Tag Archives: knowing we can do nothing apart from you. With you as our support and our Leader

WTAL – 52 Days of Pecking Orders – Day 52 by Bishop T.D. Jakes

Greetings to all of our World In Focus International (WIFI Ministries) Subscribers,  Family, Friend’s and Visitors… We would personally like to thank you all for taking this 52 day journey along with us.  I don’t know about you, but we have been blessed, highly favored and successful as we pecked our way out into freedom and have exposed ourselves to new ideas and concepts that will stick with us for a lifetime.  As I said on yesterday, “I’m so glad that we made it!!”  This truly has been a wonderful, life changing experience… It feels good to know that these orders were given to each of us to apply to our lives for the better…

I personally want to take the time to say “Thank You” to WTAL 2012 Bishop T.D. Jakes for this experience.  We will never be the same!

Finally, I have enclosed day  52 of Pecking orders to  apply to our lives directly from Bishop T.D. Jakes.. We are reviewing each order, applying them all , and moving forward in Jesus…

Thanks Again from the bottom of our hearts!!!!

Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas, WIFI Ministries


T.D. Jakes Ministries

WTAL – 52 Days of Pecking Orders – Day 52

We’ve reached the final day of The 52 Days of Pecking Orders, but don’t stop! Don’t turn back! Your POSITION has changed! You’ve been EXPOSED to things you’ve never seen! You’re more COURAGEOUS than you’ve ever been! You have new KNOWLEDGE to help in the days ahead! Now that you have all this, this is not the time to kick up your feet and relax. Go forth and possess all that God has for you. Fulfill His purpose for your life and watch Him take you to an even greater level!
And, I want to hear from you! Post your experiences below, and let me know how your life has changed during these 52 days!

Now, let’s end these 52 days in prayer…

Lord, we thank you for what you’ve done during these 52 days, and we ask you to continue guiding us to greater heights in you. Use us to accomplish your will in the earth. We ask that you continue speaking to our hearts as we go further, knowing we can do nothing apart from you. With you as our support and our Leader, we will keep carrying out our PECKING ORDERS!

In Your Name we pray,

 T.D. Jakes Ministries


We just want to take the time to congratulate all the chicks
that stuck it out the entire 52 days!!!!   Congratulations!!!

“I’m So Glad I made it!!”

In the lyrics of Pastor Marvin Sapp – My Testimony


Posted by:  Minister Evelyn Diane Thomas D&T:  11/28/2012

Cited:  Pecking orders are directly From: Bishop T.D. Jakes 11/28/2012
& Video from: Pastor Marvin Sapp