Tag Archives: go to church!

Get up and go to church!

šŸŽ¼I give God all the glory on this “Sensational, Thankful Thriving Sunday!” You’re a good-good Father, and you are perfect in all of your ways! šŸŽ¼Keep doing good and serving the true living God. It PAYS to live right, and serve the Lord. He is a rewarder to those that diligently seek him. He is perfect in all of his ways and he is worthy to be praised and glorified. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! –

Evelyn Diane /

Send your prayer requests to: http:/wifiministries.org/prayer-requests/Sending up a special prayer for a very dear young man name James who is 14-years-old. He is in critical condition in the hospital in Long Beach, CA and we are standing in the gap believing God for his divine healing. Also we pray for his Mom, and his entire family as they all stand in the need of all of our prayers here at WIFI Ministries, and the prayers of the righteous all around the world. Please, in your prayer time, say a prayer for James and please continue to keep his mom and family in our deepest thoughts and prayers for strength and comfort.

Meet the Author and the Publisher of this blog: ~ Evelyn Diane ~

D&T; edt/1/7/2018