes.. God don’t let it kill them but let it develop them.. I pray they don’t’ have to learn the lessons I had to go through.. I pray they have more success and become better than me… I pray that God covers my children and my grandchildren… .If there is a parent in the room that needed to hear that today… God, I’m giving them back to you.. I don’t care how old a child get, you still see them as your baby… God has given you supernatural ways….

I want to pray for parents that are frustrated and the children are driving you nuts… Frustrated parents, I want you to meet me at the alter…. “FRUSTRATED” I don’t know if you are frustrated about lack of choices, friends.. God is saying take your hands off of the situation.. Lord we are giving our children back to you… Scream their name!!! Lord I need you to bless that child… Lord I don’t need you to kill them but get their undivided attention…. Lord I need you handle it in Jesus name…

I have one more group.. I want to pray for and talk to children that are angry and don’t’ feel right.. Children that just can’t get a break and feel like they are being nagged… It’s not that you don’t have stuff.. Parents do not push your child, let them come on their own… I need you guys to celebrate… I don’t want us in this setting to trivialize children’s pain… This is not the reflection of a child that is spoiled.. It’s the refection of a child’s ___ or your parenting but a lack of esteem… I pray even while I am speaking that God add a sign and you feel the presence of God with you.. I pray that you will not break and God will help you.. Over 270 children have been tested positive for STD’s… Ask by the clinician what happen.. The answer.. Everybody is doing it… They felt wrong if they were not doing what everybody else was doing.. I pray that our children do not be confused by their sexual identity… We believe by faith that great things are gong to happen to you… Give your Kids to God, not throw them into the world. #Amen ~ Pastor Jamal Bryant –

(***Sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas – Verbatim, Uncut, Unedited.. For study purposes and your enlightenment on what thus says the Lord….

Empowerment Temple

Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant
4217-4221 Primrose Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215

Dr. Jamal-Harrison BryantEmpowerment Temple empowers the world educationally, politically, economically, spiritually, and culturally. Because we are believers as well as doers of the Word, after completeion of new members class, each member of Empowerment Temple is required to become an active member of one of many Empowering Ministries INSIDE THE TEMPLE to help empower others outside the walls of the Church.

Sermon Title “I was thinking the same thing” Pastor Jamal H. Bryant

Sermon Title “I was thinking the same thing” 

  • Song selection: “Come on and bless the Lord with me!!!!” Sang Men!!!!! #alright now!!!!

  •  Scripture Reading: Mark 2:1-5 King James Version (KJV): ” And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house.

    And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto them.

    And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

    And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay.

    When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”

Sermon Title “I was thinking the same thing” Pastor Jamal H. Bryant Empowerment Temple 7:30 A.M. Worship Experience.. 8/26/2012

I was thinking the same thing… Say to your neighbor, ” I was thinking the same exact thing…” Larry, the co founder of Oracle says when your beliefs are different than what everybody else believe is exuberant and make yourself open to attack… Disney world has a paid staff that carry the title Imagineers.. Their jobs is just to think to come up with ideas.. Being paid to think outside the box.. Being compensated to think outside the box.. God has the capacity to bless even your imagination… Po is a word that generate movement while expecting word about the movement… It’s to destabilize the mind.. He confuses the mind by confusing the muscles because they are not traveling the normal route.. There has to be something in our head to make you think different…Martin Luther King says taking the first step is the beginning… Provocation themselves are always unreasonable… If you think easy, it can be achieved.. There are ideals that have never been tried or unheard of.. .Provocation operation goes outside of the bounds and safety… It has to be from safe thinking and impossible thinking… When God gives you it, it should cause your nerves to become so jittery and make you reevaluate your faith… The red cross is flustered because they have been trying to immobilize the transition from Hurricane Issac.. Why are you staying in this place when we have been telling you that the storm is coming… If we have lived through an earthquake, we can live through a storm… When a little rain comes, you can withstand.. They don’t understand how you keep your calm… I’ve lived through some worse things then this… If I have survived some storms it changes the way you think about some situations… People’s opinions don’t understand… I can laugh when people don’t understand.. .My thinking is different than what it use to be… Dr. Frank Ziggleer said most people have self limiting disorder where it is the self and it is the disease… Greckon influence was not written in english, it was written in the Greek.. Heart and mind is not in the new testament.. It is written as imagination… It says: You should love the Lord with all of heart, soul and mind… Then in the new testament, it says I should love him with my heart soul and with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself God is blessing your imagination.. I don’t have no people that are thinking out-landing adn unnerving.. I Peter Chapter 1 verse 3 Therefore gurd up the loins of of your mind… You have to protect your imagination… What is in your mind is about to produce something.. You have fresh ideas in the mind of people that don’t know how to think… Since I have impregnated your imagination, I have to guard off people who don’t understand your imagingation…God says I change the way you dream, but I dream about innovation, concepts, etc… People don’t understand my imagination because I think higher… The enemy want to through off your focus so you won’t have time to dream… I’m getting the enemy off of your mind so you can dream and think at another level… Your imagination is fertile ground… Mark 1: Jesus does a provacative operation… Watch what Jesus does… It’s going to mess up the apprach to demonic warfare.. He is exercising a demon and he does not lay hands.. He does not ask for a vial of oil or ask it to lift up it’s hands.. He just says shut up… You can expose demons because they talk to much.. Sometimes you have to get people to stop talking and start thinking about what you are saying.. All you need to say is stop talking negative about my family… Just tell them demons to SHUT UP!!!! Can you imagine how the church would be different if we were not hovering over people and throwing sheets on people.. God has never told you to put no sheet on anyone… Speak those things as though they were… Provacative operation is absolutely mind blowing.. He heals the people weather they are sick in the mind or body… He heals the city by not allowing demons to speak.. You have a lot of demons in pulpits that are contaminating people with eroneous doctrines adn they are bringing a curse to the city.. Provacative thinking can from being under the same person too long.. If I could just get the demons to shut up and get the real saint to stand up and demons shut up… When you open up your voice, demons will have to shut up… In Mark Chapter1, something very crazy and unseamingly happens… He says: Lets go somewhere else where I can preach.. He has just saved the entire city, but he wanted to go somewhere else… God wants to move you into in area where you have never been before.. The anointing is not in the place but it’s in the person-hood… Wherever I am, I’m in success… Even if I loose this job and house, I will get better because the anointing is on me… We have the Levitical law where you should not sit in a chair where leopards have sat because the disease can get on you… Jesus said I’m going to do what they said I should not do… When you are anoininted, you are anointed to break traditional rules… They told you not to love the people, and don’t get to close to them because they have not been touched.. .If I can’t get touched in churrch, I don’t want to go home and die in loneliness… How can folks go to church and be scared of being touched… The fiery moment is when you touch somebody broken… SOmetimes when you just hold somebody’s hand… Just let someone know that I am going to stand with you until my change comes… Mark Chapter 2, Jesus finally went home, but his ministry had just started and the word had already gone out what happen in Jezbel… The place they put God in was too small because they did not understand the reach of his impact… I wonder how many of you have put God in place that is too small.. You don’t know what God is capable of… They put him in a small place and a record number of people showed up… The correct thing to do is to wait for JEsus to come out.. .Follow appropriate protocol just like the woman with the issue of blood and follow you way through the crowd… It was something different about these 4 people, they could not wait for the benedication…. They went to the roof and broke it down hoping that their friend be healed.. Can you consider that these are 4 grown men that is carrying a 5th man…. The average Palestinian is around 5 feet tall… The roof could have crashed by the weight with all of them on it because they were not scared of falling… If I perish, let me perish because I tried to make it to the top.. In 12 years of Pastoring you I want to give you a quote: There is no limit for what man can do if he does not mind who will get the c redit… ~ President Ronald Regan… God is getting ready to confirm some stuff… You know you are flowing with the right group that their thinking is as outlandish as you think… If you have people that can’t think outside the box, then get rid of them…. I wonder how the body of Christ wlll resttle with the next level of provacative thinking.. The next great ideal that comes to you will not be for you.. It’s going to bless someone else so they can help somebody else… They wanted to see someone else walk again…God is getting ready to break the spirit of selflessness… He is geting ready to help you be a blessing ot somenoe else.. Everytime someone encounteres the master, it’s one on one faith… When the roof breaks open, he is not speaking to the man on the map, but he is speaking to the man that’s on the floor.. Can you imagine this week that God is getting ready to do something for my friend… I need you to give God glory that God will give my friend an idea that will help them find a job… Hallelujah… I need you to lift up your hands right where you are… Your next ideal won’t even be for your goal, but it will give someone you know the help to give them the push that they need… ON this roof, they say to themselves, I’m not going to fall!!! They are on the roof, but they say I’m not going to break and it’s not going to fail… I want to speak over your life the same spirit as the men that were on the roof.. You will not fail, break or fall down.. God has given you too much to loose yourself in this season… Whatever is provocative is doable… Believe that God is going to bless you and bless your neighbors ideals… Whatever my neighbor has been thinking about and dreaming about, I want you to bless their idea.. You are an anointed aimagineer.. God is getting ready to anoint your idea.. Your ideas is going to change your economy.. I want you to believe that God is going to do something by faith for my incredible ideal.. This is no run of the mill skeem… The only way you know its going to move forward is if God line you up with the right kind of people… God in this season, God is going to send to you 4 people to help you carry your ideal so you don’t have to do this by yourself… Believe that God is going to move your ideal to the roof….

The greatest ideal God ever came up with was SALVATION.. It’s better than the air you breathe… Let me know who is thankful for salvation and grace? Thank God for radical ideas!!!! Give God some praise for the provocative thoughts that are on your mind! ~. Pastor Jamal Bryant – You have to be careful who you give authority too.. You are assassinating your position when you are not participating” Dr. Jamal H. Bryant…

( Uncut, Unedited sermon notes taken by: Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas) for your encouragement and study.. # Give him the glory!!!!!

“Thirsting for God” Psalms 42:1-5

Greetings to all of our WIFI subscribers, visitors, family and friends…   On today I just wanted to leave a few thoughts with you below… I pray you are blessed by them..  Please feel free to comment, and subscribe to our Facebook page at:

Minister Ev’s Thought of the day:  Sometimes in life, we have to become hungry after the things that means the most to us.. of God… I seek after GOD with everything that is within me and with everything that I have, knowing that my very life is dependent upon God and God alone… ` Min. Ev

Language Medley ( As the deer)








 Donnie McClurkin – Jesus Medley + Reprise

Donnie Mcclurkin “Church Medley”


Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas  D&T://08/25/2012