Tag Archives: stay focused

Hello #2018

◄ Proverbs 16:3 ► ‘;Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Hello #2018~

We would like to take some time to wish all of our family, friends, subscribers, and visitors a Happy New Year!  We pray that this year will be a year of good health, prosperity, love, peace, joy, and happiness for you and your entire family!

We made it, and we are so excited that you did too! God has great and wonderful blessings in store for you! Keep your eyes on the prize and continue to pray, trust and believe that the loving God that we serve never fails and will come through!

 Now, let’s set some goals if you haven’t already. It’s good to have a plan as we journey through life. Plan your future and set realistic goals that are attainable. It’s important that we start with our physical and mental health which is the first step to wealth and happiness.  It’s a fact that if you feel good, you are more apt to do good! Our job is to help you succeed, and we can continue to pray your strength in the Lord that everything you want comes to pass.  We believe at World In Focus International that  you must STAY CONNECTED TO GOD and your world will come into focus! Also, we must do as our key scripture has instructed above:  “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed!” ~ Proverbs 6:3
Much love to each of you and we pray that #2018 will be a prosperous year of success and blessings!!!
~ Evelyn Diane
◄ Proverbs 3:1 ► “My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments.”
◄ Proverbs 6:3 ► “Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, when thou art come into the hand of thy friend; go, humble thyself, and make sure thy friend.”


Church Medley: I’m a Soldier in the Army of the Lord/Jesus on the Main Line/I Get Joy When I…

Cited: We do not own the rights to this song or video  “Church Medley” The music video is being used for spiritual and inspirational purposes only.



Please continue to partner with our online outreach ministry so we do the work of the Lord locally and abroad. We thank you in advance for your small or generous donation. #blessings!

D&T: edt/1/1/2018


HELLO #2018